Hi guys,
i am considering circumcision since 8 years now and i am 36 years old.
My problem is fear of course. Mostly, the fear of how it will change my sexuality.
The foreskin of my penis since when i was born was bothering me since it caused me a lot of itch even thought i was taking care of it a lot.
At one point of my life, when i was 24, i began to find methods to keep my foreskin pulled back and i found out the the itches decreased to 0. My foreskin keratinised completely and i was happy with this momentary solution.
However the methods i use are too "inconvenient" for me because it takes me time to make them to keep my foreskin back. For those who know these methods i use the "spoon" method.
At this point i also want to mention my sexual life when i have partners. I mostly have a premature ejaculation there's no way for me to control. I see there is no method for me to resist.
So the reasons i am considering circumcision are:
1) to decrease my itches to 0 and not have to use any methods i mentioned, since i like the feel of having my head out
2) maybe have a better chance in my sexuality life
The first reason i am considering is is the 1) of course. Because i know i am tired of it for all these years.
For the 2) is a another hope in maybe if sexuality will be better.
At this point i want to talk about my fear. I fear of how much my masturbation life will change and all this.
Has anyone of yoy been in the same situation? What do you suggest?