Can we go alone for circumcision surgery or it is mandatory to go with someone for surgery.
On the day of Circumcision surgery - Men's Health Foru...
On the day of Circumcision surgery

It is not mandatory to take some one with you. I myself went alone driving my own car and went back home soon after my surgery driving back home. But as a preference, it would have been nice I had a company to look after my stuff while I was in Operation theater. But going alone should not stop u to get it done
If procedure is done under Local Anaesthesia, You can go alone. I drove to and from the procedure. Just make sure you return home by the time your local anaesthesia wares off (your doc will advise the exact time, its usually within 2 hours or so). After that time period once it wares off there would be a slight uncomfortable burning sensation which was in my case not too bad but it lasts for 2-3 hours. All the best and take care
I too went alone, driving myself 120 miles, to Luton and then back after the operation. But like smeesara, I would recommend taking a friend to drive you home.
If you have only a local anaesthetic then you can go alone to the clinic/hospital for your circumcision (although it is often nice to have a companion with you whilst it is being done).
However, if you have a general anaesthetic or sedation you MUST have somebody to accompany you home and stay with you for 24 hours whilst the anaesthetic/sedation wears off and you are safe to leave alone. Of course, if you are kept in the hospital overnight after the surgery then you can usually go home alone as the drugs will have worn off before the discharge you. A general anaesthetic or significant sedation affects all parts of your body including your heart, lungs and brain - so you cannot make rational decisions whilst still under the influence.