Had my circumcision back in April and healed well, but still have problems with the skin tearing when attempting any sexual activity. Anyone had similar problems
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New guy looking for post circumcision advice.
That doesn’t seem right to me. Does your surgeon know about this? Are you using enough lube?
Definitely using lube which helps. Sometimes don't notice the tears till afterwards. Haven't bothered my surgeon, was hoping the skin would toughen up with use

Is it a tear on the incision scar or just abrasion due to rough/excessive use ?
Yes it splits where I was cut

You can’t be expected to carry on like this. I’d push for another surgical review.
Might do that thanks but I think the problem is that my skin has lost its elasticity and by what I've read it could take some time to come back. In the meantime I ll just be careful for a while longer and see how it goes
Skin elasticity is not likely to come back. It is an issue of age.
Thanks for that. I'll just keep slathering on the lube
If that has not worked so far I cannot understand how you expect it to work in the future. You leave yourself open to infection.
Thanks I'll have a chat with my consultant
Can you elaborate on what kind of sexual activities. Also are you using any lubrication etc
Using lube which helps. Talking about intercourse or masturbation both cause problems most of the time

Glad you are using lube. Maybe try intercourse with a condom to protect the delicate areas?
Did try with a condom and it does help but they're not my favourite things. think I just need to be a bit more careful when I masturbate. Hopefully it lwill still settle down in time
I would recommend that you seek the advice of your GP
Did they take enough skin? If there's too much skin there's a chance it could tear like that. There's a risk of HIV and infection if wound is left open.
No everything has healed up nicely thanks and looks ok compared to pics on BAUS website. It's just seems prone to splitting
II know my doc always said I could come back in if needed for anything. Mine had healed but have had pain where cut was made. It's been 6 years now. My think it's nerve endings. She's never had a case like mine where the pain never goes away.
That's a long time to have pain, does sound like the nerve ends. Luckily I'm not in same situation. No pain just the skin splitting and heals in a day or so.
Just curious... Are you talking skin splitting like dry skin splitting? I.had that before they took my foreskin it had done the alot. When I went to my dermotolgist she didn't recommend it bro g taken off. She said she could get the fs to heal without takeng it. But urology insisted it come off. My derm was a skin lover and hated seeing scars and/or removal of any skin. She is in her 50's and has beautiful skin. So I think she would be gotten to bottom of my condition.
No not dry. I keep it clean and just use a little E45 cream as recommended. Mind you I used to have sensitive skin down there when I was younger, easy to tear, but then it came ok with prolonged use. So maybe it's just me
Try bio oil daily for a week and see if it gives you skin more flexibility. I use it to masterbate and it feels good. Use a slo hand and enjoy the sensation. No need for roughness even with its lack of sensation after cut.
Thanks. I did use for a while but maybe stopped too soon. Haven't used it for masturbation will have to give it a go
Wound opening in any way is not good seek proper medical advice. Meanwhile plenty of lube with masturbation is essential. Bio oil may help the scar tissue then perhaps something like cocoa butter
Thanks. Using lube but might try bio oil. Also trying coconut oil at night for moisturising
Bio oil is not an alternative for lube. Bio oil is used to fade scars.