Hi guys, i was circumcised 4 days ago. I have swellinh on my shaft, right beside stiches. I have read that swelling is normal on glans, but what about on shaft?
Swelling after circumcision - Men's Health Foru...
Swelling after circumcision

Actually, there is very little swelling of the glans; it is the shaft that swells, particularly the former inner mucosal layer of foreskin when one has a 'high' cut.
A lot of swelling is to be expected during the first two weeks. It tends to start slowly reducing thereafter, especially once all the stitches are out.
Remember that healing is not a point in time but a journey of 6-8 weeks duration.
Thank you man, i didnt know about that at all. So, i just need to be paitient i guess.
You certainly do. Also keep in mind that the amount and length of time of swelling is personal. Some guys recover fairly quickly but others have swelling fir much longer.
Today I’m at the 10 dayThose 3 last days the swelling has start to go away
Not completely but it’s better
Give it time to heal