I was circumscized about two months ago and it seems to have healed well but when does the sensitivity completely stop on the head and does my skin grow back over the head of the penis like as if I was circumscized as a baby ??
Circumscion : I was circumscized about... - Men's Health Foru...

Sorry, but I didn't quite understand your last sentence.
Circumcision removes your foreskin (or at least much of it) and it cannot grow back. However, it may be possible to stretch the remaining foreskin to creat a faux skin, which will not look nor behave like an original foreskin.
If the foreskin is able to re-cover the glans, even partially, you will lose most of the health benefits for which the circumcision was done.
Your glans is overly sensitive to ordinary, everyday touch precisely because it has never been exposed to it prior to circumcision. Only by allowing the glans to come regularly (daily) into contact with clothing, your hand, a wash-cloth, etc will your brain be able to learn to 'tune out' this everyday touch as it does for the rest of your skin.