How is best way to decrease the sensitivity on gland after circumcision? Can any one help me?
Sensitivity after circumcision - Men's Health Foru...
Sensitivity after circumcision

Im on day 5 post op, and honestly I dont recommend wrapping so much, just bite the bullet with some confortable underwear. I also dont recommend vaseline, I found that to make me more sensitive but it gets tolerable in a few days
Im on day 5 aswell. But everything touches it. Its really hard.
20 days behind me and it is still sensitive, not so much like the first few day, but still feeling discomfort (it doesn't hurt when i touch it, just discomfort). Don't worry, the sensitivity si going to decrease in the next 1-2 weeks.
Salt water will definitely help with wound healing I was naked from the waist down at home for weeks to let air help healing and then wore light cotton boxer shorts everyone heals differently and if you have not exposed your glands alot then it will take longer for it to become desensitized