Hey i just turned 17 and ive had these purple veins on my penis for a while. I have had relationships that i have ended just because i was too anxious about the veins. They have slowly gotten worse other the years and i have had anxiety now for about 6years due to it. Can any1 tell me if this is normal also is there anyway to make them less visable thanks
Purple veins on penis-Ugly: Hey i just... - Men's Health Foru...
Purple veins on penis-Ugly

And when you have an erection, does you look like this, or is it bigger?
That side look the same but i get more purple veins on the top of my penis towards the head part of the foreskin
Yes, its shape is strange, and it is common for most men to have a huge vein in the upper part of the penis, and it will be greenish.
You should consult a doctor as soon as possible
On the photo i have turned my penis slightly and stretched the skin a lil so yous could see better u think its a problem? I do want to go to the doctors but im quite nervous to
Do not worry, consult a doctor to make sure you are only healthy
If you perform your sexual functions naturally, as there is no pain or something, it is normal and does not require all this stress.
Thanks bro i appreciate it i dont know how much health knowledge u know and this may be something for me to ask my doctor but sometimes when im lying on a side of my chest i get a pain do u think they could be related?
If you mean to lie on your chest while you are erect
We all feel pain because you press your penis
As for another matter, I did not understand you well.
Hi there, It looks like you are pale Caucasian male like me. It's quite normal those veins near the surface are visible that way. I have similar, too. There is nothing wrong with you.
Yea im Pale caucasian. Do urs look as bad as mine tho i feel i have too many like this im quite concerned
I think it depends on what a person find bad-looking veins. Mine are similar than on this post: healthunlocked.com/mensheal...
They are part of my penis and I'm not concerned them as long as they are not painfull.
Hi flame365 I have them they are normal if you have no pain or discomort you have nothing to worry about but if you are in any doubt go see the doc you do not after worry about going dont be embarrassed they see these problems everyday its normal to them they are very helpful and professional take care and keep safe

Thanks man i appreciate it. Its nice knowing theres other with the same concerns/thoughts i experience no pain and my penis works like it should it means alot to have you all say uplifting comments
Honestly, I think all penises have this, but vein size and location is based on your genetics. For instance, I am Indian and naturally Indians have thinner blood veins than other ethnicities, thus the high cardiac issues. Also, the paler your skin is, the more visible the veins are. There is also a genetic feature where your veins can be closer or farther from your skin.
Some women have more visible veins on their boobs and legs. It may gross some people out, but honestly as I've gotten older, I don't really judge on that. If it's painful for them, that is what I am more concerned about.