Somebody please help! This has shown up on top of my penile shaft, a purple vein/bulging blood vessel.
Purple dot/vein/vessel on penis! Plea... - Men's Health Foru...
Purple dot/vein/vessel on penis! Please help someone!

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What is the point? Is it bleeding sometimes? hurt? Did it appear recently or you just noticed it?
It literally appeared yesterday! Thank you for your reply I do appreciate it! Any ideas?
You need to go to a doctor. You may not have exactly what other guys have had. This forum cannot diagnose what that is and you should always get these things confirmed rather than someone guessing from a photograph.

It’s for reassurance while there is no doctors appointments to put my mind at ease for the time being but thanks for the reply anyhow.
Which country are you in?

If that is the case all GPs are seeing patients at this time. Without a diagnosis it is going to be difficult to put your mind at rest.
i didnt have that aswell but it appeared from nowhere 4 years ago and I went to the doctor and they said its normal. Since then I have the same as you in the same exact place. it will not disappear but maybe become less visible
Try not to worry about it. For many years I have had 2 veins in just the same location on my uncircumcised penis, and they have never given me any trouble. They are most prominent when I am very erect, or if I pull my glans downwards. I think they are veins which take blood out of the glans.
Having said that, since yours have appeared almost overnight, I do think that you should consult a doctor, in order to get a medical opinion.
Good luck!
Many guys have noticeable veins on their penis, but they’ve had them for years and that’s normal. Inasmuch as yours just appeared, you should have your doctor check it out. You might have a vascular problem.
I also have the same dot on my penis doesnt hurt me or bother me
i have the same dot there and it’s also never bothered me. i wouldn’t worry too much about it
I have same blue spot but under the skin think its normal doesn't hurt