Its day 15 post op. Whenever the tip of my penis touches anything it feels pain. And it looks abit swollen. Is it a serious problem?
Pain at penis tip after circumcision - Men's Health Foru...
Pain at penis tip after circumcision

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Hard to say but your meatus does seemed pretty inflammed to me . Best get it checked once by your surgeon . You might need a dressing and ointment/meds.
It might be from rubbing and irritation. Try wearing tight fitting u drew ear like briefs or a jock strap. It can help to rub some bacatracin on the head

Ok. Will try if it works. Thanks.
Has the sensitivity reduced over the last two weeks? I had my circumcision 6 days ago and the sensitivity is killing me. I know that only 6 days passed but its sooo annoying
Hi, im almost into week 5 now im the sensitivity had reduced alot. I have no problem wearing my underwear just that my glans will have some discomfort. The sensitivity will reduce overtime. Dont worry.
I know that everything will be fine, but you know how it is to feel that type of discomfort. Did you put your penis outside the comfort zone or did the sensitivity reduce by itself? I am asking you that because I had problem with severe phimosis so the glans of my penis was never exposed.
Hi Marcuu he does look a bit sore but its normal I had this problem and put vasalene on every day 3/ 4times a day for 4 week take care

my urologist also told me that its normal. Im putting aloe vera gel everyday. Have u recover from it? How long did it take?