Will my scar heal any better? Had this circ done 3 months ago also slight burried penis when i sit down
Circumcised: Will my scar heal any... - Men's Health Foru...
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I believe that you'll lengthen out to your natural size over time. The tight skin should stretch and smoothen out which will give you the appearence I *believe* you're looking for. Cheers
I hope so thanks for the reply
Time is likely to be your healer. While your updates are appreciated, there is no need to keep posting pics. Take care.
Your probably right but its easier to explain with a pic aint it but i will keep the pics to a minimum
I agree wholeheartedly, pictures say 1000 words.!!!
Pics are helpful as people maybe going through the same thing and may not know it if a written explanation is done. I have found them reassuring that I am healing correctly or if something does not look correct people say what they did to fix
Exactly and also a guy did post a pic a few days ago asking the question is my dick big enough basically how is that a medical issue?
I got circumcised a month ago I still have some swelling, it reassuring to see that the swelling goes down with time. Dr don't tell you these things or show the progression
Tbh docors dont seem to tell you anything mine never mentioned a particular cut or style or anything about the fremulen so its a guessing game
Also when i walk stil i can feel the tip stil hitting the side of the innner thigh and the scar line giving me grief its been 3 months since the op its annoying me to hell i know i cannot go back but wish i could some days when will become normal?

It's really strange. Usually doctors are supposed to explain the surgery and what it entails but for a circumcision they don't tell you anything. Honestly, I think the urologist doesn't know themselves. They are taught only how to remove the foreskin not it's function and what effect removing it can have on one's sex life. Why did you have it done?
You should file a complaint if you're not happy with the outcome or how they handled the procedure.
For phimosis tightness of the foreskin
Penis frenulum had to be removed at penis's_(1st) cut.!!!
Lad live life no regrets yer perfect dick plenty and bulky for yer mind ease and buried not the problem that's simple dick behaviour especially as you will probably be a grower when erect which is the only thing to concern u good clean result plenty to show off and when that helmet is fully on show yer knob will have and give plenty of fun Enjoy
# I'm pretty much the same and was after cut
I have a little hole in the scar just like you
I think it looks GREAT! Nicely exposed glans. Your surgeon did an EXCELLENT job of removing your foreskin.
i dont see your problem? look at my post its worse
I think your penis is very and it looks cool
Your will looks very nice they did a good job
Thank you much appreciated it does look better fully erect but in getting used to it now