6 months since circumcision - Men's Health Foru...

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6 months since circumcision

58 Replies

Just a quick update. How’s everyone finding the experience since having the chop. I’m loving my results.

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58 Replies
Rocksteady3000 profile image

Looks good. Just hitting three months now. Scars still tingly. but My sex life is way better now.

in reply to Rocksteady3000

Totally agree with you on that one

in reply to Rocksteady3000

Can you explain how it is better? For you and her (lady?) or mainly on your part?

Considering the chop and I'm finding these forums rather helpful to get insight to the process.

Rocksteady3000 profile image
Rocksteady3000 in reply to

For me, it’s easier to maintain and my glan is now free to expand and swell for a good time. I’m a lot bigger now. Couldn’t roll back before cause it was too tight and would hurt. Plus had a bad fungal infection once. These forums told me the other side of circ. That I could get through it and then I was like, it’s a done deal.

Rocksteady3000 profile image
Rocksteady3000 in reply to

It’s better for me and my wife. It’s both new for me and her too. Feels different and way better. So all my sex leading up to the circ was still with foreskin covering. Now uncovered it’s a great sensation.

in reply to Rocksteady3000

Thanks for the insight. For me I am retractable so in this regard, healthy. However as you note it's the getting through process which, seems a bit of a mixed bag based on what I have read here. My number one reason is hygiene and secondary is factoring in the potentially positive consequence.

I guess I'm just concerned with the healing process and wanting not to accidently crack erections too many times lol.

Appreciate the insight all the same.

Rocksteady3000 profile image
Rocksteady3000 in reply to

I took recovery really slow and serious. No problem with stitches and healing good now

Rocksteady3000 profile image
Rocksteady3000 in reply to Rocksteady3000

I’m not worried about hygiene at all anymore not like I was when I had a foreskin. My doc said there could be complications with it the older I got.

gavelmaster profile image
gavelmaster in reply to

If you are retractable and healthy then why do you have a problem with hygiene? I don’t understand.

in reply to gavelmaster

Fair comment.

It's more I need to keep on top of hygiene rather than having any infections. Sharing an office toilet, sometimes it seems more apparent of the state of things if it's a bit more well, fishy.

Also people have varied standards of hygiene and some I know shower twice daily. For me, it's a growing preference as I was considering having it done about 11 years ago before I was married. 3 kids down and I'm sorta revisiting the whole thing.

So not health related in any way.

gavelmaster profile image
gavelmaster in reply to

A healthy retractable foreskin should not have unusually pungent or off-putting smells if you shower daily and rinse under the foreskin. If you do have such a problem then you should consult with your physician for possible treatment or to recommend a change to your hygiene practices.

Washing with a harsh soap under the foreskin can upset the normal balance of things and actually cause problems. The glans and inner foreskin are internal mucosal tissue not just regular external skin. You wouldn’t wash the inside of your mouth with harsh soap, would you? Or recommend that a woman do so inside her sensitive internal mucosal tissue..

CuriousQ profile image
CuriousQ in reply to

Wouldn't a cut penis be dirtier as it's exposed to your urine that will drip in your underwear regardless of how well you shake after taking a leak? Also, how can a foreskin be seen as dirty and smelly but vaginas not?

in reply to CuriousQ

I understand vaginas to be self cleaning, compared to a penis/ foreskin, which are not.

UncutBoy profile image

Looks good mate 👍

UncutBoy profile image
UncutBoy in reply to UncutBoy

Rock solid an all fella!

dronist profile image

Great decision. Better for me and her. And yes the glans gets much bigger.

Tedboyg profile image

Nice tidy magic wand bet been casting a few bubbly milky spells lol good result Lad enjoy and any women that has the pleasure or whoever's yours but good clean results 👍

in reply to Tedboyg

Can’t enjoy just yet. But planning to

gavelmaster profile image

If your foreskin is too tight when fully erect then you could consult with your physician and ask if steroid cream and stretching exercises would help. Since you don’t seem to have major issues with it then perhaps one of the over-the-counter treatments would be sufficient to make you more comfortable. Phimocure Is one such system consisting of progressively larger rings that stretch the foreskin opening over several months.

Unsure on doctor. Style I'm leaning towards high and medium tightness. I dont like the idea of too tight or too lose. In tact frenulm as much as possible as it's part of the overall design of sensitivity.

Won't rush into anything. Still forming an opinion on it all. Wife is unconvinced for the need and i do respect this. In fact without her blessing, it's not happening.

Nigel5975 profile image
Nigel5975 in reply to

That is the style that I got back in November and I love my outcome. I flew from NY to Atlanta to see DR Cornell at circumcisioncenter.com

He is the best and focuses on cosmetic outcome and meeting your needs and wishes.

It can get a bit itchy i suppose. Mainly after sexual activity and whether with the weather and exercise the mix is either kept well or not (hygeine).

I generally shower before bed and not mornings. Noted by gavelmaster a change in regime may make things better.

I had some inner skin issues years back but with topical ointment it seemed to sort.

Inflammation and itchiness that came with.

gavelmaster profile image

Itchiness and inflammation of the foreskin is not a normal condition. You shouldn’t just try to live with it. You have a medical condition for a doctor to treat. Until it is under control there is a good chance that stretching will further irritate and aggravate it. However, patience is key. It may take time so follow your doctor’s instructions to the letter. You can try stretching again when your irritation is cured. Strong soaps can cause irritation of the sensitive inner foreskin and glans. Usually all that is required is rinsing with clear water, not soap.

gavelmaster profile image

If a man told me he was “quite meticulous” in washing his hands but his chief complaint was red irritated, chapped, or bleeding hands, I would hone in on his use of the word “meticulous” and query him further about his hygiene practices in regard to hand washing.

There is such a thing as overdoing it. The glans and inner foreskin are internal mucosal tissues and are rather thin and fragile when it comes to rough handling, harsh soaps, or extremely hot water. Perhaps they are even irritated by the soaps or fabric softeners of your underwear. You should see a dermatologist for an evaluation and treatment. Surgery should be considered as a last option, not a first option. You have managed to live with your foreskin all these years until now without significant issues, I assume.

Stace is an ace - looks good man - thanks for sharing your post op story - been helpful more than you know

in reply to

Very welcome. I will update again when I have the chance

gavelmaster profile image

The glans and inner foreskin should be rinsed with clear water every day, maybe both morning and night, if needed. Circumcised men have to clean their genitals every day, too, because they produce the same emollient secretions as uncut men.

in reply to gavelmaster

I kept getting irritation. I wanted to itch I was washing I was cream just kept coming back. In the end best option was to get rid of the foreskin

gavelmaster profile image
gavelmaster in reply to

Of course, if men who have chronic long-term irritation with their foreskin opt for circumcision and they get relief then they will say life is better without foreskin. For them. It’s the same as any other painful condition, whether it be an infected tooth or an infected toenail. Usually, less invasive measures than surgical removal are effective and should be tried first. Surgical removal is permanent and most people prefer to keep their tooth, toenail, or foreskin, as these structures do have a biological purpose. Many men derive great pleasure from their intact foreskin. And most men never develop any significant medical issues with their foreskin that cannot be easily treated.

gavelmaster profile image

I’m glad you made the right decision about circumcision . The right decision for you, that is. Generally speaking, however, the vast majority of foreskin problems can be avoided entirely by following correct hygiene practices for the thin and somewhat delicate internal mucosal tissue that makes up the glans and inner foreskin. Foreskin problems can usually be resolved by consulting with a dermatologist or other physician, and using steroid cream along with stretching the opening to resolve phimosis.

gavelmaster profile image

The same issues come up on this forum with regularity so apparently the information does bear repeating. There are always new readers seeking enlightenment. Battling the same foreskin problem for 20 years is not the norm. Most men with foreskin problems who seek medical treatment are able to resolve their problems and move on without circumcision and with no further issues.

When you say you wish you hadn’t waited so long to get circumcised, you are sending a message to other men (whether you realize it or not) not to wait but just go for it. That advice may not be right for anyone else but you.

I had mine done in Kent. Via the NHS

Well I think they have done a great job. I’ve put bio oil on it 3 times gave up with it. Don’t taste nice I’ve been told as well. So all they asked what size I can get to when hard and I was like do what you like as long it looks pretty haha.

I had recurring balanitis, which was awful but since the snip all is well not had to worry about it smelling after a few hours of washing nothing now

Yes that is what I had itching red sore. Had load of test. It was awful but now nothing haha. No nothing like that to be honest. I have heard of Dr Khan but I had mine done on the NHS. I’m pretty happy with my results to be fair

Looks very well heeled! And now your problem free... well done

in reply to

I am problem free now. Totally happy with the results

dronist profile image

I did it and never looked back. Hygiene is superb and sec heavenly.

dronist profile image

2014 in a Dublin clinic. Circumcision was by laser. I would have preferred a high and tight circumcision but really happy with the result. Great move.

Darthblader28 profile image

Nice one! Looks great! Hope mine looks like that when it heals

in reply to Darthblader28

I’m sure it will look great. As long you look after it

Vueijej profile image

When can i fap? Its been 26 days and have no idea of healing circumcision

in reply to Vueijej

What do you mean fap?

ThorskinsHammer profile image

Healing up great man, scar looks even and your penis looks strong and clean. What more could you ask for?

in reply to ThorskinsHammer

I’m very happy with my results. Very happy with how it feels and how clean I feel. I can’t really ask for more now.

ThorskinsHammer profile image
ThorskinsHammer in reply to

That’s awesome. Have you gotten to take it for a test drive? I’m so curious about what the functional differences and adjustment period will be like etc.

in reply to ThorskinsHammer

I have had a few goes with it. I was lucky I didn’t suffer with sensitive. But getting a blow job it was very strange to adjust but I have within time. When come to sex. Feels great but take me some time to climax. But not always a bad thing 🤭

ThorskinsHammer profile image
ThorskinsHammer in reply to

Ok that’s all good to know, thank you

in reply to ThorskinsHammer

No problem

RB593 profile image

it looks very very nice

in reply to RB593

Thanks mate really happy with it

Great looking penis, chum. Sex must be awesome.

in reply to

Ye has been great. Not getting to use it atm

in reply to

Oh. Sorry to hear that. Guess it's hard to do it whilst keeping two metres apart...

in reply to

Unfortunately it’s not over 2 meters otherwise I would be in luck 🤭

mengele profile image

Man, congrats to your doctor! Your penis looks amazing! Can you explain more about the recovery process? Did you use some special medicaments/treatments?

The situation by me is totally different. I was circumcised 5 months ago, but the result is bad. I still have some pain and decent swelling. I don't make sex, only masturbation, but very rarely.

I went twice to a doctor (not the one, who cut me, because he is in another city). It was said to me that everything is OK and sometimes it takes more time, because the lymphs are damaged. He prescribed me some pills and creams, but no result. A friend of mine told me to try aloe gel. I did it, but still nothing different.

Here you can find pictures:


I would appreciate if someone give me advice, because I already don't know how to proceed with my little friend. :(

in reply to mengele

Hi there. I haven’t used any medicaments or treatments. I have been told to use bio oil to reduce the scar line.

I had pain abit but I had a bath few time a week and got hard as the skin would be wet. I got told it would be a year till I see the full


You can always seek more advise and see what others say. But we all heal at a different rate. Looking at the photos it look like they have done a pretty good job. I know i have seen some awful ones

CuriousQ profile image

My experience has been horrible, mostly due to my inexperienced doctor. Be sure to choose an experienced doctor that knows what he/she is doing!

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