11 days post op and really struggling with sensitivity. Been walking around naked but any tips on what to wear so I can actually go outside my house?
Getting back to wearing pants - Men's Health Foru...
Getting back to wearing pants

Hey, what I did was to wrap the glans with gauze and wear tight underwear. Just make sure that the tip of your penis do not stick in the underwear because it is very unpleasant. Iwas able to go to work, it's just that I walked slowly sometimes to asjust the feeling.
Thanks, just at the moment any slight touch is agonizingly sensitive. Was it the same for you and do I have to just bear with it before it gets used to the contact ?
yes, it is the same with me. you have to bear the initial touch of the gauze, bitnonce it is wrapped, the sensitivity will reduce significantly. i'm 2 weeks post-op and mine is still sensitive but definitely much better than the 1st week.
Hi are you in the uk
Hi do you live in the uk

No, Ireland why?
Do you have a primark clothes shop in lreland

Yeah, but it’s called pennies. Any clothes that would help?
I am 21 days post op and same problem you need microfiber underware £8.00 pack of 3 there brilliant

Thanks, Was your sensitivity as bad as mine? Like any touch is agonizingly sensitive and especially bad around piss hole
Yes it it still is also massage with bio oil 3 times a day

How did you put on pants with the pain ? Is it just a few seconds of torture before it eventually goes down ?
It does not cure the problem but it does help I wrapped my willy in non stick gauze for 16 days it's very uncomfortable but the microfiber are good there I bit like silk

Are you noticing the sensitivity and pain decreasing gradually?
Yes its defo getting. Better
Hi did you get some underware

Glad to hear that the microfiber suggestion helped!
Thanks very much there brill
Hey mate. Lather some gauze with vasoline and tight underwear. I used to have sensitivity as well but the above helped!
Get some vaseline on it....then a non stick gauze dressing. Get a pair of trainer socks and wrap it round the penis, keep the penis upright facing the belly button..then put on a groin guard. This will keep it all stable. Buy snug briefs that ll kerp you stable
Then wear loose fitting shorts, running bottoms.
It will help along with daily bathing in Epsom salts.
Thanks, will the Vaseline wash off with just water in the shower?. Really can’t see myself scrubbing down there any time soon
The vaseline wlll mostly absorb
.have a bath you can use?
Just gently dab it on.
Was your family okay with you being naked around the house? How did you sleep naked with the blankets if you are sensitive? I just got mine a week ago. I'm semi sensitive but I have been having non stop erections (which are amazing) but painful and I'm scared of masterbating so I have been looking at porn wishing I could masturbated and cum on the womans face lol