How everyone finding their experience since having their cock cut. I’m 17 weeks in and it’s been the best experience. So glad I made the right decision. Wanking oral and sex is so much better and enjoyable 😜😜😜
17 weeks post op : How everyone finding... - Men's Health Foru...
17 weeks post op
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Looks nice and healed.... well done man
Thanks mate really pleased with the results
So you should be....
Oh I am. Making the most of it as well 😜
Bet you are🤣🤣 with that I sure would too
It’s interesting how the scar has flattened out compared to earlier posts where it looked tight and indented. What about the concern regarding size?
Just keeps getting better. Size is back not like I’m small anyway but I’m well pleased
Great cock bro, hope your using it well mate 👌
You have a beautiful penis. Excellent circumcision.
Thanks mate I’ve seen yours and what lovely cock you have
Ah thanks. Very kind of you.
Well you know you have a good looking cock 😜
I totally agree with ya mate I had mine done 39 days ago and it’s so much better. I don’t care what critics say they wouldn’t know, beats getting fake lips, boobs and the rest this is the real thing . I like mine like this much better all round.
Well thanks for that mate. I can’t not agree with you on that one. My confidence has improved so much
Looking good 👍 very neat and a healthy colour
They done a great job I have to say
Great cock looks very clean cut nice length and gland head use it well and alot
Thanks you. Really pleased with it
Try to use it safely.
I will don’t you worry
Good cut
Jeeeze. Mine is looking terrible compared to yours. Did you get a lot of erections during the healing? Morning bread fucks me up and makes the wounds crack open...
Gongratz btw
Just keep it clean touch it. Have some baths with salt in help with stitches ... after 14 days I was cutting my stitches out As I was finding when I was getting hard it would rip the skin. Felt tight
Wish i had your doc, I'm almost 12 weeks in and while i got my mojo and had can masturbate there’s this annoying scar ring that’s tight and makes my penis ugly...
It’s only 12 weeks in mine keep changing so much
Looking brill good luck
Thanks very much
Mate you must be well pleased... it looks amaizng!
Ye I’m really pleased with the outcome
does you lose any penis length
At first you will but soon comes back
that means you didnt lose any erect length
You will at first but it will come back. Just can’t be helped
Did u face any size issue after circumcision ?? before i was 6.3 now 5 inch ?? Is this my final size ??
Hi very nice good size and girth all the best
Thanks mate
A very NICE looking circumcision. My compliments to your surgeon.
Well she did a great job. I’m so happy with it
Looking good mate.
Thanks very much 🤭
Waiting to use mine. Day 20 today
looks good mate ! is that a standard or low cut ? what dr did you ?
Damn! The doc did a great job. I’m a little over two months. Still working on smoothing out my scar. Is your scar pretty smooth now? How was sex?
Where did you have yr procedure done? I’m curious. About the stitches. And how the underside looks.
Great cut , use it well, doctor did a great job, mate
Great looking cock and you seem really pleased. Surgeon did a good job. Why did you get circumcised?
Kept getting skin infection
NICE looking circumcision! Your surgeon did an excellent job of removing you foreskin.
Very nice. Enjoy!
Great result mate looks the goods
Impressive. One of the BEST circumcisions I have seen. Your surgeon did an excellent job of removing your foreskin. Thanks for posting. ENJOY!
mate is this feeling as good as it looks ? could you tell me what cut style it was you asked for ? and what dr did it ?
Wow looks good !
Thanks very much

who did it mate ? how was it done ? and what was the style you asked for ?
I had it done on the nhs

what hospital ? i can see no stitch marks was it done with stitches ? did they give you cut style options or is this a standard cut ?