Day 26 and the issues just won’t subside. I now believe I have another infection as the smell is putrid and I have a yellow watery discharge appearing, still unable to see the incision line but I now fear my stitches didn’t hold up and just under the glands there is red flesh - I am beyond fed up, unfortunately I had no choice to get a circumcision but its turned into an absolute nightmare where I see no end in sight
Circumcision - day 26 - what a nightm... - Men's Health Foru...
Circumcision - day 26 - what a nightmare this has turned into!

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I assume you’re back to work. What have you done with him when you’ve gone back to work?
Can you see the hospital again?
Sorry to hear that man you have gone through a lot I hope things will soon improve I think it does look better if you think you have an infection go back to your doctor don't leave it.
Honestly I am beyond fed up now, I feel like my whole life is on pause because of it. I am hoping to get an emergency appointment for dr’s tomorrow, today in UK is a bank holiday so nowhere is open
I can only imagine how you must be really fed up. it's always at the weekend or a bank holiday when you need to go these places
Try coconut oil and eat yogurt and drink lots of fluids.
Managed to get a doctors appointment. He believes it to be a fungal infection which I am getting tablets to take, he has taken a swob which will be tested to rule out a potential bacterial infection, if it is bacterial I will need to switch to anti-biotics. Behind the glands under the skin there is red fleshy wound which he took the swob from, safe to say stung like a bitch and it started bleeding. I have to say this has been the worst experience of my life thus far, completely fed up
My goodness what an awful experience you are having. I am so sorry and I hope it heals up soon.

Thank you Peter. Very frustrating process so far, I just can’t see an end to it all at the moment
It must be hugely frustrating. All I can say is try to remember that there will be an end. But I’m sorry it’s taking so long.

Feel like my life is on pause. I am trying to remain positive by thinking there will come a time when its just a bad memory. Thank you for your kind words
Your problem comes down to the swelling of your outer foreskin. The wound can't get air to help dry out and heal. You may want to pull the foreskin back and wrap it all up with gauze for a while longer.
You have reviewed the record? Conservative alternative treatments were suggested to me? I had severe phimosis and was left with no alternative but to get a circumcision after trying different methods so I suggest you know all the information before suggesting otherwise
Hello friend,sorry for this,I think your circumsion is delaying to heal because of the type of circumsion you had which covers the incision site,the wound doesn't get air exposure so it takes longer to dry and heal,but it will be fine and it will be the best decision you ever made,me am proud of it,,
Does your urine seem normal?
how u doing now