I was wondering if anyone could recommend an herbal estrogen replacement that I could take as a tablet form to ensure I take it every day . I am really struggling with weight gain and painful joints . Any advice welcome . Thank you
Alternatives to HRT: I was wondering if... - Menopause and Per...
Alternatives to HRT

Hi there. I'm trying Wild Yam extract from Higher Nature. One capsule a day. I feel more positive, less anxious but I 've still got aching joints. They have several things for the menopause so I'm trying one at a time.
Hi I suffer badly with joint pain too. I've upped my water intake minimum of 2 litres . 3 litres would be better and its working . Pain is less. Please try it .
just a thought, have you had your thyroid checked as weight gain and aching joints are both symptoms of low thyroid which can occur during the menopause.
you could have soy products, yoghurts and milk etc.
Most HRT is made from yams so is more natural. But the tablets are not. That doesn’t include the capsules (utrogestan)
thank yo
I've started a menopause diet which involves eating fresh sprouts. Early days yet, but it helps with my energy levels as I work full time, and my stools are a lot better. My skin has improved as the vitamins and minerals are better absorbed through sprouts than seeds. In fact, the non-sprouting seeds I consume are excreted whole, undigested, like birds do lol 😅
thank you