Hi am. Very favorable recovery post viral meningitis but suffer from dizziness which is an ongoing problem. Would love to hear from others with same situation and what, if anything helped to resolve this dilemma. Thanks. Jergen
Very dizzy two years post meningitis - Meningitis Now
Very dizzy two years post meningitis
Hi, Yes I have exactly the same problem and its being going on continuously like you for exactly two years. I woke up at 3 a.m. with what felt like a grenade having exploded in my head. Incessant vomiting, extremely dizzy with complete loss of balance. Also severe neck pain, acute aversion to lights and any noise. Five days in hospital included a CT scan, MRI brain scan, ECG, tons of blood samples, and a lumbar puncture. All proved negative. I was then given IV antiviral and antibacterial drugs for three days 'in case' meningitis/encephalitis was 'missed' on the tests. I was discharged and told it was probably 'chronic migraines'. The dizziness and disequilibrium continued. It took me six months of constant practice to learn to walk again. There was no support or back up from the medical profession at all. Six months later I saw a neurologist who admitted that I still had major problems but could offer no explanation or help. A year after leaving hospital I saw an ENT consultant who misdiagnosed BPPV. I had loads of Epley maneuvers to 'cure' this and they simply made it worse. Eventually they carried out some proper tests including electronystagmography and caloric tests which confirmed the virus had damaged the horizontal canals in my inner ear. The only treatment for this is Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy. It didn't work for me, but it does improve things for many people who find even after six weeks their dizziness has decreased and balance improved. Have you had any scans or tests carried out to rule out a vestibular problem? If not it would be worth your insisting that these are carried out. Good luck anyway!
I had VM 14 months ago and have persistent dizziness and balance issues since. A gp friend of mine has recommended that I see a ENT consultant as I may have a vestibular problem. I was also diagnosed with me/cfs last week so do wonder if it might not be POTS.
Hi, Vertigo, balance issues , lite sensitivity 3 years post VM. No help from ENT, neurologist etc...agree with first reply ear canals damaged, signals to brain. Quit driving, use walking sticks , sunglasses, Claritin kind of helped, then began using sovereign silver eye dropper in left nostril laying on back sniffing up nose. The left ear pressure resolved, hearing improved & vertigo is almost gone. Use whenever I feel pressure returning to left ear, my VM started and affected left ear & side of brain. Hope this helps. Take care
I am not as far out as all of you so I assume I'm still much in the long recovery phase. It's only been about a month since diagnosis but I'm having a lot of dizziness and weakness. It is odd though because it isn't all of the time. I am also finding that my legs start going numb sitting in a chair for what should be a completely normal amount of time. I get up to circulate but then I am dizzy. I am drinking plenty of fluids too so it isn't dehydration. This illness is so weird and frustrating because nothing is predictable. One day I feel almost normal and then next feels like how meningitis felt when it was first starting and I didn't know what it was.
Hi, I had severe dizziness following viral meningitis . I would fall over frequently especially in shops and supermarkets . I had great difficulty changing direction so walking around shops and busy places was very difficult .
I then got referred to physio therapy and worked on exercises that solved the problem. Eg. Swaying backwards and forwards with eyes closed, walking with eyes closed etc.
The problem is now corrected and I can function normally without any dizziness.
Hope this helps .
Strong bowl of yogurt with a cup of red wine & 1 beer with pickles, sourdough, & drink the pickle juice in a small serving. That alcohol with the vinegar & the yogurt will help clear it out.
Also I often work on sewers & house remodeling so take my advice since I deal with this 3X a year -- livestrong.com/article/3223...