Post meningitis depression : Hello, I had... - Meningitis Now

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Post meningitis depression

Dawnjennifer profile image
15 Replies

Hello, I had viral meningitis at the end of July & spent three nights in hospital.

I had dizziness & balance problems for several weeks after but thankfully they are becoming less often. I'm back at work which unfortunately for me was a new job so I'd had two weeks in the new position when I went off for three weeks with VM.

When I returned to work I suddenly felt incapable of doing my job & ended up in tears. My manager is very understanding but I don't see her patience lasting a long time as the role requires me to be on top form.

I've just returned from a weeks holiday & whilst away I just wanted to come home & didn't enjoy it at all. I suffered with anxiety/depression before the meningitis & whereas before I was coping now I'm not, I'm very low, tearful & dreading going back to work or taking on any other task where I have to concentrate or think. Is this part of the after effects of VM? I'm going back to see my GP this week.

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15 Replies
RestisBest profile image

Sorry to say but I'm aftaid it is, your brain has actually taken a trauma. The best thing for it, It needs peace and quiet with no multitasking, and epecially "NO STRESS". keep it to a minimum for tv/computer screens and large noisey public places, The eyes use alot of energy for the brain. When your head feels tired then take a nap in a dark room. It will take time for recovery. Stay hydrated, don't drink coffee, fizzy drinks, alcohol and eat healthy! !. Listen to your body, You need to take a step back, be patient and above be kind to yourself. Good luck, try CranioSacral therapy, it can take alot of the daily foggy head aches away for good.

Dawnjennifer profile image
Dawnjennifer in reply to RestisBest

Thank you for your reply, I agree with everything you've said. I was out in a public place yesterday & surrounded by people & noise & it felt like my head was going to explode & I had a panic episode, once I went somewhere quiet I was fine. I haven't heard of the therapy you mentioned so I'll have to see if it's available where I live. I read your history & you've been through it too, I hope you're recovery is going well.

RestisBest profile image
RestisBest in reply to Dawnjennifer

Look for the best experienced cranial therapest. Don't over do it now. Maybe it's good you only had 3 nights in hospital! It could give you a better recovery.

Can I ask you, how quickly were you diagnosed and did you recieve a lumbar puncture?

Dawnjennifer profile image
Dawnjennifer in reply to RestisBest

I started feeling unwell on the Tuesday with a bad headache, Wednesday I was taking cocodomol & couldn't stand the light. Couldn't put my head on the pillow Wednesday night but had to get a train to London for work early Thursday so I sat in the meeting barely listening as my head was so bad & then Friday morning I started vomiting so my son rang the GP who saw me straight away & after doing some of his own tests sent me straight to hospital fearing meningitis or a bleed on the brain. They knew I was coming & took me straight into a private room & did blood tests, CT scan, IV of painkillers & then the lumbar puncture. They didn't wait for the results & put me straight on to an IV of anti viral medication until the following morning when they had the lumbar test results. I think their quick action was the reason I only spent 3 nights in hospital!

gb93616 profile image

i had 5 months off work and was integrated back slowly, by first doing a few hours a day, a few days a week. Then a few full days a week. It's a really serious illness.

I distinctly remember sitting at my desk and thinking, "what the heck am I doing here". I work in London and felt like I had lived my life in a village and was visiting the big city for the first time.

My Doctor said to me if I felt tired, I should sleep. I know it's not always possible, but that turned out to be very good advice. Even to this day almost 10 years later I hear that advice, I look after myself the best I can.


Dawnjennifer profile image
Dawnjennifer in reply to gb93616

When I first came out of holiday I slept a lot, I just had to. I think I may have returned to work too soon but I had a new job & didn't want to let people down. Trying to explain to people just how my thinking & concentration has changed is very difficult & empathy is hard to come by once people think you look better. I hope tomorrow will be ok.

Helpman profile image

Hi I think you went back to work too soon I was out 3 month Aug to Oct last year still not the way I was before vm i don't think I will be 100% just take it easy listen to your body it will tell you what you can or can't do

Caprisunliz profile image

Hi Dawnjennifer, I'm sorry to hear you've had a rough time. I had meningitis in July too, but was in hospital for 2.5 weeks. I lost my speech but that is returning now, I have bad headaches and neck aches still and am exhausted! Lost over s stone in weight, so I'm quite lethargic from that too. Your gp should hopefully be able to help with your much needed mental health and hopefully get you back on track. Meningitis now have a number of useful leaflets you can print and give your employer to help them understand, you should also be referred to your Occupational Health team. If you join the peer support meningitis now page on Facebook, there are so many others like us that you can talk with. Best of luck

Dawnjennifer profile image
Dawnjennifer in reply to Caprisunliz

Thank you, I'll take a look at Facebook. It's a wretched illness isn't it.

Lippistix profile image

Please read my posts re cranial massage. It has pretty much cured my daughter after almost two years of suffering. Local news papers and radio stations are now interested in this new breakthrough for post VM and are asking myself and Rosie for interviews! Good luck. Xx

Dawnjennifer profile image
Dawnjennifer in reply to Lippistix

We have a local Osteopath that provides this service but it's advertised more for young children & babies? Is it primarily for headaches as I don't have them anymore but I do feel very low. I'll try it if you think it will help.

Lippistix profile image

Well you could seek out an osteopath who works on adults. More people on this site have given it a go and have found improvements. My daughter tried pain killers, name it, which didnt work. The manipulation of the massage seems to get the spinal fluid moving again, which VM seems to create a blockage for. My daughter now seems to feel back to her old self!

Dawnjennifer profile image
Dawnjennifer in reply to Lippistix

Great, I'll give it a try as I have been looking at for a while after reading your daughters story. Thank you.

Lippistix profile image
Lippistix in reply to Dawnjennifer

It seems that it is unknown to the osteopaths that this treatment can help with post VM it maybe an idea to take along comments on this site to let them know about it. Good luck. X

Dawnjennifer profile image
Dawnjennifer in reply to Lippistix

I'd rather try this than take antidepressants that the doctor has prescribed. Thanks again x

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