I recently had a very bad headache, sensitive scalp, fever and vomiting. The head sensitivity I can best describe as feeling like bad sunburn across my scalp. I spent the best part of 2 weeks in bed, mostly sleeping and hardly eating. Went to my GP who arranged a blood test which showed nothing untoward. Told me to go home and rest. After just over 3 weeks from onset I noticed a large number of floaters in my right eye so fearing Giant Cell Arteritis went straight to the emergency ophthalmic clinic at my local hospital. They found that I had a swollen optic nerve in my right eye. Had Ultrasound, CT scans and Fluorescein Angiogram amongst other tests. No obvious cause for the nerve problem showed up. Other than the floaters I had no other noticeable visual symptoms. Diagnosis was Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy due to blood supply blockage to the nerve although no blockage was actually found.
However it seems a very strange coincidence to me that an unrelated eye problem should occur at the same time as I was still poorly with viral meningitis symptoms.
My son who is a GP but unfortunately does not live near enough to see me in person thought it sounded like I had viral meningitis although I have had no test explicitly for this.
I strongly suspect that intracranial pressure caused by meningitis has caused the optic nerve swelling. However, I am told that meningitis would have shown up on the CT scans and that intracranial pressure would probably affect both eyes.
Two months on I feel much better but still suffer from a degree of fatigue, occasional (milder) headaches, and the eye floaters.
I wondered if anyone has had a similar experience and whether anyone knows if floaters and unilateral optic nerve swelling can occur as a result of a bout of viral meningitis.
Many thanks for any replies.
Kind regards