Hi everyone,
I’ve found it really helpful reading this forum and it’s really helped me not feel alone.
I had shingles which caused my meningitis, initially told it was viral meningitis but because the infection was too high, I was told it was bacterial viral meningitis. This seems uncommon. Is there anyone else that had this too? This happened at the end of November ‘17. I was in hospital for 2 weeks.
Obviously the headaches were excruciating, I also was unable to walk unassisted, couldn’t handle any light or sound, was unable to be upright. At times no pain medication would relieve the pain in hospital. A lot of my stay in hospital I cannot remember but what I do remember has traumatized me.
After effects now are problems with my memory, my eye sight has deteriorated, at times my eyes go blurry if I’m reading, still have awful headaches and neck pain and my immune system is so low, I am fluey almost all the time or coughing. I also struggle to pronounce words I never had a problem pronouncing before and sometimes sound like I cannot speak, jumbling up my words. Because I am resting almost all the time, I don’t spend much time with other people and I was always an social, busy and active person so it’s left me feeling isolated and I am depressed too.
I have 2 young children who are amazing but I can’t handle much sound and activity and it just makes me feel guilty and even more depressed because I should be happy hearing them laugh and have fun but I find myself constantly telling them to keep the noise down.
I just want to be well again, want to feel like myself and stop getting sick. But then feel guilty because I know how lucky I am to be alive and on the road to recovery.
What have you done to boost your immune system?
As I write this, I know my story isn’t really different, I just feel desperate to be well and I’m so weepy and emotional all the time. I wish I knew how long this would take.