Hi my sister was diagnosed with Meningitis but dont onw which exactly but have been on IV antibiotics for like 5 days and was given blood tranfusion like 2 days ago but my anciousness is now that she couldnt talk for some time but now she talks but talks out of point sometimes i want to knw if thats how it.happens and how soon will she get back to her normal self. She has been on treatment for like 14days now she couldnt recognise her baby that broke my heart totally. Can someone pls advice me pls.
Need some advice and encouragement - Meningitis Now
Need some advice and encouragement
Hi tyty,
When I went they my bout with Bacterial Meningitis, I never thought I would be myself again . I couldn't hear or see very well. I was weepy and agitated all the time. I had terrible headaches and pressure in my brain. I didn't even want to see anyone because it was too much of an effort to communicate.But after three or so weeks, My family noticed I was beginning to improve. Your sister will too . Keep encouraging her and commenting that she is getting better. Sometimes, it's hard to
notice your own improvement.prayers always help and staying positive makes all the difference in your sisters outcome.
Keep us posted on your sisters path to heal.
Susie NY
Hi! Time, patience & support are key to recovery for both you & your sister. Her body has gone through a traumatic disease. Like varying after effects of this horrific illness, there is no one specific treatment or solution for recovery. Just thank the Lord she is still with you and stay positive.