Hello, my baby was admitted to hospital at 2 weeks of age after having a high temperature and was diagnosed with Viral Meningitis.
She was let home after a few days and since then I haven't found anything to be hugely concerned about.
However! She does arch her back, seemingly having a lot of strength in her neck muscles (she is now 7 weeks old so very early to be holding her head unsupported) forcing her head way back while pursuing her mouth in an 'o' shape and crossing her eyes together. She does this on average for around 5 minutes at a time every 2 days.
We have always found this quite amusing however I wonder if it's actually something else more sinister? It's like shes in a trance of some sort, doesnt blink, follow my movements etc. I have had other children and they have never done anything like this.
On another note im breastfeeding, dont consume dairy and I really dont think its reflux or silent reflux or anything as she isn't upset whatsoever and doesnt follow a pattern ie after food.
Any help would be appreciated!