she had an several days and then woke up at 3 am saying that her felt like going to explode so her husband took her into the hospital. From there she waited eight hours until she was seen at which point she had collapsed and was thrashing around. They administered the antibiotics right now they are a little bit more focused as identified this specific species she has been order to allow for the agitation to subside and the antibiotics to be able to do what they need to do. It’s four days that she’s been sedated and using a breathing tube to breathe and being fed through a tube the doctor said that we are slowly moving in the right direction but I can’t help but think that she shouldn’t be sedated for very much longer but every time she kind of wakes up she tries to sit up and do stuff that they’re calling agitation and then they’re putting her back with sedatives in order for her body to heal, I guess. but I feel like I need to fight for her to be less sedated so that she doesn’t start to rely on the breathing machine, et cetera. Would love to hear some stories or to be patient and also encouragement that they are in right thing with the antibiotics. Also any kind of timeline has to when she might be able to be conscious.
mom in ICU- Bacterial Meningitis - Meningitis Now
mom in ICU- Bacterial Meningitis

that should say had an ear infection for several days and then woke up at 3 am feeling like her head was going to explode
how is she?
She has recovered thank god. She was chemically paralysed for a few days , developed ventilator pneumonia, but then she eventually gotten woken up.
She went back home - but is now on an IV at home as she has puss around the lining of her brain.
She has hearing loss (more severe in her left ear) so she needs a hearing aid now.
We are so relieved. Thank you to everyone who commented - this site REALLY helped.
Her brain is injured and the sedation is keeping her asleep as that is the best thing for healing. Antibiotics are saving her life, she would die without them. I had bacterial meningitis starting from ear infection. I would have died without antibiotics. I was agitated by brain injury and heavily sedated. Be patient, brain injuries take time to heal. ♥️
my brother was in the hospital from meningitis and had to be sedated as well. When he wasn’t sedated he was extremely agitated and trying to get out of the bed, take out his breathing tube etc. It was best for him to be sedated so that he could heal, especially since the infection effects the brain and spinal cord. Him being awake and agitated would cause his blood pressure to dramatically increase as well, which was not good. I know it is a scary thing. He was also being treated with steroids which caused him to become delusional. Thankfully, the worse is behind him now and hes in his right mind. He’s in rehab so he can gain his strength back, lots of PT and OT. My prayers are with you and your mom
my mom was in the same was a very bad case and she was very aggressive and removed her intubation multiple times and injured her nose and mouth by pulling out the tubes. Also removed her IV. They had to tie her hands to the icu bed. Praying for your moMs full recovery. My mom was in a coma for 4 days. Fully recovered after 2.5 years. She was also fully addicted to dexamethasone 24 mg IV everyday. Tapering it was very difficult but it was the only steroid that reduced all swelling in her brain from the lesions. My mom also had hydrocephalus encephalitis which means water accumulated in her brain and it was drained with a tube called shunt. She still has that tube its a life long thing and doesn’t cause any hindrance. Be patient. There were times my mom attaccked me and my dad. Slept with a knife under her bed. It was scary. It will take time. Make sure you do regular prayers