Hi there,
I have joined looking for advice.
My partner's work mate has been rushed into hospital after having a cold for a couple of weeks, he has found out he has meningitis and has been put into an induced coma with swelling to the brain. We have been told all who have been in contact with him need antibiotics soon to reduce their risk.
I am looking to find out exactly what approach to take as some of the other work mates have children and we are currently in contact with my partners niece and nephew who are also young. Looking to find out who will all need to be treated to reduce the risk as I am concerned for other members of the families involved with members who are young or elderly and more at risk.
Can any one on here offer advice as both my partner and I are very worried as we are well aware of the risks involved. Everyone is currently feeling fit and healthy and don't feel as though they have been declining in their health, but still concerned.
Thank you in advance for any information and advice offered