Confused had strep b with first two was told a was carrier of it and that needed antibiotic during labour which I got first son now 14 next child same thing had antibiotics went 4 weeks early with both now 10 year on fell pregnant after trying for a long time told midwife straight away a had strep b she said we will test you at 38 weeks to which a told her a never went to 38 weeks in my life to be told that's procedure so yes 35 weeks a go to hospital tell them am in labour to be told no am not told them a got strep b they was not concerned as a was not in labour 😡so they say we take you to ward just in case you need steroids send man home laboured few hours went told them a think something happening no no your not in labour a hour later nurse comes what's wrong by this time my waters have broke am pushing still telling them what about my strep b 2 of them run with my bed to labour ward as a phone the other have 7 mins in the room my wee boys born perfect 5bl 14 dad made it by 4 mins got home following day but then everything went down hill at 41/2 month he got ecoli was very ill then 51/2 months he was rushed to hospital with high temp had been sick and a very faint rash things got really bad then got moved to yorkhill sick children hospital before that we were told he had meningitis (mengicoco sepsis ) he made full recovery thank god he now 2 but he is always I'll high temps ear infections throat infections chest infection colds coughs a just dong understand it x
Did no antibiotics cause my boy to get meni... - Meningitis Now
Did no antibiotics cause my boy to get meningitis???

Not sure if I am understanding your post correctly but I think you are saying that your son contracted meningitis when he was 5 and a half months old? If so I don't think that you being a strep b carrier and not being given antibiotics during his birth would have any link to your sons meningitis as it didn't happen as a new born which is when the strep risk is a problem. Young children always get lots of coughs and colds etc which is how they then build up immunity and get less infections as they get older. Why don't you give the Meningitis Now helpline a ring and talk it through with them. Its so good to hear that your son made a good recovery from the meningococcal
Meningitis. For any parent to go through the nightmare of experiencing their child go through such a life threatening and serious illness is going to heighten your concerns every time he becomes unwell. Best wishes
Was his blood tested for white cells? He could have Neutropenia, which is low white blood cells. Meaning,his defence system is weaker