My son is 32 and lives in supported accommodation about 10 miles away. He has Autism and LD. Before lockdown he had a great social life with clubs and activities etc. Then came Covid and everything changed- for him and thousands like him. Suddenly there was nothing but he coped pretty well with all the restrictions and rules . Then the world opened up and suddenly so did pubs - not however his organised activities. In a nutshell he has been going out unsupported in the community to pubs and has inevitably got into trouble. He attempted to kiss a 13 year old girl and the police were called - he hasn’t been charged but this is classed as a sexual assault. I have been worried that something like this was going to happen for months. His carers have no powers to lock him in and there is not enough support for him to go out accompanied. The police agree that he should not be out alone in the community- he has been coerced financially in recent weeks too. He is extremely vulnerable and now a risk to others too.
We as parents are welfare guardians - we live in Scotland so laws differ.- and have asked that he not be allowed out unsupported and that police be called to return him should he abscond.
We have an adult support and protection case conference on Tuesday to discuss all of the concerns. I am sick with worry and anxiety about what will become of him. I have fought all his life to get him the help and support he needs but I’m beginning to lose the will as it’s taking over my life. I have two other children and two little grandchildren and I want to spend time with them without constantly worrying about my other son.
Can anyone advise me about what I can do to force the hand of Social services to provide him with the additional support he requires to keep him safe.
Thanks for listening