Hi , I am really shocked by a phone call from Mencap who my son has been having 6 hours support in the community on Saturdays to attend a sports club and lunch out .
The new manager who rang , informed me that my sons support has now been terminated as they didn't want to support him as we live too far away .?? It takes 18 /20 minutes to get to our house ?
My Son has been having this support from mencap for over 10 years . This new manager has never met him .
The way it was said was very cold matter of fact that his support will terminate at the end of January as they have to give notice .
My Son has very little understanding and very little speech , he really enjoyed going out on Saturdays .
I am so disappointed with Mencap as I thought they had all Learning disabled people backs , after all if we can't turn to them who can we?? and the cold uncaring attitude of this new manager about my sons support really upset me.
His support workers were always good with him and he enjoyed thier company so I dont think it's a problem for them .
They charge the highest rate around for support plus transport costs which he pays from his direct payments .
I know agencies are struggling to get support workers , has anyone else having trouble with support , ?
My Son lives at home with me so needs community support to give him a life, sadly he can't go outside the door on his own, he is 37 yrs old , there is just the two of us now since his dad passed away.