My daughter has passed: My daughter... - Melanoma Caregivers

Melanoma Caregivers

My daughter has passed

10 Replies

My daughter Rebecca passed last Tuesday. With everything going on I forgot to post.

Her last few days were brutal, her passing was not peaceful. Her sister is struggling with the image of her passing as it plays over and over in her mind.

But there is also relief that she is no longer suffering. Reviewing memories and photos, funny videos, has been bittersweet and reminds us of the vibrant young woman she was before cancer began to take over her body last year. We lost the battle. But this is not true for everyone. My hope is that, for the rest of you, your loved ones have long and healthy lives and they continue to find new ways to treat this illness.

We have had tremendous love and support from all our communities and look forward to her final tour of celebrations. She will have celebrations on Cape Cod, Austin, and Los Angeles:) I have included a link so you can contribute if you wish, or attend if you are nearby. Thank you all for your love and support over the past 5-7 months.

10 Replies
SGHSweethearts profile image

Dwalach, I wish I had the right words to say. I am so sorry to hear of your daughters passing, and so deeply sorry to hear that it was not peaceful. I cannot even imagine that anguish you all must have felt. 💔

Thank God you can find some peace knowing she is no longer suffering and is free from pain, and also in your cherished memories of your beautiful daughter in happier days in her life.

I pray God will provide and guide you and your other daughter with some peace and understanding as you try to navigate life from here on. God Bless you all and keep you in his arms. 🙏🏻


missyrand profile image


Our hearts have, and will continue to be with you. I know these last few months since you brought your daughter home for palliative and then hospice care were very difficult. I am so sad melanoma caused the death of your wonderful daughter.

Thank you for allowing us to be a small part of your journey.

May the planned celebrations with family and friends acros the country sustain you, and cement memories of the vibrancy of the way you all lived with your daughter and supplant the short awful time of her passing.

with deepest sympathy,


Crycleo profile image

I am so very sorry for your loss. May you find peace and comfort in her memory.

kellyOd profile image

This truly saddens me.. to the core.. she’s only a few weeks older than I am.. I’m so sorry for your loss, relief does come when you know she’s not in pain anymore.. my heart is with you and your family. Thank you for sharing your darkest times; and your hopeful times with us. You gave me tons of hope and I will always be thankful.

Bigsister3 profile image

Dear dwalach

I am so very sorry to hear about Rebecca. I wish I knew what to say to you to give you peace. But please know that we are here if you ever need us and like Rebecca’s sister I still struggle with my sister’s last days and I try to replace those memories with the happier moments of our lives. Please know you, your family and Rebecca are in our thoughts.

Georistian profile image

I am so so sorry. I cant even imagine your pain and I pray you are able to find peace in happier times.

Desmomelwife profile image

I am new to this board and don’t know all of your daughters journey, but my heart truly hurts for you.

Wishing you peace and comfort knowing that your beautiful daughter is no longer in pain.

Much love to you,


Vflowers profile image

I am so sorry about your loss.

Knowing she is no longer suffering, maybe will bring a little peace to your heart.

I hope your other daughter seeks guidance to help her through, and you as well. I still struggle myself at the passing of my son, which occurred a little over 2 years ago,

Should you need to reach out and chat, please feel free to contact me.


bearkat profile image

I am so very sorry to hear about the loss of your precious daughter. I lost my son Brian one year ago to melanoma, at the age of 27. The pain is immeasurable. My daughter, Brian's sister, continues to struggle as well. I think the loss of a sibling is a very unique experience and a very difficult one.

However, please know that although our hearts are still broken, we have begun to find joy in our lives again. My daughter is now engaged and we are planning a wedding. Such is the circle of life. She struggles but she also remembers how protective Brian was of her and how much he wanted her happiness, so she moves on to a happier phase of her life, taking him with her every step of the way.

I say this only to assure you that while nothing could ever be more painful or more difficult than the loss of your child, it is still possible for you and your daughter to find joy and also peace. I will pray for you to find that peace quickly. If you ever need to reach out, please feel free to do so.

God Bless you.

in reply to bearkat

Thank you:)

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