in short approx. 2 years ago our now 7 year old started to become exhausted constantly complained of pains all over, struggled with infection after infection. She was so exhausted it changed her activities and even school life, she has good days and bad days and some bad days continue for days on end, wiping her out.
xmas eve she became ill again and diagnosed with Pneumonia, and 10 days later a secondary ENT infection , followed by 7 days later being rushed into hospital with a strange tip toe walk and it seems dehydration and sickness. Various tests were done to see what was up but seemed she had picked up a viral infection, she spent a couple days on the mend then when down ill again then picked up again... it seems there are many doctors out there that dismiss the diagnoses and or do not understand it, we have had to battle the past week whilst admitted to have any one understand her needs. The pushing and nothing short of bullying from drs and nurses, saying its in her head or by choice, how is this any way by choice.. makes us so angry, very frustrated mummy right now and no end in site for them to back off and let her do things in her own time Pushing her is only going to lead to her suffering 24-48 hours time when she's exhausted from it and hasn't had time to catchup with her self let alone get over the latest virus!!!