Hi everyone,
I was able to go to a CFS support group meeting this Monday for the first time. The coordinator is lovely and probably half the group seem like people I can relate to. There was one lady though who kept talking over everyone else, interrupting, snapping at people, raising her voice etc. She actually stormed out half way through the meeting which I thought was bizarre.
I gave a summary of my illness as requested by the group and after that this woman quizzed me about my sleep patterns (I'd mentioned that I take melatonin and find it very helpful) she asked "why are you even here?"
She must have missed the part where I said I was in bed for a year. And that I'm housebound and have to rest 16-18 hours a day.
She's in her late 60s and has had fibromyalgia for ten years or so. My severe CFS started when I was 32. She's had about 20-30 extra years of life and freedom over me.
Anyway her comment really hurt. I was gobsmacked that a question like that would be asked in a support group and that no one told her to pull her head in. I thought it would be a more sympathetic/understanding environment.
Do you think the group is worth trying again? I don't really want to speak with this lady again.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to shake off nasty comments like that? I'm probably feeling more down as going out to the group was very tiring and I'm having post exertional malaise.
Any suggestions very much welcomed. Thank you.