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MaudeNY profile image
33 Replies

I’ve been looking for groups to join to help with depression, loneliness, aging and anxiety.

I’m hoping to make some contacts here.

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MaudeNY profile image
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33 Replies
LilyAnnepuppy profile image

Welcome. I too am interested in the subjects you mentioned. You’re in the right place.

Depression about aging is one of my problems. It is hard accepting the limitations of getting older. I’m not as mobile as I once was. I don’t have enough energy and motivation to do a lot of things I used to do. And my depression is affected because of it.

I get sad. But try to remember it’s better to get older than the alternative.

I try to take it a day at a time and do what I can do. But it’s hard to push through sometimes.

MaudeNY profile image
MaudeNY in reply to LilyAnnepuppy

Yes it is with all these new aches and pains., abs not have the strength to push through. But we have to get up each day and try a little harder than the day before!!!

LilyAnnepuppy profile image
LilyAnnepuppy in reply to MaudeNY

Yes. Everything hurts

downinthecrud profile image

Hi Maude,

I just started coming to this site a few days ago looking for the same thing. People seem very nice and understanding on here. It’s not the same as personal contact though, I know that. But it does help a little bit to know you’re not alone with your feelings. If you’d like to chat directly please feel free.

MaudeNY profile image
MaudeNY in reply to downinthecrud

thanks for your reply , appreciate it. I’m just in a really bad lace in my life and don’t know if I can find my way out this time.

Kitty-CatP1 profile image
Kitty-CatP1 in reply to MaudeNY

same here in Canada ,🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦Lost dear husband, have nobody ,all friends passed most young, just LOST, and Health went totally downhill, I don’t know a soul to talk to or can relate, I hear YOU Also am older now, too many illnesses now, I try hard but am pushing myself to now more health results, hard to go on, idk what to do or think, life has lost all meaning

MaudeNY profile image
MaudeNY in reply to Kitty-CatP1

Good morning Kitty, first my condolences on the loss of your husband. How long has it been? Have you tried any grievance groups or therapy? You need to try hard to take care of yourself. Some days are better than others for me. Maybe start with a full physical exam and try to get illness under control. Tell me more about yourself when you have time.

minimalnomad profile image
minimalnomad in reply to Kitty-CatP1

Hi, well we can exchange messages if you want.

I guess everyone here is more or less in the same boat.

and I need to vent too.

downinthecrud profile image

I really understand. Do you want to share what’s going on?

Trainchaser profile image

Well I cover the depression and anxiety plus aging part of your post. If you want to start a chat I am fine e with that if not good luck to you. This is a good group

MaudeNY profile image

Thanks Tranchaser, so what do you and others do to help with the depression and anxiety?? I’ve been on meds still an, tune to change Drs. I’ve been in therapy and it helps, but I feel I’ll be unhappy and depressed the rest of my life.

Trainchaser profile image
Trainchaser in reply to MaudeNY

Do you have any support system where you live? Glad you are getting professional help. What do you do in the moment? Try movement. Know it is hard but movement and breathing helps me the most. Hope you are having a good day better than yesterday Rick

MaudeNY profile image
MaudeNY in reply to Trainchaser

I have my daughters wouldn’t exactly call them support. It’s hard finding support groups for depression. And anxiety. Drinking and drugs lots of them but neither are my issues. Have you found any?

Trainchaser profile image
Trainchaser in reply to MaudeNY

Unfortunately I have not seen any in upstate New York. I have a support system of family and friends. I wish groups would pop up as I don't say everything to family and friends. Woke up anxious this morning. Hope you are doing well. Rick

Ruthy24 profile image

Hi Maude, I am Mary. I am hoping to make contacts here too. I don't have many friends where I live to talk with. I have the same problems as you. Depression is a terrible state to be in. It is hard for me to be motivated to do the things I need to. Lately I have been forcing myself to do something important everyday. It seems to help. I need to start journaling again too. Do you live alone? I do. I am also getting older, although I know 66 is not old but I have pretty bad back pain. That makes me feel older. Have a nice evening.

MaudeNY profile image
MaudeNY in reply to Ruthy24

hello Africa, yes I live alone and I’m 63. Gets harder the older we get. What part of the world do you live in? I am on meds for depression but don’t really feel they help. It’s good you’re doing at least one thing a day to keep you moving forward . I’m battling to get my taxes done , I hate it but force myself to do some each day. Hope you stay in touch.

Ruthy24 profile image

Hi Maude, I live in Wyoming. I have taken meds for depression for a long time. Sometimes they work and sometimes they don't it seems. Taxes, yes, coming up! Do you live in NYC? I grew up in DE. I moved out West to study Wildlife Management. That was my career. I'm 66 now and retired. Oh and my name is Mary. I will stay in touch. Good night.

MaudeNY profile image
MaudeNY in reply to Ruthy24

Good morning Mary, what an interesting field to study. Do you like it to n Wyoming? I’m originally from NY moved to FL a long time ago and I would move again tomorrow if I could. I can’t tolerate the heat any longer. That’s what I’m finding with the meds sometimes they work sometimes they don’t. I’m ready to go off of them I’ve had enough.

DonnaEll profile image
DonnaEll in reply to Ruthy24

Wildlife management…I dreamed of doing that but because of a severe learning disability in math, I never got my degree. I’ve got 138 college credits but they don’t help now! That must have been fascinating work!

Anyway…it looks like we all are in the same boat. I will be 60 in November and I’m starting to feel it! Oh, to be young again!

Ruthy24 profile image

Hi Maude, Florida sounds pretty good to me now because it is -15 degrees here and lots of snow!! But seriously I know how the heat can get old. I've heard that heat effects the way our meds work too. Your doctor should know about that though. Wyoming is ok but there is not much going on in the small town I live in. Did you know that WY is the least populated state - I've heard there are more cows here than people. I would move if I felt like I could. I bought a house here, furnished and decorated it, it just seems like too much of a hassle to downsize and move. I am going to have to move someday when I get older but I'm not doing it while I have my dog because he would never adjust to an assisted living place. He is a little pomerainian named Arthur. I got him at the pound and he is a good boy. Do you have any pets? Are you retired or do you still work? I retired early, at 60, but I wish I hadn't. Work gives structure to your life and provides social interaction too. I would go back to work but I seem to have plenty to do without it. I've really rambled on a lot. I hope you have a good day. Oh, speaking of going off of your meds, I wouldn't do it if it were me when I was depressed. Just a thought. Take care and keep in touch. I know Maude probably isn't your name so I hope you don't mind me calling you that.

MaudeNY profile image
MaudeNY in reply to Ruthy24

Maude is my middle name., It was my great grandmothers name. I love Pomeranians, so cute. I only adopt dogs so when I was looking I found a yorkie mix she is 9 lbs and when you are alone they are great company. I stopped working 5 years ago. When my marriage fell apart I Did too. So I moved closer to my parents and helped them out. 2.5, years ago a granddaughter came along and I help them out too. So I keep busy. I wish I could get more involved with people my age but so far that hasn’t worked out. Wishing you a good day Mary.

Ruthy24 profile image

My middle name is Ruth and I had a great grandmother on both sides named Ruth. How about that? I still ask my relatives to call me Mary Ruth because they are the only ones who will. Everyone else just calls me Mary. Yorkies are so cute! Nine pounds is a great size too. Easy to pick up. I am keeping busier than I was and it is helping. You have a nice day too Maude.

primrose81 profile image

Hello there Maude and welcome to the group. Yup, I’m with you on the depression, ageing , loneliness - I am both mentally( bipolar/ anxiety/depression/PTSD) and physically ( have to use rollator/wheelchair because of mobility problems) challenged so keep on struggling the best I can…I’m 71 and feel like a 6 year old as I am so easily upset - and also a90 year old when it comes to walking/ tackling stairs etc. On the plus side I have a wonderful husband who couldn’t be more supportive and 2 great children and 3 grandsons under 8. I try to count my blessings - of which I have many - and to concentrate on what I can do rather than what I can’t. Warm greetings from the UK.

MaudeNY profile image
MaudeNY in reply to primrose81

You have a great attitude, looking at the positive.

I only see negative these days. I’m going to start looking for anew DR all he wants to do is that TM with the magnets. I think it’s just another gimmick and Expensive. Keep up the happy thoughts!

Dahliafarmer profile image
Dahliafarmer in reply to MaudeNY

Maude, about the TM thing- my doctor wanted me to do it and I wasn't comfortable trying it so I did some googling to find what patients who'd tried it to see what they thought about it and I'm glad I did because reading their experiences definitely will keep me from going near that! So many people who were suffering from deptression and having a rough time dealing with their lives as they were. They started doing the TM thing ańd after a few sessiońs of īt, there is no science to it and the people administering the brain what ever they use to alter their brains after a few sessions they'd be in worse shape than ever and it can't be undone so these poor people have their original depression to deal with but their brains are all messed up & there's nothing that can be done!

Dahliafarmer profile image

i too relate with the agińg ((68), health falling apart after a divorce, picked up and moved 5 hours away to be near my parents to help them out. My depression was so bad my doctor hełped me get on disabiłity. The only friends I have łeft live about 3 hrs away so I rarely see anyone. I've got 2 dogs that help keep me somewhat sane. One is a mini Australian shepherd, the other is a 9 lb yorkie mix. They are both such spoiled girls. If there's anyonê wanting to be friends I am definitely be interested, Dawn

DonnaEll profile image
DonnaEll in reply to Dahliafarmer

Hi Dawn! I love Australian shepherds! Does she have blue eyes? If you’d like to chat, I’m here. My name is Donna. Nice to meet you!

Trainchaser profile image

I have 3 of the 4 items you mentioned if you want to chat let me know. Got to hold on to believing better days are ahead.

Hello...I to am struggling with all mentioned in this feed. Anxiety and depression fear of aging and getting older

MaudeNY profile image
MaudeNY in reply to hopeforhealing831

There seems to be a lot of us with the same issues , yet this is one of the quietest board I’ve ever joined. It would be nice if we could get real conversation on this going daily.

hopeforhealing831 profile image
hopeforhealing831 in reply to MaudeNY

I am new to this website as well. My first time here

I would like to interact with this group if others are participating. I am really struggling these days to stay focused. Lots of anxiety

dratman profile image

Hi,, I have childhood trauma issues which are causing problems for me as an adult.

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