Hurray I hear you say! All that Monty Pythonesque title really means is that I am not going to mention cross training! Or, at least I won't mention it again in this post!..much.
Some may have noticed that my journey towards 10k in 7 days time has suffered a hitch. Back or hip trouble? That is the question which I will throw at my physio when I see her on Tuesday morning. That said, following a few days of "good mornings" and single leg dead lifts and lunges, it is feeling much better today. (Note; this is rehab, not cross training👍). This is new territory to me, I have been working my way steadily through the beginners' guide to running injuries over the last almost 7 years, but this is my first venture above quad/hamstring height.
When I had to abandon my run at the beginning of last week (that almost never happens to me) I was straight into "is this it?; has time caught up with me?" Which counts as a major meltdown for this soon to be 73 year old. As part of my attempts to get a grip, I took time out to think about why I run at all; what would I miss, what was I so bothered about? I noticed that Coach Bennett was nudging me down the same thought path in this Marathon Plan, although his idea was that I should think this through as I ran, rather than sitting in a chair looking glum. He has an underlying theme that running is about far more than the numbers on your watch.
So what was the result of all of this introspection? Certainly the drivers have changed over the years. At the beginning in May 2018 it was about recovering from a spinal fracture. I was required to sit still for a couple of months whilst it healed; no problem there, moving was agony. I went through lists of possible pastimes which I found on line, and narrowed it down to running. My selection criteria were simple: get fit and do it outdoors. So apart from my age, C25K was a shoe in , if you will pardon the pun. Against all odds, I made it and have kept going, injury apart , at three runs per week. My eyes were glued to the watch in those days; pace and distance to go largely, but over the years, things have changed. I can do much of that run management stuff in my head these days.
Nowadays, I really take in the environment on my runs. I run alongside and through lovely woodland which starts only a few minutes from our front door. Even though we have had a really cold spell, the birds are back. Gold Crest, Gold Finch, cheeky Robins, Buzzards, Red Kites, Water Rail, Little Egret, Tree Creepers, Great Tits, Blue Tits, Long Tailed Tits, Owls, Kingfisher. Animals are around too, but they are more elusive: Foxes, Stoats, Hares, Rabbits, Deer. I never know what I will see, but I often see something remarkable; certainly much more interesting than the face of my watch. The changing face of the forest appeals too. Leaves reappearing on the trees and shrubs in Spring and the changing colour in Autumn.
Then there are people in the forest; other runners, walkers, riders on horse back, forest rangers and, of course, the staff of my beloved café; home of the best Flat White in town (my desperate need for a coffee post run may enhance things a little)!
Finally, but most importantly, there is everyone I have met, actually and virtually through the running forums. Sources of support in time of need (running and otherwise) digs in the ribs (virtual and actual!) endless fun and shared expertise. I want to say thank you for all of that.
All of the above is built upon that initial need to recover from an accident, and it keeps me going, and certainly diverts me from being a serial watch watcher!!
So what about you ? How did it all start? what keeps you going and what running ambitions have you in mind for the future?
Failing that; just tell us how you are getting on and what is happening in your neck of the woods; this is your chat after all. I just sank into that period of introspection thanks to my back twinge, so it would be unfair to inflict it on you!.
Hopefully you are good to go in our warm up runs starting next Sunday 23rd February(but with leeway to run them at any time in the following week of Monday 24th February to Sunday 7 March). You can still sign up, and remember that we have added a 5k option for those who are being held back by the various ravages of winter.
All the more reason to heal and to run, the exercises sound a bit like cross training to me, but rehab is good. The area you run in and signs of spring on the way sound wonderful.Me? I seem to be doing a lot but only running once or twice a week. Daughter and I take her collie to a secure field 3 times a week, we walk round and round, diagonally across the middle and chat, I throw a ball and we've found we puff less and walk faster, the first time we went we walked round once and had a little sit on a bench.. .us and dog are fitter now .
My youngest grandson and I have been swimming twice a week, the first time we did 10 lengths and were really pleased with ourselves. Last week we swam 20 lengths!
I am running slowly and keeping my heartrate low and really enjoying it. But it's sooooo cold.....someone please turn the heating on, I want to run in shorts!!!
I get my inspiration from HU and all the lovely runners here, makes me determined to get out and run more.....
You and me both Sue; we all keep each other going. Molly gets a daily walk; she chooses route and distance…always with the cafe early on
Rehab is fixing an injury so you can run properly again; Cross Training you do when you are fit to make you fitter/stronger for running. Can be the same exercises though 😉
I wonder what my swimming is? Trying to keep up with an almost 20 year old must be something....he's got me a bike in the shed too for when spring comes
🙂 Let’s agree that it is both! 20 lengths is good going.
I dropped off my swimming in the Autumn because it clashed with my pre diabetes course 🙄……not sure where the trade off between health benefits lands there! Maybe I should sign up again now the course is finished.
Colder than the south coast, we saw people in the sea when we did Lowestoft parkrun though, too cold for me yet, thinking paddle in April and swim in June
What a lovely post! It is very clear you will find a way to keep going because you love it so much. With all the beautiful scenery and wildlife calling out to you why wouldn't you?
I started C25k after having "that chat" with my GP. You know, the one that suggests you might not have long left if you don't change your diet, lose weight, start exercising, stop smoking and take statins.
Well I did all of the above except start taking statins and found that life has been so much more enjoyable and less painful since. I now love being outside, even in the cold wind and rain. Being outside was only something I did if the sun was shining and there was cricket to be played. Running has definitely given me a new lease of life. 😃
Hi R&P you clearly “get” the joy that running brings! I am sure that it has prolonged my active life (shades of the Pal dog food advert of years ago). I had the statins chat with my surgery. I have no doubt that they benefit lots of people, but my conversation was along the lines of “how will they help me?” Answer “ Blood pressure and cholesterol “. My response “ but you have just checked both and they are fine”……answer “agreed, you don’t need them.”
Wow, the medical folk do seem to love putting us on statins! My cholesterol was a little high. I've been on blood pressure medication for years but I was rather plump. C25k then Bridge to 10k soon sorted all that out. I'm off on a dinosaur hunt shortly.....that's a jog to Crystal Palace Park.
I really hope your hip problem clears up, I'm sure your physio will have you running around again in no time. 😃
You will definitely be back running again Beachcomber66 , a mere blip along your journey.
Why did I start? It was a combination of having reached the big 60 and deciding I didn’t want to follow my parents who’d had high blood pressure , stroke or type 2 diabetes. A friend had mentioned she was doing c25k with her daughter (thankfully that was before she gave up on it). The final push was seeing people of all shapes and sizes having such fun at a Santa Run and deciding that I wanted to do it the following year.
Never did I even consider that I would enter the 10 mile Great South Run, or that my GP would take me off the medication I had taken for 10 years, due to my increased fitness. Never did I think that life would revolve around parkrun and that I would make friends with lovely people around the country through running. I have discovered lovely places to run on my doorstep and enjoy running by the sea, as it is never the same, from one day to the next.
I don't want to think about a time when I can’t run, but I’m fairly sure that I will be volunteering at parkrun to keep the love going.
Having not run much in the last few weeks due to the lurgy, the 10k run seems to be coming round rather quickly. On checking my Garmin records I haven’t run that far since October. So I think I will be aiming for distance rather than speed and if it doesn’t feel right I will drop to the 5k.
You have made a massive contribution to supporting other people’s running (including mine ) as well as helping your own health and well being Dexy5. Running is a gift which keeps on giving, but it needs a bit of help along the way.
5k seems sensible; no point in our random timetable being the cause of a relapse…..ok porridge time, then I MUST run!!!
Morning BC. You and your gem of a physio make a formidable team. Niggles that try to get in your way stand no chance for long. They try, they fail. Hope this one is suitably dispatched too!
Why did I start running? Why indeed, it was something I used to actively avoid. Well my family can blame our eldest daughter for me turning into a running bore! She suggested C25K to me in the summer of 2018 at the age of 54 (slap back in the midst of “that time of a woman’s life”), I no longer had horses and needed to do something to counteract the mountains of food I consume.
Fast forward to 2025 and I still love running, but on my terms. I love Coach B and pals ordering me around, but without them I know I’d never do intervals! NRC has helped me run several HMs, and I’m still going to continue entering the LM ballot. One day, who knows, I might be lucky!
Best of all has been the support and camaraderie of HU, and the wonderful friends I’ve made along the way. Lots virtually, an ever growing number now in real life! Our race and PR meetups are legendary. ❤️
Yep;I am the runner with a problem for every solution. I am needed to keep the cash flow going because of inconsiderately fit people like you who need help so rarely🙂!
I have got to say that our kids were encouraging in differing degrees. Our eldest is not into fitness; his brain activity is off the scale, so that is probably enough for him. Our youngest is pretty fit and is pleased to buy me running gear for Christmas. Jill was strong, carting research stuff off into the Alaskan and Canadian wilderness or onto boats; she loved canoeing too, but her running was confined to her home elliptical as they call it. Running did keep me fit and strong long enough to make our Alaska trip I guess, which is the tenuous link between my photo and running!
Friends made through running are really precious 🙂.
I run for mental health. I love being a long-distance runner the most & I'm missing my longer runs & my usual weekly miles. I'm still getting out, though, for short early runs. I packed up my run gear & the fuel & kit filled a huge tea chest 🤣 I've got some new shoes for my long runs. Excited to get back on a marathon plan after we've unpacked.
I am hopeful RW. Touch wood it has felt a little better over the last few days; it knows that Pippa is on its case!
Mental health is a big driver for me too. It is amazing what baggage you can leave out there . Speaking of baggage; it sounds as though you are good to go. Hope everything goes well and you are soon unpacking that T-Chest. My experiment with long run trail shoes is going well after a sticky start. All of that tightness I used to get in my lateral peroneal muscles seems to have melted away. Sounds like a good investment.
5 minutes and I am out of here(umpteenth try at a departure today!) for a warm up run for my 10 k next Sunday/Monday. It is cold, with extra chill added by a wind from the sea, but at least there is no ice around. Spring time seems to be a long way off!!
Thanks Beachcomber66 👍 Hope you heal quickly from the dog bites. Dog would have been so scared. linda9389 is right. The man was very blessed to have you & the others there to help.
The bites are fine; just puncture wounds from the sharp canine teeth of a small terrier. The important thing was to get the meds to make sure nothing developed from them. Lots of dogs would have reacted that way. Tight running bottoms don’t offer much protection.🙂
Hello Beachcomber66 . That was a very reflective post and I hope you're injury free soon!
I've been reflecting quite a lot on my running the last 2-3 weeks and nearly posted myself as it's been a while since I was last on here (4 months!!) other than as a "lurker".
I run, first and foremost, because I love it. I didn't start for any other reason that in 2021 during lockdown I leaned into the popular view that we needed to make the most of the great outdoors, and I'd had the C25K app (unopened) on my phone for quite some time. I've tried so many different ways to maintain fitness and health and it's only running that has stuck with me for so long. Almost every time I go out of that door with my trainers on I love it. It's hard and sometimes I feel like I've gone backwards (figuratively) at times but I still love running and the feeling I get before, during and after I run.
So much so that when I can't run I am a very grumpy and frustrated person. I've had to deal with that twice recently. For those of you that remember my last posts, I'm doing the Brighton Half Marathon in 2 weeks, it's my first HM and my first race. I've been training via the NRC plan (loving the mix of runs and how it gets you ready for distances you previously thought weren't possible without you realising) and felt I was progressing really well, putting in some good distances up until the start of January.
I then had a planned minor op on a lump just below my knee which stopped me running for nearly 2 weeks, just as I had put 2 fairly solid 10m runs under my belt. I was like a bear with a sore head for that 10-14 days and was so happy when I went out for a couple of easy runs and didn't have any setbacks. But I was surprised how much slower I felt.
2 weeks later, and with 4 weeks to the HM), I pulled up about 3 miles into a 12m run with a pain in my hamstring, either a strain or a pull. I exhausted my lexicon of expletives and then spent 4 days constantly stretching and rubbing to get myself back out there. So far I haven't had any other issues 🤞but I appreciate what others on this forum are going through when they get injured.
All of which is to say, having those bumps in the road reminds me of how much I enjoy running when I do get back out there, the last 2 weeks of the plan have gone well and my pace is nearly back to where it was (tortoise rather than sloth). Hope the week goes well for you all, whether you run or not.
That, I am afraid, is a very clear and succinct description of the life of a runner! Snakes and ladders is a good metaphor! The mental processes I go through are a touch of rage, then working out what I need to do (usually ends up with my physio), accepting the steely fingers kneading into the relevant part(s) of my anatomy, and then the recovery phase begins with a rehab plan which I follow to the letter. At that point I am ok; uncertainty is resolved and I can feel progress day on day! Enjoy your HM; you have earned it 👍
Well that run could have gone better! I was on the return leg of a 10/12k run when a lady flagged me down and said that a man had collapsed further up the trail. I found him flat on his back, covered in ditch water with one leg underneath him. He was very large! He was conscious but not coherent. A big snag was that he had his dog with him. A small Patterdale type terrier which, understandably, decided that his master required protection and so it bit me twice on the leg as I tried to help 🙄. Fortunately two men came along; we got the injured man on his feet and walked/dragged him slowly towards a point where there was road access and an ambulance could reach him. One of the men dialled 101; the police alerted the man’s mother who showed up with blankets, accompanied by an ambulance crew. Thankfully she took charge of the dog. By this time I was freezing cold(I only had running gear on of course) and smelled like a zoo keepers boots from the ditch water! Fortunately a friend appeared from nowhere and gave me a lift home despite the aroma.
Showered and changed, I have an appointment at the local Urgent Treatment centre in about an hour; just in case I need an anti tetanus or antibiotic. You never know what will happen on a run! I just hope the man is ok; at least he is in the best place now. Think I will delete the time of that one!
Gosh BC! What an experience! You were the hero of the moment. Glad you got treatment quickly and everyone is ok, but that run was very exciting for all the wrong reasons 🙀
I need to fit in another long run now! Just one of three guys doing their best to help….NHS were amazing. Not sure how much good it did my back though.🙂
Reminds me of the time my husband was arriving late to my mum’s house, we were out and couldn't be there, but we left the key for him to let himself in. But the dog had other ideas and just wouldn’t let him in. My husband is a big man and the dog was only a little Shihtzu but had a ferocious bark and growled like anything. My husband had to head to the hotel nearby and wait for us to come home 😂
After handling big Old English for years, this terrier looked tiny. Had plenty of attitude though! Just a strong protective instinct; not its fault, but it made things a lot more difficult.
Good luck with the niggles BC.; Im sure you have no real deaire to work your way through the entire injury menu!And now for something different ... I have acquired me a double yellow spot squash ball for massaging the bits other balls just cannot reach! On Sat I did an 18k run with virtually no aggravation of my hip/thigh niggle so, for now at least, I'm a convert and my piriformis and glute med better watch out!But then for something very much the same. Once again sitting on a delayed plane!!! Delayed getting to Lisbon, delayed leaving! Due to land in Cape Verde just after midnight. Will now be later. And I was hoping for an early morning run in the morning to avoid the heat ... not sure how that is going to go now. Sigh!
A busy three weeks ahead for me, hopefully culminating in Lisbon HM. But for now, a long old rest on the tarmac 🤷♀️
You are jinxed Linda; I am surprised that you get travel insurance!! Good about your patent remedies though👍. Just back from hospital pumped up with anti tetanus and antibiotics!! Not my best day!
There were three of us on the scene in the end. One of the guys was really good with the police and made sure we got help. Good job I am seeing physio today; the guy was really heavy! Runs; always throwing up surprises! Hope you are where you should be now. 🙂
Your week has started with a bit of excitement BC! I really hope your back is ok and you are able to run. Honestly it’s just one thing after another sometimes with this running.
I started running because I was so unfit and my legs were beginning to jiggle 😂 I use to lie in bed at night and feel my heart beating furiously so I knew I had to do something to improve that. A friend had started to run the year before and she raved about it so much that I had this in my mind when I typed “how to run” into the search bar and the C25K link popped up!
I’ve loved it ever since and next month I have my 12th anniversary. There have been so many benefits that it has been the best thing I’ve ever done for me and that’s what keeps me going.
Every now and then I have a little thought that I might want to do a marathon but I am so injury-prone and I’m not sure I’m prepared to invest the time so I keep saying no. But who knows? At the minute I’m on week 7 of a HM plan but no race booked yet. Maybe I’ll go onto a MM just to see…?
Thanks IP. Just back from the physio. A new experience every time! All good though. My piriformis is tight on the right side, so that was given some acupuncture before being teased out, and my right QL had a tight spot again. Hips seem fine, which was my main worry. Exercises to do now, including Happy Baby again (😬; I thought that might have been the start of the trouble) nerve glides, and deep side adductor stretches. I came out of the room feeling much better than when I walked in. Hope that continues!! My physio told me about their dog (another OES) which wouldn’t allow her dad upstairs without her mother saying that it was ok! He travelled a lot (international cricketer) so the dog saw him as a visitor rather than family! Didn’t bite him though 🙂.
I am still hoping to do a MM this year. I am still following the NRC Marathon Plan and doing their set exercises. I need the extra strength if I am to get to 26k plus a bit. Will give it a good go. Marathon? Too late for me, but I am sure that you could get there.
You really seem to have a lot to cope with at the moment. Wishing you a speedy return to full fitness. I'll resist the why I started running question, because I am coming up to my 2nd runniversary and I need something to write in that upcoming post. But my running week has been leaden, I'm completely lacking energy, in my defence we've been busy here with DIY quickly followed by entertaining family with 2 small children. All very exhausting so it's hardly surprising. The longest run this past week was 7k, all very slow, but at least I was out there. I'm really unsure if I'll make the full10k this weekend, I may have to content myself with 5k. I'm learning to respect my body and listen to what it's telling me. Hopefully full fitness will return all in good time. PS did pilates this morning with only one minor adaptation to an exercise....hurray.
Hi Sax64. We all hit these rough patches don’t we? I look forward to reading about your prelude to running🙂. Having been needled and stretched and probed by my physio this morning, things are feeling better now.
It doesn’t matter how far you run at the weekend; just find something which puts a smile on your face. This is all meant to be enjoyed.
Well done on the Pilates!👏👏👏👏 I have some new rehab exercises from my physio, including Happy Baby which didn’t end well last time; but she knows what she is doing so I will give it a go…maybe happy baby light!! Hope you find time to sleep!!
Glad to hear that the physio went well. A gentler day here. A bit of pilates then taking a trip to the community garden plot I look after for a bit of tidying up there. Then a relaxing afternoon. Hope to run tomorrow fingers crossed 🤞
Hi Beachcomber66 (glad your physio went well!) and all VRBs ! Thinking back to when I started out in 2014, was a variety of reasons I guess . I'd had a bad time mentally in 2011,come out the other side of that, lost 2 stone with Slimming world in 2012, and I guess looking for some positive focus. My bruv had run years before and had encouraged me to start but it hadn't happened. My good pal Tracy was doing c25k and I went and watched her complete a parkrun, it looked fun! Decided that the 1st Sunday in January would be my start day and ventured out ! Managed to complete in the 9 weeks and amazed at the progress, that week 5 run 3 , 20 mins was a revelation . How did that happen ! It's magic!😊 Chuffed to have kept it up this long, completed lots of fun races ,met lots of lovely friends in real life and on here (and some are both! ) and lots of splashing in muddy puddles over the years keeps me sane (ish!)
Managed to get to club tonight, after a hospital trip with Dad yesterday,life is certainly trying at the moment but fighting my best not to be overwhelmed! Fingers crossed 🤞
Have a good week everyone!
Good Times with my bruv, and a meet up with misswobble over here! Xxx
Great photos! You and your brother are both airborne at the same time; formation flying! That is just showing off!🙂.
Getting into running after some kind of setback seems to be a fairly common theme; it maybe explains why we tend to stick with it too. I think my physio was in reflective mood yesterday; she said, kindly, that someday something will just “go”! 😬 My thoughts were “not this day and not anytime soon if I can help it!” Running keeps me going 🙂
🙂 No…she and I understand each other. There was a context….I was commenting on my usual predictions of doom around injuries as in “is this the one which will stop me running?” …and I tend to see any significant injury in that light ……so, inevitably one day I will be right! She is amazing.
Hi BC👋 Back now after being very busy with dogs and kids, and ill folk. They’ve all gone home leaving me coughing and spluttering etc 🤧
My ankle is giving me grief so I’ve been worrying about my training and upcoming race. Allus sommat 🤷♀️
I watched a video t’other day about an old guy who ran his last marathon aged 88. He now goes to the gym most days and swims, lifts weights etc. his PT challenged him to have a go at Dick Van Dyke’s (age 99) fitness regime. Very interesting. He found it dead hard which shows how fit the professional ex dancer is Worth a watch. I,think it’s on YouTube. I’ll see if I can find the link 🤓. Us old uns need to take inspiration wherever …….. 😀
I’ve got the HU event on my calender. Probably doing the 10k 🤔🤞
Hi misswobble, I was wondering where you had got to 🙂. 10k max for me too; back with my physio again 🙄. Her magic is working but nothing prepared me for acupuncture on my right piriformis muscle …..I didn’t know where it was 😂. My QL muscle is playing up to…..but I can feel the improvement now, Doing my daily rehab exercises like a good boy!
I will have a look for the DVD video too. Bit of inspiration would be timely.
You have been through the mill! Why can’t people keep their bugs to themselves? Still; family is an exception to every rule. Sounds as though we are both going to give 10k our best shot. I managed a 40 minute trot this morning; hopefully tagging another 25 mins or so on top will be ok. Hope your ankle bucks its ideas up!🤞
You have been in the wars!! When you finally get to lace up those shoes it should at least be warmer. My aches and pains are much improved; sometimes they slip back a bit, but it isn’t interfering with my running. I managed 13k on Monday, so on the way back up, hopefully!! Get well soon Missw; we miss you 🙂
13k! Great job 💪😀🏃♂️ The warmer weather makes everything better doesn’t it 😎
My husband thoughtfully bought me a swanky new lawnmower yesterday to help make my life easier 😁. It’s going to help me get back on my feet apparently 🙄
Every cloud has a silver lining and I must say my ankle hasn’t bothered me while I’ve been laid up 🙂
Town won yesterday, after a goal drought, so that cheered me up no end ⚽️
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