Weekly Chat: July 22 to 28: Something... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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Weekly Chat: July 22 to 28: Something to Crow About?

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon
34 Replies

Saturday was a beautiful day. 25C, blue skies, a gentle warm breeze; thinnest short sleeved running shirt conditions. Just perfect. I set off early for my routine Saturday 5k in order to avoid the influx of weekend visitors to the forest, and effortlessly (so it seemed) pulled a four or even five year best time out of the hat. Over this year VO2 max has gone from a low of 36 just after Christmas, to 46 a week ago, and I beat my 10 mile and HM Pb’s. All of that is just context. Even my best pace is just steady, so I won’t be checking in for a British Masters race anytime soon 🙂.

The big question is, what next and how do I slow off again before I push myself too hard?

I have woken up to a dull day; rain is promised and the thermometer is showing 15C. The forecast for the rest of the week looks similar; ideal running conditions really. So today is day 2 of my return to the NRC HM plan (Saturday was day 1; a tempo run.). It is 6 weeks since my HM, and my longest runs since then have been a couple of 11.5ks. So I have joined the plan in “11 weeks to go” with the intention of doing all four of the serious runs for each week, but spread over nine days or so. The big challenge will be to run the long slow runs at my easy pace; but I have to find a way, or the injury couch will come into play.

I have been checking out exercise plans too; my goodness there is a lot of stuff out there! One legged exercises are recommended (because we usually have one leg which is weaker than the other but the strong one compensates if we exercise both together). Some people do arabesques ….some look more dangerous than Linda preparing cheeseburgers!(sorry…….😘). I am sticking to my two legs at the same time exercises for the most part! No point in avoiding running injuries only to end up in a heap on the lounge floor!). At least I have a plan, a bit of structure and coaches who know what they are doing. My free running break was fun, but it is time to be serious again.

Anyway; enough of my babble. How is life treating to you? What is everyone up to? All good I hope…but whatever is happening we love to hear from you.🙂

From Your Team:  Irishprincess  linda9389 and me 🙂


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Beachcomber66 profile image
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34 Replies
cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksHalf Marathon

In Coach B’s words, BC, you’re a rock star! Everything is going right, and that‘s so good to hear! Are you GSR bound this year? 🤞🤞

I jumped back on board the HM plan yesterday morning at the gym. Having had a couple of weeks off due to a pesky cold and lots of grandparenting duties, and plus prepping for a big weekend of choir concerts, I gave myself permission to step away. After all, my plan has stacks of wiggle room (HM is in Oct and I only have 4.5 weeks of the plan to go).

So naturally I went back to a speed run! Not right for everyone, I know, but I know me! 😅 Coffee and breakfast followed, then we were still there when oldest grandson (and daddy) turned up for his tennis lesson! He got star player of the week! ❤️🎾

Have a great week everyone! ❤️

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to cheekychipmunks

I won’t know about GSR until the last minute cheeky. I have signed up and have booked into an hotel, but life here is still very complicated. What I can do is try to be ready in case it happens.

Today I stuck to 10k in the end, but at 1:07.52 it was rather quicker than planned, so 6.47/k average pace. It should have been about 7.15. AHR was 135 bpm, so that was ok. I think that I have somehow transferred my steady 5k stride length into the longer runs; in fact I am sure that is right as the data confirms it. Maybe I have just got a bit fitter!

No commentary on NRC…I think that I am going to have to delete it and download again! I do get a voice at half way and at the finish…but no chat.

I am with you on speed runs; all that pace and not even out of breath! You will be ready on the day (you always are). In the meantime all these grandkids will keep you young; a lovely time of life.

David_G profile image
David_GMetric Marathon

Hi Beachcomber66 and C25K friends. I’m working towards the New Forest Half Marathon in September using the plan devised by Jeff Galloway on the Garmin Connect app.

I was lucky enough to have a coach from my running club who was able to run/walk with me yesterday. We ‘jeffed’ ten miles (16.09 km): my longest distance since my cardiac arrest and heart attack last year, which I was very pleased to complete!

I’ll be following the Jeff Galloway plan to the letter as long as everything keeps going well. This is fully supported by my friends at Cardiac Rehab, where I volunteer every Thursday. I’ll also be doing more strength and mobility exercises, again through Cardiac Rehab where I can be closely monitored.

Hopefully I can inspire some of our patients to keep up with their exercises too, and perhaps to realise that there can be life after cardiac problems as long as they follow the instructions and advice they receive from our wonderful NHS!

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to David_G

Great to hear David. You have good judgement and determination in equal measure. The people at Cardiac Rehab are lucky to have you! Congratulations on the 10 miles; you are doing brilliantly 👍

linda9389 profile image

Haha, thanks for the mention BC!!! Don't forget you also have your amazing physio 🙂I'm trying to get back tomy HM plan with my running, but the hand and then the horrible, horrible tooth infection (and antibiotics) have definitely taken their toll.

This morning I went out for the 31 min recov run on my plan- just one recovery run each week, but they are rapidly becoming my favourite runs, a treat to myself.

This morning was still very, very warm but with heavy rain too. What to do with my hand? An elastic band and a plastic bag served to protect from the rain but it got pretty warm and damp inside anyway. Hey ho. I loved every hot, wet and steamy step of the run. Home for a hand held shower (same bag) and help washing my hair.

Never mind the HM plan though ... my current goal? To be able to wriggle into my sports bra unaided 🤷‍♀️🤣

Take good care and have a fun week everyone 🙂

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles in reply to linda9389

Crikey, it’s hard enough to get into a sports bra with all limbs functioning!

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to Dexy5

Especially the shock absorber sports bras!!!

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles in reply to linda9389

Exactly, I can now do mine up again after my rotator cuff injury, but it still twinges. I won’t declare it sorted until it’s pain free.

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to linda9389

That’s a great goal Linda! 🤣

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to Irishprincess

A bloomin' important one too!!! What if I find myself home alone? 😱

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to linda9389


Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to linda9389

After my recent fall I struggled to fasten the clip at the back as my shoulder took the brunt. For the first few times my husband was at home and so I asked him to help but then one day he wasn't there and I just stood there looking at myself in the mirror and wondering what to do 🤣

I eventually did it but couldn't fasten the second clip so had to run with it open

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to Irishprincess

Oh no! I can imagine I could possibly manage one of the fastenings .. .

over61andstilltrying profile image
over61andstilltryingHalf Marathon in reply to linda9389

🤣 Oh dear!

I have definitely need help after a run when my hands are just too cold, even though wearing gloves during the run.

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to over61andstilltrying

I managed to get it OFF myself after today's run - definite progress 👍🤣

Sandie1961 profile image
Sandie1961Half Marathon

Sounds like it’s all going brilliantly for you just now. One of the things I did to manage my pace (quite a long time ago!) was to find a specific bpm playlist - 155 in my case and run in time to the music. Not sure you do music though 🤔

Last week we had friends staying from the UK, so I did 2 x 5k croissant runs (the long way round through the vineyards to the boulangerie) and took him to meet the Eymet Runners for our usual Friday morning 5k. Joining Shake-and-run with Mr S tomorrow at a walking group she’s discovered in France for a approx 10k walk. The weather is quite cool and overcast some days, then boiling (30+c) on others, so type and duration of activity is quite variable, although I will always try to make our Friday and Sunday runs if I can. The pool is up and waiting to cool down!

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Sandie1961

I love all kinds of music Sandie; but I have never mixed it with running. I did find that the apple music app kept starting up and stopping CB in his tracks at the start of NRC HM runs…so I deleted it(the music) Ruthless 😂.

I know how much you enjoy France; it sounds wonderful; I can almost smell the croissants….A friend of mine had a flat in Paris; the boulangerie was just over the road…fresh for breakfast every morning 😋.

Hope you meet up with the Shakes goes well; I enjoy her WS quotes! 🙂

Sandie1961 profile image
Sandie1961Half Marathon in reply to Beachcomber66

Shakes’ house is just half an hour from ours, so we see each other far more often than when we are in the UK, which is great 😊

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon

My response to having a tooth out a few weeks ago was relief! I have had much more pain during physio. I guess it will have to wait until the infection clears. Hopefully the antibiotics and painkillers will calm things down soon.

I have experience of having to cope with a hand wrapped up in a plastic bag following two hand operations! Very awkward!

I have been turning my half hour recovery run into a steepish hill run. It helps with strengthening; maybe not so good for recovery!

🤞everything clears up for you quickly.🙂

misswobble profile image

A handsome cockerel! 🥰 What a beauty 😀

I was treated to a stretching masterclass at the match the other day, courtesy of our oldest player. Single leg bridge! Made them look easy 🙂

I’ve just started a fresh NRC marathon plan, having entered my usual winter marathon. It’s a week later this year 🥶 Eek 😬

I’ve still got a painful heel so massaging it and applying magnesium gel etc while waiting for a physio appointment. Hopefully I’ll get to see someone before the plan gets into the long runs 🏃‍♀️ It’s not been too bad since the hill race, thank goodness 🙏

Have a great week everyone ! Enjoy the sunshine 🌞 I’m off to the seaside 🤗

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to misswobble

The cockerel lives at a local restaurant; I don’t think that he will ever be on the menu!

A bit of sun and sea should do your heel good; mine was a bit sore after today’s run; settling down now. Enjoy your break. Hope the sun shines on you 👍

misswobble profile image

thank you! I think the outlook is sunny 😎😀

The coastal path is dead handy so hoping to run some of it 🏃‍♀️

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon

Keep away from the edge !! 🙂

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles

Hello Beachcomber66 , you have been doing so well with your running and I think the Nike Running app is serving you well, because Coach Bennett is keeping you in check. UpTheStanley finds it difficult to do easy pace runs, so he runs with me to achieve it. I have to do easy runs without him. 😂

I finally managed to get 3 runs in last week. On Thursday I meant to run 8k but gee it was hot out there. 4k was no problem, but then I decided to walk a little while I took on water and found it hard to get going again. 500m later I got going again, but realised Coach Bennett had abandoned me, so I ran back along the seafront and with just my music. I reached the cafe where I was to meet UTS at 7k so called it an end there.

Enjoyed being back at Southsea parkrun on Saturday, but oh so muggy, it was almost tropical.

Today was gusting 31kph southwesterly, so the 2 of us ran 5 x 500m circuits of canoe lake, avoiding swans and pigeons , and then a few times around the rose garden to avoid the windy prom. We then ran straight back home.

Have a great week everyone .

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Dexy5

I am happy with the rather cooler climate up here; I think I would struggle in the heat. I remember southern heat from my Guildford days. It was like emigrating after life oop north!

CB decided not to show up this morning ( not for the first time!), so I have deleted the app and reinstalled it. Hopefully normal service will be restored! MissUnderstanding discovered this remedy I think. There seem to be some slight tweaks with the new app..maybe it is a new version.

My physio deserves a lot of the credit for my current streak. The exercise routine she gave me in March is really keeping all of my leg muscles nice and loose between runs. 🤞I can keep things going. Two days off now with a swim on Wednesday. All helps.

You are well on target for October; hope that wind doesn’t put in an appearance then…although it might give the locals an advantage.

Bed now !

aliboo70 profile image
aliboo70Half Marathon

Just tested positive for Covid! 😪Been feeling a bit under the weather since last Thursday ,cold bit came out after our visit to Lymington parkrun! Annoying . But not feeling too bad. So today will be a clearing the bedroom day and no run club! 🤬Have a good week everyone! 😘xxx

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to aliboo70

Oh no Ali ☹️ There’s still so much of it around. Hope it doesn't last long and you are feeling ok xxx

aliboo70 profile image
aliboo70Half Marathon in reply to Irishprincess

Yes I'm OK, my Dad positive too, he's a bit upset😪. Off to visit in a bit, at least I won't have to worry about doing that! I think his cold symptoms came on before mine,I only had 2 days headaches, 1 day of sniffy, bit of sore throat so hopefully on tail end of it! 🤞xxx

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to aliboo70

When my mum got it a few years ago (I probably gave it to her 🙁) her symptoms were almost non-existent whereas I was floored for a few weeks.

It’s good that you can visit your dad though xxx

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon

What a pain aliboo! It just keeps dropping in to say “hello…..I am still here”. 🤬 indeed.

Look after yourself and see it off quickly. Hopefully it is the five day version.

In the meantime ….spoil yourself 🙂

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon

That’s a very handsome cockerel ❤️ Looks as if he knows it though 🤣

I thought of you yesterday as I had a sports massage with someone new. My previous lady left the practice so this was the first time I tried her replacement. He is a runner too (ultras) and I must say it was a brilliant massage. But one of the first things he said to me was “do you warm up, cool down and stretch?” I was able to say yes to all of them although I don’t do a long enough cool down and should get back to that. But anyway, he was very pleased. I felt like teacher’s pet 😇

I thought of you because of your post a few weeks ago where we chatted about stretching. He’s a big supporter and doesn't understand why so many runners don’t stretch or even warm up. So there we are.

I thought I should get a sports massage because my mileage ramps up this week (10K, 8K 14.5K) and I need to be ready. The HM plan is going well and the strengthening is working too so all is still good. I’ve started taking magnesium tablets to help my sleep but it’s too early to know if they are making any difference. I was up again in the small hours creeping downstairs and feeling like a ghost 🤣 If I can get the sleep thing sorted I’ll be tickety boo.

You are a man with a plan BC, it all sounds positive and good to go. Long may it reign 👍

Have a great week everyone and run happy x

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Irishprincess

Sounds like a good physio for runners; it isn’t essential that they run or have been runners, but it helps. My warm up yesterday involved nerve glides for both legs, walking sideways and then squats, both with a heavy exercise band, quad stretches (standing on one leg), adductor stretches and happy baby. I felt really strong in the uphill sections towards the end of the run; much quicker and smoother than a couple of weeks ago. My post run stretches were standing quad stretches and hamstring stretches. I seem to be running better and I have been managing to smooth muscles out before knots have had a chance to form……it is a moving target though; this regime will require adjustment as my legs find news ways to drive me crazy!🤪

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Beachcomber66

He’s not even a physio! But he knows about runners and coaches others nowadays. Will keep his number handy 🙂

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon

Well that was a bit of a disaster! Hill run day; newly reloaded NRC app, headphones charged, everything ready to press “go” when I got the end of my warm up walk…….button pressed ….and I heard CB as if he were in a distant place! Some idiot had left his headphones at home!!

The run went well; the pace keeps creeping up week on week on this quite challenging series of hills….but when I slowed off to my cool down walk, I forgot to stop my watch! On top of that I couldn’t find the £5.00 note I had put in my pocket with the phone….it must have fallen out when I took the phone out to stop it blasting out CB to the nation.

That said it was a tough run and VO2 max didn’t doc any points, so not all bad.

I think I need a check list!!

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