The hidden dangers ... the many route... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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The hidden dangers ... the many routes to the IC ... beware of the cheese ... πŸ§€

linda9389 profile image
β€’83 Replies

It's the early hours of day 11 of my trip to Switzerland with my father. Ironically I can't sleep, so got up for a hot drink and a banana (after reading IP's chat post this week). I know screen time is not the answer, but I suspect I'm done for the night anyway.

It's been an eventful week leading to another short spell on the IC 😠

Shortly after arriving my father was stung by a wasp/bee on the big toe. We know he reacts badly, but were still rather surprised when he passed out in the kitchen. Over the next couple of hours big welts appeared all the way up both legs, the muscles in his legs cramped and twitched and then his lips and tongue began to swell! I dosed him with antihistamines and liberally used the bite and sting cream I had packed. Thankfully things got no worse after a couple of hours, and now - several days on - the reactions have gradually disappeared.

Then on Saturday evening we were preparing a BBQ dinner; simple cheeseburgers. Making cheese slices with a block of Emmental is not easy but I found an interesting looking implement in the kitchen (photo above) and had a go. Hmm. This evil thing should have come with a safety warning and an instruction manual. Suffice to say my way was the wrong way!!! I had to push hard to get the block past the blade, and realised rather late that I had gone too far, losing the pad of my hand below the thumb in the process.

7pm on a Saturday. Only limited medical supplies brought with me, nothing suitable for a wound like this. Couldn't find anything appropriate in the house we are in. Pharmacies were closed. I couldn't drive. The language barrier made a hospital visit even more unappealing. And me, a prolific fainter when it comes to blood, was of no use whatsoever (all my efforts and energy go into staying conscious and dealing with the effect of the shock).

Long story short, my father went to a neighbour who came with pads and bandages and arnica and other homeopathic remedies and very kindly dressed it as best she could, while I tried to remain conscious! Pain. Shock. Nausea. Yuc!!! Later that evening it dawned on me that my 12.5k long run would not be happening in the morning. In fact a lot of things have been off the agenda - including typing - as I'm right handed and my right had has been well and truly neutralised! AN all because of a silly, stupid, small mistake.

By Monday I had gone through all the painkillers I'd brought and we decided to head to a pharmacy for more pills and a second opinion. The wound is large and I was worried about possible infection. Well, that turned into a drama and a half!!! The pharmacy were wonderful. Removed the dressing, washed the wound and redressed it. Despite not looking, I still managed a full on faint and when I came round everyone looked very concerned. It seems the faint had become a fit, something that has never happened to me before. The pharmacist eventually insisted on calling an ambulance because the wooziness was taking so long to go and he was convinced it could have been an epileptic episode. They arrived within just a few minutes. Several checks and many questions later, they were happy it was a one off and all related to the overreaction to the circumstances, and that I was OK. Almost an hour later I was back on my feet and we finally left. Got home and slept like a log! Forgot to buy the painkillers though!

That phenomenal service was pretty much free; all we paid for was the cream and new dressings. An absolutely amazing service.

Anyway, I am now on top of the pain and have sufficient movement to use all but the thumb of my right hand now. Progress. And I am absolutely itching to do that long run. We are supposed to change the dressing today (which I am dreading), so maybe I'll try a slow, slow run this morning ... I'll stay local and see how it goes.

Despite the hidden dangers, it is so beautiful here in Central Switzerland and I'd like to see a bit more of it before we leave πŸ₯°

Take care out there folks ...

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linda9389 profile image
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83 Replies
Oldfloss profile image

Linda. What a horrible experience. Thank goodness you and your hand are recovering. How absolutely terrifying.

Your poor father too... that sounds like a hornet sting! So many strange and very nasty biting things when we are abroad. Thank goodness he recovered well too.

You had good support from neighbours and the medical services too. We found the pharmacies in France the same, Almost better than many GP surgeries.

Please do, do be sensible. Your body has had a real shock at many levels. Maybe a walk today after dressing change, might be the better option, Yes I know... I am in what Tim used to call, my old fogey nannying mode, but the run really will wait,

The runs call, can be loud and ling, but may sound all the sweeter after a little more rest?

Your choice of course... but do be kind to yourself...

Sending a gentle hug,

Floss x

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathonβ€’ in reply toOldfloss

I know a walk would have been the sensible option, and it was very much there in reserve, but I so needed to take control of my body after all the chaos. A slow run, with a couple of significant walk breaks to assess how I felt. All went well and I can't tell you how good that felt. Even better was a pretty successful dressing change - hopefully that will make the next one easier too!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorβ€’ in reply tolinda9389

I'm glad...glad it went well and that the dressing change was not too traumatic...You know your body...and you listen..all is well...just take care xxx

Beatlesforever profile image

That must have been so scary for you and your dad! You poor thing, glad to hear your hand is getting better. Hope that you and your dad can enjoy the rest of your time in Switzerland. Take care xx

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathonβ€’ in reply toBeatlesforever

It's definitely raised our stress levels since we arrived! We see danger lurking rou nd every corner at the moment. We're only half way through the trip though so hopefully we have plenty of time left to make some positive memories 😍

Shake-and-run profile image
Shake-and-runHalf Marathon

A drama and a half Linda! So glad you were in competent hands and so very well looked after. Your poor Dad too, that sounds like a very bad reaction, do they happen often? Perhaps he should carry an epi-pen. I hope the rest of your holiday is incident free, and like Floss says, take it steady!

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathonβ€’ in reply toShake-and-run

I've suggested he see a GP once he's home, to have a chat about whether an epi-pen is worthwhile. If he'd been on his own - which he mostly is - it would have been very frightening.

RunWillie profile image

Sending a big hug linda9389 πŸ€—

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathonβ€’ in reply toRunWillie

Thanks RW. Hope you're managing to beat those post marathon blues xxx

RunWillie profile image
RunWillieMarathonβ€’ in reply tolinda9389

Looking forward to those holiday runs already 😎

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathonβ€’ in reply toRunWillie

Real freedom runs with a great big smile 🌞

lexi6 profile image
lexi610 Miles

Oh Linda, that must have been terrifying, first with your Dad and then you, that grater looks lethal. I hope you and your Dad continue to heal and enjoy what's left of your holiday πŸ™

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathonβ€’ in reply tolexi6

Thanks Lexi. Surely the remainder of the trip has to be better 😍

lexi6 profile image
lexi610 Milesβ€’ in reply tolinda9389

It will be and it re-started with your run πŸ‘πŸŽ‰

Curlygurly2 profile image
Curlygurly2Half Marathon

Oh my goodness Linda, what an awful experience, and on a lovely holiday too. I'm so sorry this happened to you.. I know you will be thinking about your run, but imagine the increased blood flow as your heart rate goes up, and don't even dream about it....

Hope you feel better soon.

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathonβ€’ in reply toCurlygurly2

Haha. That's all I thought about CG2! Constantly checking the bandage for leaking and a coupe of significant walks to bring the HR down (bonus; garmin loved it!!!).

aliboo70 profile image
aliboo70Half Marathon

Ouchy , sounds awful for your Dad with the sting, and your hand, you poor thing that must be so sore! I'm the same with blood! Glad you're recovering and I agree with Oldfloss a walk may be better xxx

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathonβ€’ in reply toaliboo70

The whole reaction to blood thing is a very real nuisance. I find it odd that a proportion of the human race overreacts in this bizarre way, quite the design fault! A walk would have been more sensible, but I was desperate to take charge of something again, and the gentle run really did make me feel massively brighter.

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon

πŸ™ˆ You are not safe to be allowed out!! Good case for making a formal risk assessment before your next attempt at making a cheeseburger!

Just so pleased that you are both ok. Two crises appearing out of nowhere; we are always just one misstep away from calamity.

Enjoy the rest of your break……carefully πŸ₯°

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathonβ€’ in reply toBeachcomber66

You may be right BC! Safer at home. I spent the night awake with a nasty toothache out f the blue so am now reading up on Swiss dentists and the small print in my insurance plan! Life feels rather unfair just now. One misstep away from calamity is about right!

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathonβ€’ in reply tolinda9389

Never!! This is the pathway to paranoia!! I managed to pick up ear infections in Canada regularly. Thankfully the medical service there was first class. I am sure that Switzerland will be brilliant.

Hopefully some antibiotics/ pain killers will stabilise things until you get home. πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€ have a few these (copyright IP acknowledged.).

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathonβ€’ in reply toBeachcomber66

And, with a positive hat on I'm thinking that if the dentist prescribes antibiotics ... then i don't have to worry so much about my hand getting infected! Every cloud ....

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathonβ€’ in reply tolinda9389

Genius πŸ™‚

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles

Oh no Linda 😱. What a scary time you’ve had! Glad to hear that you have been getting medical attention, and changes in dressings. I wasn’t allowed to run when I had dressings on my arm, because of the increase in blood flow, I guess. Perhaps stick to walking for now. Enjoy the rest of your hols with your dad.

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathonβ€’ in reply toDexy5

I'm afraid I wasnt that sensible, and completed my run. I was very cautious about it though and ready to stop at the tiniest sign of bother. Some long walk breaks served as good check ins with both my hand and head! I did feel so much better afterwards (albeit shattered!).

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Milesβ€’ in reply tolinda9389

Yes I bet it helped clear the mind. I hope that you are both able to enjoy the rest of your hols.

RunBrianRun profile image
RunBrianRunHalf Marathon

Goodness gracious me Linda. What a dreadful few days you’ve had. That was quite a compelling read. I’m so glad you and your dad are ok. I hope you do manage to get out and enjoy that beautiful Swiss scenery in the days you have left. Take care!

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathonβ€’ in reply toRunBrianRun

It's truly gorgeous here. like the UK, they've had far more rain than usual and everywhere is so, so green in the sunshine Just beautiful.

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon

OMG Linda!!! That sounds just awful. How distressing for you and your dad but I’m so glad it turned out all right for you both in the end. The kindness of strangers and a great pharmacy came to the rescue. The pharmacies in Europe are brilliant. I’ve had to use them myself on several occasions and they are just so well informed and efficient.

While the sight of blood doesn't bother me, it’s the shock that makes me wobbly. I know what you mean about trying to stay conscious, it really is a mental game at that stage.

I hope the run goes ok but you might still be in shock so take care. We don’t want any more mishaps!

Here’s a bunch of flowers for you and your dad πŸ’ xxx

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathonβ€’ in reply toIrishprincess

Thanks IP. I was phenomenally impressed witht he pharmacy service. the patience, gentleness and real consideration of the situation was way beyond the hurried service at my own GP. The run was wonderful - accompanied by your epic playlist I took back just a little bit of control and ran a truly restorative 12.5k πŸ₯°

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathonβ€’ in reply tolinda9389

Delighted to hear the run went well Linda πŸ‘ That epic music is a real motivator πŸ’ͺ

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksHalf Marathon

Oh good grief Linda. 😳 I saw the photo and thought the worst - those things freak me out at the best of times - but your experience was much worse than I imagined. You and your poor dad! 😩

I’m impressed that you’re even considering running after all that. Are you sure??? Really? ❀️

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathonβ€’ in reply tocheekychipmunks

I am still cringing when my father grates my apple for me each morning!

I needed that run to take back some control and to rediscover my strength. Numbers were irrelevant, pace was irrelevant; it was about exercising care whilst celebrating what I CAN do rather than what I can't!!!

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathonβ€’ in reply tolinda9389

The kitchen is awash with dangerous items that can cause serious injury! My husband does the cooking and has invested in proper β€œchef’s knives” which are seriously sharp. I don’t go near them as I’m terrified of them. That probably comes from a mishap as a teenager when I was washing the dishes in my then boyfriend’s mum’s house and I washed this long knife and it nearly took the top of my finger off! I didn't think that their knives could have been a lot sharper than those at home.

Even now, if I’m hand washing a knife, I do it very slowly 🫣

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathonβ€’ in reply toIrishprincess

Yikes!!!I think I uses it totally wrongly. I had it flat on the counter, with the handle acting as a hook, then pushed the rectangular block of cheese down and along, through and over the blade. Never did get to see if it made a good slice 😍

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathonβ€’ in reply tolinda9389

😱 you’ll probably never use one again.

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathonβ€’ in reply toIrishprincess

Only probably? 😱😱😱

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathonβ€’ in reply tolinda9389

Don’t blame you.

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathonβ€’ in reply toIrishprincess

I was once explaining to my son (when he was little) that the blade on the food processor was razor sharp, when it fell out of the bowl and onto his bare foot 😁☺️

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathonβ€’ in reply tomisswobble

Oh my!!!

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathonβ€’ in reply tomisswobble

What are the chances? Blimey, real monsters in the baking bowl 😱

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Milesβ€’ in reply tolinda9389

When UpTheStanley and I got married, we combined 2 sets of kitchen equipment and he had something equally dangerous, known as a mandolin slicer. I was not having it in my kitchen, even with the safety holder!

Mandolin slicer
linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathonβ€’ in reply toDexy5

Lol! Not even a safety holder for this one

Lavender1962 profile image
Lavender1962Half Marathon

Your experiences sound horrible! Glad you’re both feeling better now! Hopefully, the rest of your stay will be uneventful. Take care!

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathonβ€’ in reply toLavender1962

Inevitably needing medical assistance is tricky on holiday, and compounded by the language barrier. Ill raise a glass to uneventful for the rest of the stay!

misswobble profile image

what are you like! 😩😳. OMG IP. What a to-do! Good job you had your dad to take care of you πŸ™.

Some holiday! Best laid plans ey πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ Life is just sometimes a series of misfortunes 😀

I hope you both have an uneventful rest of your holiday and manage to salvage some of it and are able to actually enjoy it 🀞🀞🀞

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathonβ€’ in reply tomisswobble

My father is 81 - it's me that's supposed to be looking after him! Yesterday I introduced him to the challenge of a sports bra because that is totally beyond me just now 😍 Suffice to say he's more comfortable washing my hair than operating a sports bra 😍

I now have toothache from what feels like an infected tooth ... as he says 'you can't make this stuff up!'

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathonβ€’ in reply tolinda9389

oh no 😩

GTFC profile image

Oh gosh linda9389 wishing you a faint free recovery. Like you I have a history of fainting when I see blood or I'm too hot. I nearly started to go reading this πŸ™ˆ wishing you well and hope you take very good care πŸ™

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathonβ€’ in reply toGTFC

It is such a liability isn't it. So sorry to have made you feel off. Lying with my head lower than my legs is definitely the best approach. Ideally with cold water and something sugary to hand! Any more tips gratefully received 😍

Sandraj39 profile image
Sandraj39Half Marathon

Oh my goodness Linda - how horrible for both you and your dad! So glad he is now recovered ( as someone else mentioned, maybe ask your GP for an epipen when you return, as that sounded like anaphylaxis..?)

And your poor hand, too! Here’s hoping that it heals quickly - so glad you were still able to get out for a run. Take it easy though, sounds like you have been through a lot.x

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathonβ€’ in reply toSandraj39

I agree it's definitely worth asking hs GP when he gets back. I think these things get a little worse each time, and that looked quite bad enough to me!

Runnin-g profile image
Runnin-gHalf Marathon

Oh my, what a sequence of events! So glad you’re doing ok now, the runs will still be there for when you’re ready. Heal well & enjoy the rest of your trip 😊

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathonβ€’ in reply toRunnin-g

Thanks. I can't wait to be fully healed and independent again!!!

grumpyoldgirl profile image

Yikes! Step away from the graty slicy cutty thing!I've got something that looks fairly similar, mine's called a mandoline slicer, and it comes complete with safety cover/finger guard. It is terrifyingly sharp.

I'm so glad you found such wonderful help at the pharmacy, accidents like that are so much more stressful when you are somewhere strange. Hope the rest of your stay will be more enjoyable 🀞🏼

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathonβ€’ in reply togrumpyoldgirl

At some point I will lookup how one should use it ... not that I will EVER be getting one!

Thanks GOG πŸ₯°

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathonβ€’ in reply tolinda9389

I have one that I got from my mum. No-one else had one back in the old days 😁. My son dug it out and bravely volunteered to use it, to slice homegrown veggies for making crisps. I’d have taken my thumb off 😁

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathonβ€’ in reply tomisswobble

Stay well clear!

skysue16 profile image
skysue16Half Marathon

Oh Linda, so sorry to hear about you and your dad - it all sounds really awful. I hope you are both feeling better soon and manage to enjoy the rest of your holiday.

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathonβ€’ in reply toskysue16

Thankd Sue - we both feel we could use a holiday!!!

roseabi profile image

Argh Linda!!!!!! Wishing you and your father well, and may the rest of your holiday be uneventful in a good way! Happy running ❀️

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathonβ€’ in reply toroseabi

Thanks Abi. Uneventful sounds perfect to me right now.

Will you be at Dorney tomorrow? If so, bon courage (and if I wasn't in Switzerland I'd be there in person to cheer you on) xxx

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathonβ€’ in reply tolinda9389

On Saturday yes! Thank you so much, I need a lot of courage 😊😍 xxxxx

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathonβ€’ in reply toroseabi

I hope you have a great time ... and that the weather is much nicer than when I volunteered down there in June!

Sulley101 profile image

oh my! What awful experiences for you and your dad! I wish you both a speedy recovery πŸ’πŸ’

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathonβ€’ in reply toSulley101

Thanks so much. It has been a bit of a challenge!!!

Decker profile image

oh wow Linda!! That is just too much. Hope you and your father have a quiet, uneventful balance to the rest of your trip. My son has bad reactions to insect bites and my daughter has fainted many times so I know those travel fears well.

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathonβ€’ in reply toDecker

I don't envy you those issues Decker. Forewarned is only partly forearmed!

Sandie1961 profile image
Sandie1961Half Marathon

Only just catching up on posts, as we have had visitors all week and they’ve headed out today on their own! You couldn’t really have had worse luck could you? So many things happening all at the same time 😣 Hope both you and dad are continuing to recover and enjoy the rest of your trip xx

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathonβ€’ in reply toSandie1961

Thanks Sandie. It's not been the trip I imagined. Real shame - we have a pool and sunshine but I can't use it!

Sandie1961 profile image
Sandie1961Half Marathonβ€’ in reply tolinda9389

Such a shame, but I’m sure you’ll pick yourself up and make the most of the time you have left xx

TailChaser profile image

OMG Linda! What a time you are having! You sound so calm over it? Sounds like you’ll need a holiday to recover from the holiday? I hope you continue to be on the mend and your dad avoids any more stinging insects x

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathonβ€’ in reply toTailChaser

Calm? Just shattered! The tooth issue feels a bit like the last straw

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserMarathonβ€’ in reply tolinda9389

Yeah, I bet, sending big hugs πŸ€—

misswobble profile image

My bro had the fainting thing for sometime which turned out not to be epilepsy related but rather low heart rate. He needed it to be regulated

Get it checked out !

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathonβ€’ in reply tomisswobble

I hope he's doing OK now Miss W. I have been prone to fainting since being a young child, but it's always attributable to blood or some medical incident. It's quite a thing unfortunately., but generally not something that can be fixed or needs to be worried about.

Hedgehogs123 profile image
Hedgehogs123Metric Marathon

OMG Linda, that sounds horrific! Your poor father and your 'incident' well it made my legs go funny. It must have been so scary. Im late to the conversation, so I hope a few days on, you are both feeling better. Talk about causing each other stress, you must have worn each out with all the drama, just so awfulπŸ™„πŸ™„

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathonβ€’ in reply toHedgehogs123

Having then added an extremely painful tooth infection into the mix, it has been a horrible couple of weeks ... exhausted yes, but at least we're waking up to a wonderful view every morning πŸ₯°

Bluebirdrunner profile image

OMG Linda! Just seen that you are wounded and checking out what has happened to you! I had to read this peeking through my fingers, the picture gave me palpitations.... I'm a fainter too.😱

What a nasty accident, reeling at the thought of it. The help from your neighbour, and eventually the professionals was brilliant, the pain must have been excrutiating. Good ole' dad too.⭐️

Big hug, I hope your wound begins to heal soon, and that you and your dad can enjoy the rest of your holiday. No more wasp or bee stings either, sounds scary.

Help with that tooth infection too. 🀞


over61andstilltrying profile image
over61andstilltryingHalf Marathon

Oh Linda! Memorable holiday currently for the wrong reasons. Oh dear ...... I do so hope that things have improved. We have had a visitor hence my slow reply. I wonder if your toothache is better, can give such horrid pain and whether you have managed a little run at all. Oh dear again .... Looking forward to better news. 😊

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathonβ€’ in reply toover61andstilltrying

It could be better O61, and I'm sure it Toothache improving although the antibiotics are messing with my tummy now. I ran this morning but it was a pretty feeble effort - there are better runs to come!!!

Cantstopmenow profile image
CantstopmenowHalf Marathon

O my goodness, wishing you both good health and safe travels. Enjoy the views, the alpine air and deep relaxing breaths. (Sorry for late reply, I'm catching up after a holiday) πŸ€—

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathonβ€’ in reply toCantstopmenow

Thanks CSMN! Last night I began to feel the fog clearing. Not too many days left, but we'll make the most of them now. Hope you had a lovely holiday ... I've totally lost touch over the last couple of weeks.

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