Thank you all for your kind words of support an encouragement when I was taken ill over a week ago and expressed concern about the impact it would have on my training plan (and the HM I am hoping to run in 3 weeks time!). This week I have been feeling a little better and have ventured out with running shoes on.
On Tuesday the sun was shining and the sky was blue, the outdoors was calling my name so I took myself to the Lac de L’Escourou. I have run here many times, usually in the company of Sandie1961 or the lovely people of the local running club, but today I was alone. I went around the short end and ran then walked (it was muddy and slippy even in trail shoes) then ran then stopped to take photos, then ran, then the legs felt very tired and I stopped and walked back to the car. I had managed just over 3k and it was very slow.
I didn’t feel up to a run on Wednesday but on Thursday morning I looked out of the window to see that suddenly the plum trees were all covered in blossom. This presented an opportunity for another run, so I set off from the house. Everywhere from here is up hill so I chose a road I have run along before. It is a gentle up for about a couple of kms then a glorious down hill on the way back. It is also surrounded by plum orchards. I stopped to take photos on the outward ‘up’ leg on several occasions (it enabled me to catch my breath), the blossom was just magnificent. I managed to run all the way back down the hill, completing a total of 4k. I did feel that my chest was tight and my legs were tired, but I was happy to have got out.
Today was a running day for my local running group so I drove over to Eymet for the 9am meet up. It was a bit windy and started off chilly so there was some debate about jackets (mine lasted 5 mins and was then in my pocket). These lovely people are always faster than me but kindly wait for me to catch up at various points along the route so I don’t get left behind or lost. I managed to run the whole of the 5k route (with a couple of moments to catch me breath and take a photo). My moving time was about my normal running pace, I was still a bit breathless and achy when we finished but I did start to feel some of the rhythm returning and Strava said my fitness was increasing (back up to 55, still 10 points below where it was before I was ill but at least it is now heading in the right direction). It was lovely to catch up with my friends and share a delicious coffee afterwards.
We are off to Marrakesh on Sunday (Air traffic controllers permitting) for 4 days and I intend to pack my running kit. It is 30+ degrees so I’m not planning to do anything for too long, but a gentle trot out may be possible. Then we are heading back to the UK and a 10k I have entered on Easter Sunday. After today’s efforts I am thinking that I might be in a fit state to take part.
Helen cured the King of France (those are her lines in the title) with a little physic and a lot of courage and determination. I will try and muster some of the same.