WEEKLY CHAT 23-29 JANUARY 🫖☕️🧁💬 - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon
82 Replies

Hello running people. How are you?

It’s that time to pull up a comfy chair, put the kettle on and tell us what’s been going on in your running life.

In our part of the world it’s been a bit nippy recently hasn’t it? We’ve had all sorts here, frosty freezing starts but gorgeous blue skies and sunshine later on and then we’ve had a few days of thick fog where I couldn’t even see the bottom of the garden!

I am still getting out there but have avoided the roads and headed to the arboretum. Our little country roads have been either flooded and impassable in parts or just too icy to risk it. And don’t get me started on the potholes 🤬 Driving out of our village is like an obstacle course trying to swerve around the various holes that seem to crop up overnight 😱 The arboretum is much nicer for my back, I can take my music with me 🎶 and I can have little chats with the trees on my way around 😍 What’s not to love?

How are you getting on at this time of year? It might not be the cold you’re facing but the heat of summer if you live in other pastures 😎 Is the weather getting in the way of your running or training? Let us know.

But, whatever you’re doing and whatever the weather is doing, we hope you’re able to get out there and have fun. Have a great week everyone, come what may.

From The Marathon Team xxx


🎽If you have an event for the remaining January and would like a pompom cheer on the Friday beforehand, or if you’re just curious what your VRBs are up to then go here:


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🏅If you’ve run a milestone run: 10 miles/Half Marathon/Metric Marathon (26.2K)/Marathon/Ultra (50K and beyond) and want a shiny new badge, then head here:


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Irishprincess profile image
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82 Replies
Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon

Good morning IP and everyone. The sun is out, the temperature is a bit higher so, apart from muddy trails, in terms of conditions, the prospects are good for a run this morning.

So, why I am still sitting here you ask? Well, out of nowhere, my right hamstring went into cramp on Saturday night. It was a bit embarrassing as we were with friends at a puddings evening, so we were all sitting around a table eating amazing creations 😋😋😋😋; everyone was a bit surprised when I yelped, leapt up from the table (not easy) and tried to find enough room to stretch my right hamstring which had gone into cramp. Lots of water and some electrolyte yesterday, so hopefully that will fix it. We are out again at a more serious event this afternoon, so I am thinking maybe postpone my run until tomorrow, when it is forecast to be up to 7 degrees, and just settle for some stretches and taking Molly for a walk this morning. Calf cramps are bad enough, but anything back of the thigh I find really painful. Must be getting old! 🙄

Have a great running week everyone. 🙂

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply to Beachcomber66

I’ve been lumbered with a tight calf. I assumed it was part of the back issue, and/of general decrep. I rolled it a few times but it just made it worse. I’ve just been a short walk to test things out. Hmm 🤨

I’m dog walking Wednesday so it’s just a matter if trying to keep moving 🙂

I hope you feel better soon. Life seems so much better when the sun is out 🙂😎

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to misswobble

It does. I have done some exercises and stretches this morning, and walked Molly. It was more of a mud bath than a walk, but Molly is now de-clarted, so all is well. My leg survived everything without a twinge, so maybe it is ok. The good thing about having had so many niggles is that often I know which exercises to do (and more importantly, what not to do) to sort things. Maybe get out there tomorrow; hill intervals. That will test the hamstrings 😬

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply to Beachcomber66

it sure will! Warm up really well! Have fun Good luck 🙂👍

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply to Beachcomber66

De-claaaaaaaarted 😁

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Beachcomber66

Oh blimey that sounds a bit painful BC. I hope it didn't result in you having to miss out on more puddings 😋

Pickle juice is supposed to be good for cramps but hopefully you’ve got it sorted and you’ll be good to go tomorrow 🤞

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Irishprincess

I bravely carried on to eat my share of puds! Not sure that pickle juice would agree with me; zero should do the trick. I don’t drink the stuff pre run (too fizzy) but a glass today should be fine. We are building up to a swimming test on Wednesday; how many lengths can we do in 45 minutes. It used to be a mile, but I plan to take it really steady….bad enough picking up an injury running. Hopefully I can hit the spot where it does me some good without doing any damage.

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Beachcomber66

It would take a lot to to skip puddings wouldn’t it? 😂

I’m thinking of returning to swimming again. I asked my osteopath about other exercise given my back issue and she said swimming was the best for a full body workout. Before running, swimming was my exercise of choice so it makes sense but the thought of taking off my clothes and dipping into a pool at the minute fills me with dread 🥶 I want to swim in RunWillie ’s sea 😍

Good luck with the swimming test 🍀 GO GO GO Beachcomber!!!

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Irishprincess

😂 thanks IP. I have just finished our weekly zoom chat with our friend in Australia. He was saying that he is reluctant to go in the sea there because of sharks. You can’t win!

I usually just dive in the pool and after the initial shock it feels warm enough.

Right, Molly walk first and then a run. 🤞

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Beachcomber66

Sharks, huge spiders, venomous snakes……. doubt I could live in Australia 😱

Hope the run went well.

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Irishprincess

It did thanks. An easy start for this first week of hill intervals I am sure; it will be ramped up next week no doubt. Probably an illusion, but I do feel fitter and stronger. Certainly worth persisting with the plan.

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply to Beachcomber66

dill pickle juice is good I make my salad dressing with it I’ve made a sourdough with it too 😋

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to misswobble

Pickle juice doesn’t like me!! This was a one off; my warm down walk home and drinks when I get in the house usually keep cramp away. 🙂

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksHalf Marathon in reply to Beachcomber66

Oh no BC, I bet that was awkward. I’m sure your friends understood after the initial shock, and I hope nothing untoward happened at the serious event. 🤞 Shame you missed your run, but I bet Molly appreciated it. I hope you ran today and all was ok.

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to cheekychipmunks

The puddings evening people are very good friends whom we have known for many years, so nobody minded at all. I didn’t create an incident yesterday, thankfully. I enjoyed the run today; it was quite warm and the ground was a lot less sticky. As you know the first set of hill intervals is comparatively easy, and I didn’t overdo the pace. Now for the swimathon tomorrow morning. I may have to turn professional!

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksHalf Marathon in reply to Beachcomber66

You’re on a roll and nothing’s stopping you! Such good news. 👊

Mumpark profile image
MumparkHalf Marathon

Weather is definitely getting in the way of my running .

It’s freezing cold,icy and very slippery I’m amazed when I look out and see people running in it now but as I get older I’m more aware of falling over and also picking up injury’s because I’m running a bit differently and being nervy.

I did Parkrun on Saturday I could hardly run and resorted to walking in parts,my daughter did see 2 of the faster runners slip on a corner though,I didn’t think it would go ahead but they put salt down in bad parts.

Just got back from a run just now and still very bad I’m trying to get back on the bridge 2 10K but not having a lot of luck.

Happy running everyone X

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Mumpark

I know what you mean about falling over, I’m the same but then again our balance should be better due to all the running we do 🙂 But I won’t run in icy conditions, it’s just not worth the risk for me.

The good news is that this really cold spell is due to end this week. And early spring is coming! My bulbs are showing their tips in the garden 🌹💐😍

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingHalf Marathon

Afternoon! It was a quiet week last week because of the ice around here. I only managed two runs but they were great fun-off road, muddy and hilly. Good to break in some new trail shoes and nice to have another 10k in the book. Back on the NRC HM plan runs today. “Hill, hillier, hilliest” came around again and it was hideous but so much fun. Nice to finally not be worried about ice on the ground and a lot faster than last time I did a similar one it a few months ago. I think I’ll feel it tomorrow!

Eight miles will be this week’s long run and I’m considering driving somewhere flat. Enough hills for now!

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to MissUnderstanding

That’s a great sounding week even though it was only two runs. Every run counts, especially those hills! Good for you!

Enjoy your long run 🤗

misswobble profile image

We drove past the National Arboretum the other day. We keep saying we’ll revisit. Interesting place indeed 🙂

Not running but keeping moving. Onward and upward

Have a great week everyone 😀

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to misswobble

If only I’d known MissW! Even if we didn't run we could have grabbed a cake and tea/coffee 😋

It is a fabulous place to run around although there can be many distractions 🧐

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply to Irishprincess

it’s huge isn’t it 🙂. We had a really good explore when we visited with a lunch break to keep us fuelled up.

It’s all very interesting 🤓

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to misswobble

over 600 acres 🏃‍♀️😍

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply to Irishprincess

it’s a full day’s worth for sure 🙂. The various groupings of memorials about the place is fascinating. Very sad too of course 🙁

HoagyM profile image
HoagyMHalf Marathon

Wow, three years since my last post! Wasn't sure where to put a post like this, but I see I am not the only one redoing C25k at the moment, so here goes...

I did C25k 5 years ago (at the age of 60) and quickly worked up to HM distance. However over the last two years the mojo has gone missing, due to a) some perfectly valid reasons (like injury) and b) some fairly feeble excuses! The daft thing is I really enjoy running and have missed it a lot over the last couple of years.

So this year have restarted C25k and am trying really hard to stick to the programme - to avoid the injuries which have ruined my last couple of attempts to get going again.

I've found it quite hard to restrain myself because (having run long distances before) running for just a few minutes at a time feels a bit daft, when I know I have the stamina to run for a lot longer. But I also know that when I've done this before I have injured myself. There's a message in there somewhere!

Not only do I need to take it steady to let my running muscles strengthen again, I also need to lose some of the excess weight I'm carrying before I start ramping up the distances.

So... am taking it really, really steady and as of this morning I have completed C25k W4 R1, which includes 2 x 3 mins and 2 x 5 mins runs.

Feeling really good about this now, as the weight is already coming off and I am enjoying once again hearing the dulcet tones of Jo Whiley as I work through the programme on my trusty treadmill - which is worth its weight in gold when the weather is as cold and icy as it is right now!

My ambition is to (again) run the Porthcawl 10k on 2nd July with my two sisters - as soon as I am confident I can stay injury-free I'm going to sign up for that. Fingers crossed!

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingHalf Marathon in reply to HoagyM

Come back to the c25k board and say hi if you fancy it! There are loads and loads of repeaters there for all sorts of reason, including injuries and general life getting in the way of running. You’d be very welcome and your experience will stand you in great stead with this journey. Really good luck to you 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️

HoagyM profile image
HoagyMHalf Marathon in reply to MissUnderstanding

Thanks - have just done that 👍

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to HoagyM

Welcome back!And well done on starting again, you’re well on your way by the sound of it.

As MissUnderstanding says, there are loads of people who repeat the programme and the fact you’ve it before means that your body will remember.

Enjoy it all again and keep us updated 🍀🙂

Kevin41 profile image
Kevin41Half Marathon in reply to HoagyM

such a familiar sounding story!

Well done, especially with coping with the restraint and urge to go further for longer. I am in a similar place and am entering a re-do of week 6 now. I found it very hard not to just keep going during most runs.

The thought of returning to run/walk after the continuous run of W5 r3 was really playing on my mind but your post has reminded me that following the plan is best - particularly as we know it works and there will be plenty of time for longer runs in a couple of weeks….

HoagyM profile image
HoagyMHalf Marathon in reply to Kevin41

Thanks for the reply - yes, exactly that. Have to keep reminding myself of the mantra drummed into us the first time round - follow the programme, wait the 9 weeks before pushing on, you’ll have your whole lifetime after that to run for longer, etc. That’s why I am fixated on that July 10k race - that’s my overriding goal and motivation to just take it steady and try to avoid injury.

RunSkippyRun profile image
RunSkippyRunHalf Marathon

Hi IP. Hi all

Gorgeous photo btw. And nice to have little chats with the trees ... as long as they don't talk back. (argumentative trees are just the worst ..)

Last week was interrupted by a dash north to help out with something. That was the frst change to the parkrun plan. Then weather then got in the way, so another change Friday evening, then another change on Saturday morning meant it was plan D that finally worked (not that I HAVE to do parkrun each Sat or anything ... spot the lie in the last bit 🤣🤣🤣).

The recent hilly trail runs have been good for variation but these have been run-walk affairs. A weird side effect is me now finding it difficult to run more than 5 k continuously. So I'm going to concentrate on getting back to 10k road running now. Did 7.5k on Sunday. Aiming for 8.5/9k next weekend.

Hopefully not quite so cold this week please Weather Gods 🙏

Happy running everyone

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to RunSkippyRun

That sounds like a plan! You’re well on your way to 10K again, enjoy it all 🤗

I’m with you about the weather. I love winter but I’m a bit bored of this freezing cold now and think we’ve had enough. Let’s hope the Weather gods are listening.

AlMorr profile image
AlMorrHalf Marathon

Good afternoon Irishprincess, I hope you are keeping well, as far as running in cold and very icy weather I am lucky on having a disused school football pitch only a 3 minutes walk from where I live where I can run when it's very icy and this football pitch is mainly ice free, a few weeks ago when all the parkruns were cancelled I walked up to it very slowly over black ice on paths to run on the ice free football pitch which is around 200 metres all around, I ran 3K, five times around is 1K so for that 3K I ran around it 15 times, I couldn't have ran anywhere else that morning.This morning in much milder weather +7C I took a trip on the train to Helensburgh on the west coast of Scotland where I ran, run 3 of week 9 on 18th June 2018 along the prom, however, this morning it was a walk, not a run, it brought very happy memories of my graduation run now almost 5 years ago.

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to AlMorr

It’s lovely to have memories like that Al 😍 puts into perspective how far you’ve come!

I’m impressed that you ran 15 times around a route! Not sure I could manage that many. Well done 👍

By the way, I was surprised to see that the temperatures in Scotland are much higher than here in the south of England! It doesn’t happen often.

AlMorr profile image
AlMorrHalf Marathon in reply to Irishprincess

It's the same again regarding temperatures, the north of Scotland which had blizzards last week saw a temperature this Tuesday morning of +13C compared to a temperature of -8C at Benson in the south of England, that occasionally happens, not often.

Cmoi profile image

Hello   Irishprincess , happy hosting!

The runniest thing about me this week has been my nose. My nephew left not only his coat (posted back in an empty running shoes box) but a heavy cold and cough (initally donated to me, but I've generously shared it with my husband.)

Ran 6k Monday, then didn't run again until a snowy 5k with the dog on Saturday. Lots of fun, as I actually love running in the cold (minus 3°) on fresh snow. Conditions then deteriorated, and I cut yesterday's run short to 15 minutes as I decided it was too risky - even Mr Four-Paw-Drive slid across sheet ice. Photos attached, and yes, they're in colour!

So I'm back to walks and yoga until it's safer underfoot. Really not keen on injuring myself again if I can avoid it.

Happy, safe running, all!

Snowy, icy, below-zero running conditions in the French countryside
Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Cmoi

That was very rude of your nephew Cmoi! How could he?!!! It was probably all those hugs and cuddles that did it 🙄

Hopefully you’ll recover soon and the snow and ice will disappear. It does look very pretty though😍

Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to Irishprincess

I'm putting the lurgy transmission down to sharing car and house space - this was my 21 year old nephew, bit too big for cuddles, though there were hello and goodbye hugs! Just glad I didn't have to do the airport runs this past weekend, the roads were pretty bad. Patches of tarmac starting to emerge again so will go for a walk shortly with the Jedi 🐕

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Cmoi

You’re never too big for cuddles! Although I can see how a 21 year-old feels about it 🙂

Hope the walk went well.

Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to Irishprincess

Never too big for cuddles is a great principle! However as I've only ever met this nephew twice in his entire life, once when he was six and then the other weekend I fear it would've been a bit weird to treat him as a giant teddy bear!

Just another 20 minute walk this afternoon. Followed by an outdoor cardio and arm workout, i.e. wielding a pick to smash up some of the ice in front of the house and garage in a bid to make it slightly less slippery. ⛏️❄️ 🙄

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Cmoi

Haha love the sound of that workout 😂😂 💪

Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to Irishprincess

Feel free to pop over and help IP! Took to thwacking and shovelling inch-thick ice with a spade yesterday. Still below freezing, possibly more snow tonight or tomorrow. Haven't run since Sunday, been getting grumpy with Adriene 🧘‍♀️ instead.

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Cmoi

Just think of it as a great workout for your arms and upper body! 💪 You’ll be like Popeye when winter is over 😂

Hopefully it’ll get a bit warmer and the ice will melt. Thank goodness our cold spell has disappeared and temperatures here are “normal”. Maybe it’s on its way to you 🤞

Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to Irishprincess

Friday morning view of our handiwork  Irishprincess ! Took the other way, the forest path, to walk the dog. Then managed to do a 4.5km run-walk starting off up the slope from our house, as per photo. Ran where the roads and tracks were clear, and walked the rest, plodging through snow at the side of the road. Although I had to turn back a couple of times, I got further than I expected!

Icy road in a French hamlet
Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Cmoi

Gosh yes, that is still a lot of snow! Very pretty though 😍

RunWillie profile image

Hi Irishprincess & other VRB’s,

We have the opposite problem this side of the World. It’s hot hot hot.

We’re just back from an amazing week away on the south west coast of Western Australia.

I’m back on my HM plan this week. Week 9 which is 6 runs & 26 miles in total. I’ve got new gels to try this training block. Huma + which is really fuel practice for a future marathon. I’ve decided my gut won’t be able to take multiple ones of the ones I’ve tried so far. I’m hoping the more natural gel might work better. We will see. Jelly beans are not an option as I can’t stay away from them when I’m not running or keep those boys away from the lollies (sweets) 🤣

8 days left of the school holidays. Nearly there……..

Happy week everyone ❤️🏃‍♀️🏃🏻‍♂️

Holiday fun 😎
Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to RunWillie

Oooh I could do with a bit of that right now RW! Looks absolutely beautiful 😍 I can imagine my feet paddling in that and then diving in for a little swim….. now I’m getting carried away!

That’s a lot of miles for a HM plan! It sounds as if you’re doing really well, despite the heat. Good luck with the rest of it 🍀

RunWillie profile image
RunWillieMarathon in reply to Irishprincess

Thanks Irishprincess 😍

It was beautiful & far too hot not to swim.

I normally run 20-30 miles a week. I haven’t run a HM for ages though so hope the plan works ❤️

Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to RunWillie

Such beautiful sea and sky colours RunWillie ! Six runs and 26 miles for a HM plan though? Sounds way OTT to Mrs Lazy here, my trail marathon plan only had five a week and I rarely managed those!

RunWillie profile image
RunWillieMarathon in reply to Cmoi

You are certainly not Mrs Lazy. You’re a super hero in my eyes 😍

Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to RunWillie

That's a very lovely thing to say RunWillie , not least since I've done way, way less than you for over a year now. You're doing so much more than you realise! 😊

bforts profile image

Hello all,

It’s been tough getting out for those runs hasn’t it? It’s the first winter I’ve ran through this weather so I’ve been playing around with different gear. My snood is a yes, but gloves for me are a no. I run for 10 minutes and my hands get clammy! It’s been nice to try out different kit over my four runs last week.

I’ve recently moved to the Portsmouth area so my runs have been half for my progress but also to see the area. I’ve come from Devon so I’m constantly shocked at how flat Portsmouth is! I’m signed up to the great west run so I need to do some running on a treadmill for the incline I think.

This week my goal is to keep getting out there whilst it’s dry(ish apart from the ice) and enjoy my new surroundings.

In terms of my training it’s going well for my half, I was trying to lose some weight that I’ve gained from lockdown, but I think for now I need to focus on the half so I fuel myself properly.

I hope everyone stays safe in the ice - I love seeing everyone’s frosty photos!

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to bforts

It’s always exciting moving to a new area because you can explore lots more running routes 🙂 Have fun with this!

I must say that I need a hat and gloves in this weather. My ears and hands are always the first to feel the cold.

It sounds as if your training is going very well. Good luck and enjoy 🍀

Cowladyrunning profile image

Hello! Cold here too with the freezing fog being difficult! I got out and did a heart rate training run using my polar watch - for which I had to go so slow to keep my heart rate low that it was ideal for the icy conditions! Win! Strava even thought I had excerted myself! (not sure how...... ) I had an email from Relish running offering me a discount on their Westonbirt arboretum race - which I'm very tempted by but think I'll wait to see how time is before booking! (I'd love to do it though!) Hope your runs continue to go well!

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Cowladyrunning

I’ve done a few races at Westonbirt and although they’re fab I always feel a bit miffed that all these runners are in my space 😂

Let’s hope that freezing fog has gone…. It’s been a gorgeous day today ☀️

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksHalf Marathon

Hi IP! Bit late to the chat party this week, but Mr Cheeky and I got back from London this morning after a birthday treat (which was last week) to see my favourite musical, Hamilton. I dislike musicals intensely as a rule, but Hamilton is totally different and I recommend it to anyone. My 2nd time seeing it in the West End and about my millionth time hearing the music as it was my go-to lockdown running soundtrack and I’m almost word perfect! 😂 Anyone who knows it will be suitably impressed! 😅

Anyway, back to running in the cold. Horrid. 🥶 I braved a couple last week: one was the NRC Hill, Hillier, Hilliest speed run which warmed me up nicely, then I did a did a Jeffing run round the fields behind our house. Those hills warmed me up too! I ran in inappropriate clothing after volunteering at PR on Saturday because if I hadn’t I wouldn’t have made it back to the car as I was a virtual human ice block! Enough now. Where’s spring? 🙏🏻

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingHalf Marathon in reply to cheekychipmunks

I did hill, hillier, hilliest on Monday. My legs haven’t forgiven me yet!

Thanks for the recommendation of Hamilton too-looking for a belated birthday present for MrU after what I planned didn’t come off.

It’s ice+++ here after a few days of no ice. Getting fed up now-I’m totally with you on bringing on spring now!

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to cheekychipmunks

Happy Belated Birthday Munks 🎈🎁🎉 and what a lovely way to celebrate! I love musicals but haven’t seen one for ages. Must sort that out soon.

I’m with you about the cold. Normally I love winter but I’m fed up with this freeze and I even wore a herbal vest (this should be thermal but I’ll leave it as herbal because I quite like the sound of a herbal vest 😂) the other day underneath my running layers. Felt quite nice too 😍

Very icy here this morning. A neighbour has already fallen 😱 Don’t think I’ll be going out in it yet.

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksHalf Marathon in reply to Irishprincess

How on earth did I miss this IP? 😱 Just about to embark on a live yoga class so I’ll come back a bit later! What a rude chipmunk 🐿️

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to cheekychipmunks

No worries Munks. Hope you enjoyed the yoga 🧘‍♀️

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksHalf Marathon in reply to Irishprincess

I did thanks IP. Double yoga Friday for me. An hour long class at the gym (tough but fun today) and good old Adriene at home. 😇

I’m really hoping the weather will be on the turn soon. Even though it hasn’t been quite so bad this week, it’s still too chilly for me to really enjoy being out. All those layers - and I really must try a herbal vest! 😂

Happy running, and stay warm and safe. 🥰

over61andstilltrying profile image
over61andstilltryingHalf Marathon in reply to cheekychipmunks

Hello cheekychipmunks, Happy Birthday for last week! 🎁🥳 How lovely to see your favourite musical. I confess I don't know anything about Hamilton. I shall have to find out about it.

I have a treadmill question for you as I know that you have used them a fair bit. I have never used one, but my sister is now running three times a weeks having completed C25k. I suggested a running watch would be something that she would enjoy. Her husband duly bought one for a Christmas gift. It is a Garmin, I have forgotten which model, but up on my Forerunner 35. So is it the case that as, presumably, a watch needs a GPS signal, when running on a treadmill, no distance data is logged by the watch? My sister, who does all her running her treadmill, says she does seem to have data when walking on her treadmill, but not when running. All seems most odd to me. Do you have to enter your distance manually onto your watch?

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to over61andstilltrying

You can use a Garmin on a treadmill. Hopefully Munks will be along soon but in the meantime, maybe this might help.


over61andstilltrying profile image
over61andstilltryingHalf Marathon in reply to Irishprincess

Thank you, I have sent the link to my sister. 😊

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksHalf Marathon in reply to over61andstilltrying

Hi over61, sorry I began typing a reply last night, then got sidetracked. 🙄

Yes, you can absolutely track runs on a treadmill with a Garmin. There’s no GPS involved, and the treadmill stats are more accurate than the watch itself as the distance is calibrated to the revolutions of the belt. It’s easy to calibrate the watch before saving the workout though. Most Garmins will prompt you before saving, and you simply enter the distance shown on the treadmill display. The only annoyance (for me anyway) is that if your sister uses Strava, the original Garmin stats remain, which is daft in my opinion! Hope she has fun. 😀

Thanks for the birthday wishes. One year left of this particular decade. 🥹 I recommend Hamilton to everyone. 🎶 Even confirmed musical dislikers like me. It’s phenomenal and I intend to see it again. ❤️

over61andstilltrying profile image
over61andstilltryingHalf Marathon in reply to cheekychipmunks

Thank you for your reply. She is not on Strava. Excuse my being dim, but is this a once off calibration or do you do it for each run? Is it different if you are the sole user of the treadmill as my sister is, as it is in her house, as opposed to a multi user treadmill at a gym?

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksHalf Marathon in reply to over61andstilltrying

I suspect it’s one off for your sister. I can’t confirm that personally though, as I use a large gym which has multiple treadmills and it’s unusual for me to use the same one twice in a row. It takes next to no time, so it doesn’t bother me at all. The Strava thing does, but it doesn’t sound like it’ll affect her. 😀

Decker profile image

Hi IP, well I am two weeks into my mara plan now and I’ve gotten some feedback from my trainer friend, so next step is to adapt the plan to his advice (more hills and easier pace regular runs plus switching to mara pace around mid plan for second half of the long runs). Runs are a bit faster this time around and there is weight training which I need to adapt to while avoiding injury as my form is terrible. This week has also seen me finally get outside which has been lovely vs the treadmill. Both are good in their own way. It’s been above seasonal for the last week or two but we are due for a snowstorm this aft which should bring around 20cm of the white stuff. We’ll see what happens after that. Happy running everyone!

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Decker

Sounds great Decker! Your form can’t be that bad as you’ve run an ultra!

It must be so useful to have a trainer friend. He can keep you on the straight and narrow. Such a valuable resource.

Enjoy the weight training 💪

Decker profile image
DeckerUltramarathon in reply to Irishprincess

Thanks IP, it’s actually my weight training form which is poor, likely coming from my poor posture and disliking the weight training in the first place 😅. Yes I am lucky to have my friend to get feedback and training ideas from.

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon

Latest entry in the diary of an ageing runner! I was pleased with my hill intervals on Tuesday, but things still felt a bit tight after my swim yesterday. Egged on by my swimming pals, I decided to check things out with my physios. There was a handy appointment for this afternoon, so I grabbed it. Just as well that I did. Both hamstrings were tight and needed easing off. Not too much of an eye watering experience compared to some of the treatment I have had, but good to get the problem diagnosed and dealt with. I have a follow up appointment next week, but can run normally from Saturday provided there is no pain. Physio said that the swimming had probably helped to ease things off too. Hopefully another disaster avoided!

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Beachcomber66

Phew! Such a relief BC. It’s good that we know our bodies well and can take the necessary action before things get worse.

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Irishprincess

I think that there is another message in this IP; I mustn’t get too carried away with NRC. I need to build things up, particularly pace, very carefully. Beachcomber66, specialist subject; injuries and rehab 😂

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Beachcomber66

Oh I know! We should write a book BC.

I am trying to be mindful of my injury history every time I go outside, whether it’s to run or garden! I even take a timer when I garden now to make sure I don’t do too much🤞

And I’ve been so careful with the running that I feel as if I’ve made no progress at all. But at least we’re still here and still running…. 🤗

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Irishprincess

Exactly. I can’t do a steady run every time I go out. If I could, my injury frequency would be much reduced, but it would be so monotonous. The current treatment is just a bit of maintenance; planning a trot tomorrow.

over61andstilltrying profile image
over61andstilltryingHalf Marathon in reply to Beachcomber66

Hello Beachcomber,

I so know what you mean. I tried my first NRC speed run yesterday since my knee flare up in April, called 60s. It is meant to be 4 x 1min at 5k pace, 4 x 1 at 10k pace and 4 x 1 mile pace, with recoveries between each interval. I had already decided that I would change the mile pace down, as I know that mile pace would cause me to suffer knee problems. I didn't complete the interval run, as my knee hurt after, I think it was 9 intervals so back to effort of 3 or 4 for me. On reflection, I may have read that tempo runs are the thing to do before intervals. Are they effort 5? Always more to learn....

Is it a private or NHS physio that you have been visiting?

Happy injury free running to us all 😊🏃🏻‍♂️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♂️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♂️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♂️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♂️🏃🏻‍♀️

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to over61andstilltrying

I go to a private firm of sports physios. I am beginning to think that “little and often” in terms of physio appointments might work better than waiting until I am dragging a leg before I surrender! I am only skipping/delaying one run this time; far better than weeks of IC. Both hamstrings are sore this morning; only to be expected. I am building up pace on the longer runs, so 7:00/k has become 6:52/k without my having to think about it…hopefully it will continue to progress gradually!

Agelesslass profile image
AgelesslassMetric Marathon

been a busy week really, but did a silly thing, I jogged 6.2 miles and I was in such a lot of pain afterwards, went too far as my stupid little voice inside me told me to go further and further and reach 10k. I am a silly girl. Hope all of you are well and continuing to motivate yourselves into running. I wish you all a very happy and healthy week ahead 😊😊

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Agelesslass

Oh I’ve been where you are and done exactly the same thing. On numerous occasions 🙄

I think it’s a game we play between our bodies and our heads!

Hopefully you’ve recovered ok and you’re pain free.

Have a good week 🙂

Agelesslass profile image
AgelesslassMetric Marathon in reply to Irishprincess

I’m ok now thanks, I ran 3 miles today, more sensible really. 😊😊

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Agelesslass

👍 great!

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