I’ve not been on HU for a few weeks, so opened the app to give a very brief report on a 10k I ran yesterday to be greeted by the sad news of Tim’s passing.
So yesterdays run is dedicated to him - I can hear the telling off now as it wasn’t very conversational.
Wesham 10k - Sat 26th Nov
I’d entered this before Covid descended on me 5ish weeks ago, not a bad episode but left me with a cough I can’t shift and removed the ability to run much over 5k.
very close to missing this, but decided a few days ago to give it a bash.
The weather was spot on for running, cool and dry, rain was forecast but didn’t show itself.
The first 5km was OK, but then as expected the second 5k was a struggle and ended up being Jeffed.
I was sort of disappointed with a 67 minute time, but then remembered I’d have laughed at anyone suggesting I could run (at all) 3 years ago.
sorry no pics other than the Strava screen shot.