What to do between marathons? - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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What to do between marathons?

SkiMonday profile image
19 Replies

I'm planning on signing up for a marathon around April and my long runs are currently up to 20 miles (so, in theory at least, I could head out and do one now). Suppose I could just start on a marathon plan but, right now, at the start of the plan, that would mean a significant drop in weekly distance. I could also start a plan and just increase the length of the long runs.

Doesn't help that I'm currently going through some winter running blues. I can still push myself out the door but I can normally head out without having to psyche myself up first. I guess that shows as later starts and a general lack of organisation.

Any thoughts on this? Would I be better off keeping up the distance or cutting back and building back up again?

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SkiMonday profile image
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19 Replies
RunWillie profile image
RunWillieMetric Marathon

I’m no expert SkiMonday & I’m sure the others will be along to advise soon. Do you have a base weekly mileage you normally run? I’m trying to maintain 25miles weekly through the Summer so I’m ready to pick up HM training when it cools down. I keep my long run no more than 25% of my weekly mileage which means my long runs are not very long at the moment. Think I’m in the minority though on this site who do that. Just some random thoughts…

SkiMonday profile image
SkiMondayUltramarathon in reply to RunWillie

Thanks RW. My routine has me running between 22 & 32 miles a week which seems to establish a good solid foundation to build on. I’m just not sure if I should be doing that or building up at the moment.

RunWillie profile image
RunWillieMetric Marathon in reply to SkiMonday

One of the vloggers I follow suggests a 70 mile week base for marathon training! 😳Good to know there’s another path 👍🏻

Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to RunWillie

70 miles a week base mileage for marathon training? That's ridiculous. Really riles me, tbh, because if I'd believed that I'd never, ever have gone near a marathon. Even my highest mileage month was only 126 miles, and mostly I was running just over 100 miles monthly.

nowster profile image
nowsterMetric Marathon in reply to Cmoi

There's no way I'd have time to fit in 70 miles a week!

Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to nowster

Well exactly! I chose to spread my marathon training over more than five months, rather than 16 weeks, because it was the only way I could fit everything in - especially as long runs took several hours - and because I didn't want to wreck my body either. Even then, it was a pretty selfish process, especially over the final few weeks.

SkiMonday profile image
SkiMondayUltramarathon in reply to RunWillie

That 70 miles a week reminds me of the guidance I used when preparing for my first HM. It had me build up the long runs to 20 miles.

I realised later on that it wasn't a plan for beginners! It did make the HM seem much more achievable though.

I reckon that 70 miles a week would be for someone aiming for a podium finish. It still seems excessive though; it's more than most ultra runners do in training!

RunWillie profile image
RunWillieMetric Marathon in reply to SkiMonday

Thanks SkiMonday & Cmoi That’s helpful to know. I’m still very much a rookie who would like to run a marathon one day! ❤️🏃‍♀️🏃🏻‍♂️

Katnap profile image

Mix it up. Keep your longer runs (Sunday LSR? 10+ miles?) and add / have shorter speedy runs in between.You're probably doing this already! 🤣

🐱 Xmas Katnap 🐱

SkiMonday profile image
SkiMondayUltramarathon in reply to Katnap

Thanks Katnap. Yep, routine is one long run one short speed run and two short easy runs. That worked great over lockdown but add in club runs and ParkRun and it’s all a bit messed up right now.

What I’m unsure about is: should I be aiming to maintain mileage or ease back for a while?

Katnap profile image
KatnapMarathon in reply to SkiMonday

Maybe taper the long distance runs? Then the ramp up might not feel as steep?

misswobble profile image

I’m starting from the bottom up. I made that call as I feel knocked about a bit what with a painful hip and battered toes.

If you feel fine I don’t see any reason to start at the very bottom distance wise. It can seem like a waste of time. I don’t happen to think it is though 😀If you’re pushed for time I could see why you’d want to crack on from the fitness base you’ve established.

You can chuck in shorter distances too over the training block, fartleks, hills, etc.

Have fun 😀👍

SkiMonday profile image
SkiMondayUltramarathon in reply to misswobble

Thanks MW. Thinking about it, I established a routine over a year ago now where I'd alternate between an HM one week and anything up to 20 miles the next. That seemed to work well so I'll go back to that and work it into the marathon plan.

That routine also includes three short runs each week. I keep saying this, but I really must add in some cross training!

I'm sure your starting at the bottom approach will help resolve your issues. For toenails, I think it's a balance between short enough so they don't turn black and long enough so they don't dig in.

Cmoi profile image

I don't think there's a perfect answer SkiMonday .

I've been asking myself similar questions. However, unlike you, I've no specific project in mind and I've been running very little recently due to injury, snow, and work. So you're much better placed than I am in terms of fitness and distance!

For me, pushing myself to follow a training plan over the winter would make me miserable. I'm simply not interested in training or performance per se, so it's pointless for me. A plan, and feeling that I have to do X, Y or Z, whether I like it or not, would just be a source of stress, not motivation at all. So, I'm going to get out there when I can, aim to enjoy myself, and try not to feel guilty that I'm not doing more. I'll build up again as and when I choose to.

So I'm inclined to say you should do whatever works for your body and your circumstances, and makes you happy.

SkiMonday profile image
SkiMondayUltramarathon in reply to Cmoi

Thanks Cmoi.

Your regime sounds like a great way of maintaining fitness!

Think I'm going to go back to my old routine but fit the marathon plan into it.

Bladerunner2049 profile image

I’ve signed up for a marathon in April. Only signed up at the weekend 😬

My weekly average is about 25miles, over the past month my long run is about 15miles. As a percentage of the weekly runs it’s a bit high, from what I’ve read. Both the Hansen Bros and Jeff Galloway say the long run is over emphasised, and the real work is done in week leading up to a longer run. Apparently. This week (18 weeks before the race) I’ve started to mix it up and introduce tempo and speed runs, a longest run on a Sunday of 12 miles, with a 3 mile the day before. The idea being that I increase the mileage for each of these runs as you move through the 18weeks.

Apparently running the day before a long run helps you run fatigued in the long run, so it feels more like the middle/end of the marathon rather than the first half, if you get my meaning.

Get yourself a good plan, a lot are only 16 weeks, and start building up the weekly mileage so that your ping run is more 25% of your mileage.

Good luck!

SkiMonday profile image
SkiMondayUltramarathon in reply to Bladerunner2049

Thanks Bladerunner.

I've found that running on consecutive days only makes a difference if the first one is a hard run. It doesn't need to be long, just fast and / or hilly.

I've signed up for the Milton Keynes Marathon at the beginning of May. I was going to sign up for Manchester too but general entries are now closed (I'm on the waiting list). Might go for Bournemouth instead but I'd prefer something flatter so need to do some more searching.

It seems you're preparing well so I'm sure you'll have a great race!

Bladerunner2049 profile image

Hi SkiMonday

Good point about the consecutive runs, I’ll try that.

I’m going to the Brighton marathon, it might be too soon for you but it’s more than 16 weeks and flattish.

Good luck at Milton Keys.

SkiMonday profile image
SkiMondayUltramarathon in reply to Bladerunner2049

"Flattish" is what I'm looking for at the moment so I think Brighton might fit the bill. Must admit, in my previous post I put "Bournemouth" but meant Brighton. I'm hopless at remembering names!

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