'Be Still, my Beating Heart'! - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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'Be Still, my Beating Heart'!

TailChaser profile image
34 Replies

Hello all,

So not exactly 'still' but a little slower would be good. I think I know the answer to this but before I take at least a week off and drive everyone nuts because I'm climbing the walls (I hate resting!), can I have some advice please?

A couple of weeks ago my VO2 Max jumped to 46 from 43. I was so pleased, I thought, great, I'm really healthy and up for anything. I didn't do anything silly I just carried on with my running as usual. Then the following Saturday I got a 5k pb but during that run my heart rate shot up to 201bpm during kms 4 to 5. I knew I was hammering it because I felt nauseous towards the end and it did worry me, so I thought, slow it down and see how it goes.

So I took a rest Sunday when I'd normally do my 10k+. Rest for me is yoga and a little Joe Wicks, and a walk. Monday's run was ok, just a gentle plod. Heart rate was a bit more than usual but nothing extraordinary. Tuesday I decided to have a go at trying to keep it below zone 5. I don't normally run on a Tuesday but I was intrigued. Well, I don't know why I bothered because my heart rate suddenly spiked up to 180 at about 10 minutes in and then wouldn't go below 160. So regularly in zone 5 which is ridiculous as this was the slowest run I've ever done and when I stopped I wasn't out of breath at all.

I rested until Friday when I couldn't wait any more and went out for our usual morning plod. Nothing special but again my heart rate went from a reasonable 130-40 to a 170 spike and then wouldn't settle below 160.

Yesterday, (not)parkrun day, I put the heart rate alert on my watch so it shouted at me when it went above 180. It didn't work particularly well but it did shout at me occasionally when it went about 190 😖 I slowed down and when I finished it felt an easy and relatively gentle 5k. Again, I was hardly out of breath. However, max heart rate 200...

So now, I'm really fed up. Katnap took my watch out last night to see if there was anything wrong with it and, surprise, surprise...no. It's me. Go on, tell me I need to rest. Can anyone tell me how long would be best and how to ease out of it? I no longer have a strenuous job and at the moment I'm WFH so I barely see the outside world without running or going for a walk (in the dark atm). Can I still do Joe Wicks? It's only 15-20 minutes...? I'm guessing yoga would still be ok?

Thanks all, really don't want to go to the Doc at the moment and I'm sure a rest should do it? 🙏

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TailChaser profile image
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34 Replies
cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksHalf Marathon

Aww TC I’m so sorry. I won’t/can’t give any advice as you know all about my hibernating reptile style HR - but I wanted to let you know I’ll be thinking of you during your rest period. It certainly can’t do any harm. Maybe back off Joe’s super intense sessions though? Some yummy Adrienes would be nice and as you know she has a huge variety to choose from. 🧘‍♀️

Stay well - and maybe get checked out just as a precaution? Xx

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserMarathon in reply to cheekychipmunks

Yup, that’s what is going round my head, though I did just get a sneaky JW in. The JW is only 15 mins and only about 10 mins of that is intense, and it’s only 3x/week... I’ll give myself the week off and if it does it after then I suppose I’d have to get it checked out. Resting heart rate was only 51 this morning though and it recovers really quickly, so go figure 🤷🏻‍♀️ Thanks cheeky 🤗

SlowLoris profile image

TailChaser have you set your max HR on your watch. If you haven't it is using a default value which is too low for you. You know that your MaxHR is 201 or above. I suspect it can go higher unless you did a sprint finish at the end of your 5K.

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserMarathon in reply to SlowLoris

It was a slow ramp up to the end of the 5k rather than a sprint. You’re right, I’ve just checked and it’s defaulting to my age based max bpm for the zones, so I will tweak that, thanks for the heads up on that one. Just need to sort the silly heart rate itself. Thanks 🙏

Shake-and-run profile image
Shake-and-runHalf Marathon

I am certainly no expert but I do know that the speed of recovery is an important indicator. When you stop your activity how long does it take for your he to return to normal?

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserMarathon in reply to Shake-and-run

It doesn’t take long Shakes, certainly within 5 minutes, which is why I don’t think there is anything badly wrong.

Delly Dot and SaskAlliecat did a great post on this recently looking at HRR where you put in maximum and resting heart rate and it alters the zones accordingly. Have you tried this? I reset mine to this a few weeks ago.

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserMarathon in reply to

No, I’m going to have a fiddle with my watch before I do my next run GT, but what I’d really like to know is why I’m getting spikes and a high bpm. Thanks to the pointer to the post though, I shall have a nosey 👍

Windoze profile image
WindozeHalf Marathon

Get the the docs and get some advice. They may give you an MOT....

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserMarathon in reply to Windoze

Are they still doing those at the moment Windoze?

Windoze profile image
WindozeHalf Marathon in reply to TailChaser

Guess its some rest for you then! You keeping well hydrated? I usually see high HR when I've not took on enough water....

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserMarathon in reply to Windoze

Possibly not... I’m not very good with drinking lots of water... good point...

Windoze profile image
WindozeHalf Marathon in reply to TailChaser

Try tracking intake in Garmin....it will give you a good indication of your hydration levels....obviously don't put those halfs of IPA in it 🤣

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserMarathon in reply to Windoze

🤣 shhh! What about tea? That’s my main source of hydration?!

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles in reply to TailChaser

Yes tea does count TC. I find if I fill a large jug with water (add some mint or cucumber slices if you like) and keep topping up a glass next to your work station, I am more likely to think about drinking. Two jugs of water a day does make my running easier. I haven’t checked the effect on HR though.

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserMarathon in reply to Dexy5

That’s lucky Dexy as that’s my main drink 😅 I was pretty good a while back but I slipped back into bad habits. I currently have two water bottles on my desk to supplement my latest cuppa. And I’ve set hydration on my Garmin so I now have no excuse. Let’s hope it helps, time will tell 🤞

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles in reply to TailChaser

Oh yes I started using the garmin last year but got annoyed at having to change the bottle size every time I went in. It didn’t last 😂😂

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserMarathon in reply to Dexy5

I’ve got three different amounts for a ‘Quick Add’ so I just press on one of them to tot it up. Just had soup so I’m going to be swishing about tonight!

linda9389 profile image

I was going to message you and ask what's going on! I have no medical expertise, but it is a bit of a hot topic for me at the moment!

My garmin has always shown spikes in my heart rate that I don't believe, and sometimes it gives me a really low/high reading for an entire activity that I wouldn't expect. I have literally just been googling heart monitor straps to see if they would be more accurate!!! I adjusted my zones to make the stats more usable, but that doesn't really resolve what's going on between me and my watch!

I'm currently having heart issues (erratic heartbeats) and have had a couple of GP appts by phone. I've done home BP tests, had a blood test and am waiting for a 24hour ECG (appt not til Jan!). In my calls to the GP, and to the hospital (and to the BHF helpline at one point when I was getting scared and despondent at the wait) everyone has basically said if I have no pain, no breathlessness and no fainting/dizziness then I am a 'non-urgent' case.

Maybe you can take some comfort from that at least!

If your heart rate is dropping back quickly and your resting heart rate is low, those are both really good signs aren't they? And presumably you aren't having any other symptoms beyond normal running breathlessness? Maybe you could try calling the BHF helpline for advice if you don't want to speak to the GP - they have cardiac nurses that you can chat to over the phone. Worrying (stress) won't be making it any better. 😘

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserMarathon in reply to linda9389

Hi Linda! Wow, thank you for that. So sorry to hear you are having these problems. My spikes have only just starting happening. I even had one on the walk this afternoon which is ridiculous!

Looks like I’d be in the same boat as you as a ‘non urgent case’. I really don’t want to bother my GP if I can help it so I think you’re right, BHF is probably the way to go. I’ll give myself a week’s rest and see if that helps. Got a feeling I know the answer to that too but it’s worth a go.

I was wondering if it’s a menopause issue or something related as my thumb arthritis has flared up at the same time. Some days you feel like you can conquer the world and other days it’s like this!!

Thank you, that is so much help, I really hope you can get to the bottom of your problem very soon too. 🤗😘

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to TailChaser

I was feeling on top of the world having done VLM and taken two weeks off running when it started. The GP said I could carry on running as if it hadn't been a problem for VLM, well ... 😀 Menopause may well be making mischief for you, but worth chatting to a professional for peace of mind. You're worth it, even during these crazy times 😘

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserMarathon in reply to linda9389

I bet. Maybe we both pushed ourselves too much? You’re right, and maybe it will finally help make my mind up about HRT too! 🤗

Buddy34 profile image
Buddy34Half Marathon

Its definitely a strange one TailChaser. I hope a few days rest does help. I honestly thought it was your watch to blame but you now know its not.

Hopefully on your next run everything will be back to normal 🤗🤗

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to Buddy34

Maybe it still could be the watch TailChaser -- reacting differently with your skin, your cadence, or whatever other differences there may be between you and Katnap ?

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserMarathon in reply to linda9389

I hope so Linda. It just behaved itself on a very short walk, so will be taking it for a longer one in a bit 🤞

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserMarathon in reply to linda9389

I’ve just had a very interesting message from one of my Strava followers who had similar problems. Apparently the Forerunner 235 sometimes gets the cadence and bpm mixed up as the sensors get grubby. It also has trouble tracking low bpm during low cardiac activity such as a walk. So the bpm appears to drop off a cliff. Garmin recommend giving the sensors a clean.

That would make sense as I have a high cadence that often goes just over 200 (like my bpm has recently). Katnap has a low cadence so there might not be that confusion (and he has hairy wrists that might make a difference). Seeing as I barely take my watch off it may well be a bit grubby (I do clean it! It goes in the shower with me!!), so I’ve given the sensors a clean with a bit of nail varnish remover. Let’s see how it does on a walk tonight...🤞🤞🤞

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to TailChaser

Yep. I did know about the cadence issue - often my heart rate steps up to 170-180 during a run and that's my cadence. I have the 235 too, though I'm actively poised for Black Friday. Looking at new watches but also a chest strap HR monitor which by all accounts should be more accurate.

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserMarathon in reply to linda9389

Right, looks like I may be on track for an answer. The walk I’ve just done has definitely shown an improvement 🤞I hope different/cleaner watches solve both our problems 🤞🤞

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to TailChaser

I best look for some cleaner!

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserMarathon in reply to Buddy34

It is Buddy and I hope so, I’m going to be very good to myself over the next few days. Lots of hydration so far today. I am going to do Joe tomorrow (carefully) though as I’ll go nuts if I don’t! 🤗

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRun10 Miles

You’ve had lots of answers and loads of good advice, talk to the doc is the most important thing Other than that I wonder if you are coming down with something? or a little under the weather? especially as this has recently started, a low grade virus possibly, one that you wouldn’t notice if you didn’t run and monitor your heart rate, of course wrist based monitors can be inaccurate, a bit dizzy and nauseous suggest you over did it

If you can’t get hold of your doctor most pharmacists would listen and advise

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserMarathon in reply to SueAppleRun

Yes, you’re right Willow. I did begin to wonder if I was asymptomatic COVID but if anything it’s because I am very tired due to nights and nights of disrupted sleep. So, I didn’t want to but I am finally going to talk to a doc, hopefully tomorrow about HRT. The bpm problem may be related so I will bring it up in the chat.

I’ve had some wonderful help with this, I’m so very grateful. I’ve learned so much about my watch and it’s made me push myself to do something I really should have done months and months ago. Thanks to you and everyone (& particularly Linda!) 🙏😍🤗

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon

I hope you find your answer soon TC. My heart issues are all resolved, but I know what tachycardia and AF feel like; scary!! I didn't need a monitor to tell me that something was wrong. Now, when my forerunner 35 shows some odd spikes,I just ignore it, but I do that having seen a cardiologist and having had my heart road tested and properly monitored. So this may be a technology issue, but I wouldn't leave it too long before getting a medical opinion to be on the safe side. Nice if nail varnish remover proves to be the answer though! You take care of yourself !!

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserMarathon in reply to Beachcomber66

Thanks BC. I will 🤗 It has woken me up to other issues that I needed to deal with so maybe it’s not such a bad thing. I should have been so pleased with my pb the other week but all I could see was the bpm and all I’ve seen ever since are the spikes. Let’s hope nail varnish is the only thing I need!!

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