TailChaser's HM Training Diary - Week 17 - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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TailChaser's HM Training Diary - Week 17

TailChaser profile image
23 Replies

It occurs to me that most Half Marathoners would have done their run by now and wouldn’t be at 17 weeks of training! Time is definitely beginning to feel that it is of the essence. With BJ and co saying that more stricter measures may have to be put in, I am gazing at our small back garden thinking of how many laps it may take to complete 13.1 miles. Katnap has warned me that I will go dizzy, may go mad and possibly both. It is a distinct possibility though as I’m not wasting these months (yes, I know it’s never really wasted but it’s not just physical training is it?).

So, this week has been defined by Joe Wicks and his PE lessons. He has murdered my quads with his squatting and knackered my shoulders by his up down planks, but boy, they were good. The floor boards and the carpet are in serious danger and the cat is terrified but it’s good stuff! Although the gym is closed, I have done four of Joe Wicks’ workouts with the boys and one Running Channel workout with Katnap. I think that more than makes up for it!

Meanwhile, the runs have become…interesting…. We’re all making sure we only go out for that once a day exercise. We’ve done two runs as a family and I’ve done a cycle ride on empty rush hour roads with youngest kitten. The only problem I have found is that by the afternoon, when I’ve finished work sitting at the desk, my legs have seized up after the morning workout, so it’s taking a while to get going again. Add to that, the final piece of the motivation jigsaw has been removed with the postponing of VRWC (my one reason for pushing eldest kitten beyond 20 minutes) next week could be more ‘interesting’. Anyway, this is how they panned out this week:

Run 1: a 3k loop to eldest kitten’s old school and back. He did really well, especially as we ran with faster youngest kitten. He knocked 2 minutes off the same distance last week.

Run 2: 6.8k with Katnap. As scheduled in my plan. I was especially creaky. This was probably the worst day of burning quads and stiff hamstrings - it was the 2nd day of Joe Wicks for us. The pace wasn’t too terrible but it was very hard work.

Run 3: the same 3k loop as Run 1 but with Katnap as well this time. We went too fast for eldest kitten and he was not happy. I was still creaky but starting to loosen up, so ran with youngest kitten, weaving in and out, trying to keep our distance from people – not easy as some seem to think wearing earphones gives them extra protection.

Run 4: Non parkrun. 5k around the streets. Given up with the park after last week’s run, it’s just not worth the frustration and the danger of dog walkers. Otherwise, people generally seem to be getting better at working out 2 metres. Just slightly over 30 minutes, which was a bit annoying but still a bit stiff, particularly after the Running Channel workout earlier. Strava reminds me it’s a year since my parkrun PB – I’d been so close a few weeks ago, when will I get the chance to crack it again?

Run 5: Today’s long run. I’m definitely loosening up. That wasn’t too bad despite the gale force winds. Relatively lots of shoppers about but one particular main road was deserted as there are no shops on it. 12.8km turned into 13.6km. Lots of runners about, a few doing London Landmarks Half Marathons and Regency 10ks which would both have been on today. Had to do a lot of work on my hamstrings when I got home though as they were soooo tight.

One positive thing about this week is that I think I can finally put my winter running tights away now. It’s definitely warmed up, even if the wind is cold, it’s still generally warmer.

So, mojo still intact, somehow. Still pondering whether to do the HM on Easter Sunday to get it out of the way. I think basically, as long as I continue loosening up, I’ll just do it when I think I can. I just still have that feeling that it’ll be better sooner rather than later.

Everything has changed so much since I started this. This diary is really going to be something to read back on when this is all over.

Take care everyone, keep running, keep healthy and keep safe xxx

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TailChaser profile image
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23 Replies
Shake-and-run profile image
Shake-and-runHalf Marathon

TailChaser you are amazing. So determined to do this, I am with you in spirit all the way, even if your hair is not really turning green.

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserMarathon in reply to Shake-and-run

😂🤣😂 Thanks Shakes, it really does help, knowing that you are all backing me, even though now it seems to have been going on such a long time!!

Katnap profile image

I know you found this week a challenge so hopefully you can build up quickly on the distance.

🐱 Katnap 🐱

linda9389 profile image

Great stuff TC - I love your staying power! An impending race date always brings pressure, but the current situation brings a whole new level of pressure doesn't it. I will keep everything crossed for you 🤞🤞🤞

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserMarathon in reply to linda9389

Thanks Linda, tbh I just want it done now before it’s too late 🤞

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles

A great bit of family running TailChaser. It’s good that the boys are going for runs. when they are so restricted by lockdown. Is youngest still doing his paper round? I can imagine newspaper deliveries have increased over the last few weeks.

Working from home must be pretty hard too, with a full house.

I think that HM will be done fairly soon, if you can find a suitable route with not too many people on it. I get the feeling that you’ve done all the training and you just want to get it done.

Won’t Easter be strange ,? Usually a time to be outdoors enjoying warmer weather, Southampton Common Parkrun VRB meet, visits to the garden centre, meeting family. Plenty of Chocolate eggs in the shops though - no change there.

Happy running to you all., when you can.

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserMarathon in reply to Dexy5

Yes, it’s been an excuse to get them out. They have to do their own trip out when we do our longer/faster runs but they are very engaged with what we are doing, which is great. In fact I’m in my running stuff now ready for the Monday ‘school run’ instead of Joe.

Yes he is and he is so appreciated by his customers. He got an Easter egg yesterday and as you say, he has more customers too. Some have left gloves out but he has his own and he is cleaning down his trolley afterwards.

Working from home isn’t so bad as long as they all make their own lunches as I don’t get very long.

Yes, I’m very much getting my head around a definite date now as it just needs to be done.

How are you both doing? x

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles in reply to TailChaser

We are staying fit and healthy, thanks. I have my physio exercises to do each day, which add a bit of focus. We are also getting out for a walk now that I can do that pain free. Our elderly neighbours are in self isolation so we are shopping for them as well as us. There seems to be plenty to do in the house to keep us occupied, and the evening meal has become a bit more special each day.

Coddfish has introduced us to FaceTime, and we and them had a virtual coffee break last week, as we are missing our parkrun breakfasts together Oldgirlruns is joining us this week too. I’m missing my cappuccino in cafes on the prom, so I’m going to be doing some online shopping for a coffee maker soon,

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserMarathon in reply to Dexy5

Sounds promising Dexy, when do you think you may be ready to try running again?

I've been negotiating my way around Microsoft Teams for work. Thanks for reminding me about FaceTime, I might try that with my brother as he uses it. We were just getting into a post-parkrun routine with Shake-and-run at The Pantry. I hope we can pick that up again when we get back to normal. Enjoy your coffee ☕

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles in reply to TailChaser

I won’t be running for at least 2 weeks, when I virtually see the physio again. He thinks my recovery is on track for such an injury so that’s good.

Ooh we did like the pantry,,,,, one day we will do such things again. 🍮🧁. Not that I need the cake, I’m putting on weight without running.

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserMarathon in reply to Dexy5

Oh two weeks is good! Not so far away now 👍 then the weight will fall off again. And then it will be time for The Pantry again. Last time I walked past when it was open they were selling eggs, flour and toilet roll outside to keep it going 😢 Fingers crossed everything will bounce back again.

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles in reply to TailChaser

So sad that these local independents are going to suffer. Yes,🤞for them all.

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon

Fantastic that you’re keeping to your training TC! I must be the only person in the country who hasn’t even looked at at Joe Wicks - perhaps I’m a bit afraid 🙀 but his workouts sound a bit brutal!

I’ve eyed up our garden too for potential run tracks but my husband is paranoid about his “lawn” and I doubt I’d be able to get away with it without him noticing 🤔

I don’t even know when Easter is this year, as one day just merges into the other. But it sounds as if you’ll just know when to do the whole hog 🏃‍♀️👍🙂 xxx

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserMarathon in reply to Irishprincess

Next Friday is Good Friday IP 😱 It came as a bit of a shock when I realised that yesterday 🤣 We'll see. I'm trying to psych myself up for it at the moment but my hamstrings have been really telling me off after all these workouts!

Joe Wicks is ok honestly! We'll be back to him in the morning after having today off for a little run. I've just found out I get the Les Mills workouts free with work but my boss has warned me they are r e a l l y tough. I'll have to try one though won't I?! There are loads around though so plenty to choose from.

We just need to keep our fingers crossed about our lawns, mine is pretty bad anyway so it wouldn't make a lot of difference. I did count 15 walking paces down it tonight though, which isn't very much.

Take care xxx

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to TailChaser

I really hope we don’t get to the stage where we’re running on our lawns 😭

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserMarathon in reply to Irishprincess

Me too 😫😱

Oldgirlruns profile image
Oldgirlruns10 Miles in reply to Irishprincess

No you’re not alone IP - I have yet to look at a Joe Wicks workout!

Sandie1961 profile image
Sandie1961Half Marathon

You have been busy TC! Great that Katnap and the kittens are able to keep you going. As you say, if you don’t want to drive yourself mad by running round and round the garden, sooner may be better, but just don’t put yourself at risk of injury. I’ve not tuned into Joe Wicks - sounds too hardcore for me 😖 I’ll stick with my 90 day home workout, thank you! Keep smiling 😃😃

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserMarathon in reply to Sandie1961

Always Sandie! 😁 I know, I need to be careful. It's very much brain arguing with body at the moment. I'll just see how these hamstrings go, the rest of my legs aren't too bad which is quite unusual!! According to the plan, I have an 11 miler on Easter Sunday, so I like to think it wouldn't be much more of a push. If I put my charity top on and put my virtual medal number on it then it may just help me with the last 2 miles? Enjoy your workout! 😀🤗

Sandie1961 profile image
Sandie1961Half Marathon in reply to TailChaser

I jumped from 18k to HM with having an injury 4 weeks before, so it isn’t impossible 🤞🏻

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserMarathon in reply to Sandie1961

I hope so Sandie but you do seem to have moved on to another level recently! You didn't really do a tapering week either did you?

Sandie1961 profile image
Sandie1961Half Marathon in reply to TailChaser

I did do a 10k on the Monday before, but then just a quick 4k on the Wednesday, then 4 days rest!

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserMarathon in reply to Sandie1961

Hmm... I may just go with my plan and not do 5k on Easter Saturday, that might just work 🤞

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