Another roller coaster week. My mojo always struggles a little during my cut back week but this week has been like no other. My apologies if this isn't the usual perky post but I'll do my best.
I am currently sitting here at my home computer on my craft table whilst my work computer is at my normal desk. I have just finished the first day of many, working, whilst in the adjacent rooms my kittens try to continue a little education. This is going to be tough, I don't want them to get bored but I do need to work. Thankfully they are old enough to understand. On the positive side I'm much more inclined to give them a PE lesson than I used to be and this morning we took 2 minutes off eldest kitten's usual Monday running distance running to his (now former) school and back. Tomorrow is going to be a Joe Wicks YouTube video (it's all the rage apparently!). Wednesday they were going to teach me how to swim but then the leisure centre's closed, so we're going for a bike ride instead. Long may this glorious weather continue - more irony...after all those weeks of endless grey and rain. I can almost understand why people had to get out at the weekend despite everything. Anyway, the week was as follows:
Mon - Run: 20 minute recovery with eldest kitten. Lovely as usual and surprisingly ok after the 10 miles the day previously. He's getting used to them, I hope I can keep it going.
Tue - Sports Massage. I'd rung up the day before and thankfully it was still going ahead but you can feel the walls closing in as Stratford upon Avon is getting quieter and there are Coronavirus posters all over the out patient cafe & pharmacy walls, doors etc. It was agony as usual but I'd left it two months. So more agony booked for next month. I swear to myself during the pummelling and it makes me even more determined to finish this HM!
Not a lot more happened as I try not to run during my cut back week. Then I ummed and ahh'd about going to the gym. As I wasn't running on Sunday I thought I could leave it until then and meet up with my friend for a natter. But the thought of going to the gym was making me increasingly uncomfortable as it's not the cleanest place and then, of course, there is all the sweat everywhere. But Friday I could stand it no more, I'd paid my subscription and I needed to get out as I'd been at home all day. So, dinner was in the slow cooker and off I went. It was unusually quiet, a dozen or so people but the treadmills were full as they'd closed off every other one to separate us. I did my usual routine but by the time I'd finished there were only about 3 people left. When I got home I had an email sent about half an hour after I'd finished saying that the leisure centre was now closed and they'd be in touch. So that was that. Time to do it all at home.
I'd had parkrun down to do but as you know, that had gone. So we met up with Shake-and-run and did a reverse course of our usual a few hours later than usual. It was fun but there were far too many groups of people in the park and we all nearly had accidents with dogs. Will we be able to go to the park at all next week?
The week ended with a pretty dire run yesterday. We'd had too much rubbish to eat on Saturday and I don't think it did us any good - we both had legs like lead so we just managed to do a VRWC qualifying distance and stopped after that.
Right. Now it is a new week. We can still go outside (as I type anyway). It's a beautiful day, I've still got this sponsorship to earn and it's now even more important than ever really as there is no way I can raise any more with the way things are. I have a feeling this HM may come sooner rather than later out of necessity rather than planning but possibly not yet...
Take care everyone, stay safe, and try not to swear at people as they don't give you two metres of space when you've done your best to run round them (I know it's tempting!).