October Half Marathon Group: How are ... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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October Half Marathon Group: How are you getting on? πŸ’— And a bit of motivational talk...

roseabi profile image
β€’68 Replies

EDIT: Latest post here: healthunlocked.com/marathon...

Hi all!

Apologies, it's been a bit of a week! I plan to start making regular topical Tuesday posts for this group from next week 😊😊😊

In the meantime, I hope you are all enjoying your training and feeling excited about your half marathon!!!

Please do share your experiences, and any questions or ideas, in the comments below!

If you are ever feeling in need of some motivation, take a moment to remember why you want to do the half marathon - and tell us all about it! πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’— I'm not sure why they've used the term "silver linings" in that graphic, but it's a cracking list of good reasons to do a half marathon!! πŸ˜„

I have also set up a forum POLL here: healthunlocked.com/marathon...

Have fun with your training!

roseabi xx

July 7th, 2019

OHMG: docs.google.com/spreadsheet...

HUHM Strava Club: strava.com/clubs/huhm

roseabi's Half Marathon Plan: docs.google.com/spreadsheet...

Previous post: healthunlocked.com/marathon...

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roseabi profile image
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68 Replies
linda9389 profile image

I'm getting on just fine, thank you 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣

Just got an appt at the fracture clinc for 15/7. That's 2 months after it happened, but it's OK, cos it will be just shy of 4 weeks in the boot which is the absolute minimum I could expect really so it's not holding anything up. I've also made a provisional appt for mid August at a sports clinic that does full gait analysis/biomechanical analysis and physio and podiatry for runners and cyclists. Need to share that info with hubbie at some point though .... πŸ€”

in reply to linda9389

I’m rooting for you x

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to linda9389

Sounds amazing, I'd love to do that! All the best for your continuing recovery, looking forward to seeing you back on your feet πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to roseabi

Gotta run it past the boss first. Need to pick my moment. Blew it last night by insisting I wanted my tyre fixed when he got in from work πŸ™„

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply to linda9389

When I had the nhs physio he bought in a bio-mechanic to look at me in the gym. It was a brill session and I was dead pleased to get it. Are you getting a physio referral via your gp?

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to misswobble

Wow that does sound amazing. I've no idea what will happen with the NHS to be honest. I have been passed from one person to the next and all i ever now is where I'm going next - that's now the fracture clinic on 15/7. I will try asking them what is likely to be available on the NHS going forwards, but I thought I would get something private in my diary just in case, not least because everything is moving so slowly on the NHS . I didn't pay the 50% deposit they asked for (which was magically waived when i said, oh well cancel that and I'll call again nearer the time!) just in case the NHS comes up trumps.

I’ve posted the first two days of my training, as you’ve probably seen - doing my usual me me me approach! But I’m very interested in what others are doing. I’ve already picked up tips from reading all the posts.

I really decided to do the two HMs I booked for the same reason I did the 10k races last year and the 15k charity run this April: motivation. However, the training has taken on a life of its own and I’m enjoying it for its own sake. A spin-off of doing HR zone training is discovering how unfit I still am after weeks hardly running due to (non running related) injury, and how unfit I must have been for the last nearly two years running in the top two zones most of the time. So I’ve learned something about myself and my running just from entering training.

I deferred the Blenheim half till next year for the sake of my knee. I’m looking forward, albeit with some trepidation, to the Oxford half. My fear of the cutoff has been put to rest via a phone call to Virgin Sport: I can complete outside the time by using the pavements as they will have to open the roads again. Im glad as, having been lucky enough to get a place via the ballot, I would hate to have wasted it.

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to

That's good news insofar as it takes the pressure off, but my guess is you'll be finished before they open up the roads.

I learned SO much being part of the HM group on here - all good fun πŸ™‚

in reply to linda9389

Yes it’s brilliant x

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to

We love seeing your posts - please keep them coming!!!

Sounds like you're doing amazingly, and I'm so glad to hear you can keep going at Oxford if needs be (but I'm sure you'll be fine!) xxx

in reply to roseabi

Thank you lovely x

Tkaye profile image
TkayeHalf Marathon

Loving the challenge, and it has been challenging, day and night shifts in the same week has left me jaded so my plan for 16k turned into a very slow 11k. I’m determined to see it as a journey and another opportunity to learn and listen to my body particularly where tiredness is concerned. Oh fab list by the way!

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to Tkaye

Thank you xxx

Well done, you are a superstar!!!!

in reply to Tkaye

11k is good. And slow builds stamina and speed x

Btw they spelt sundae wrong!

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to

Ha so they did!! "Hot fudge Sunday" - sounds a bit kinky... πŸ˜„

in reply to roseabi

That made me chuckle! The Anne Summers version then 😊

MsLegs profile image
MsLegs10 Miles

Well I came in from work exhausted, cooked tea for family then went and did what was on my Runkeeper plan for today. A 1.8 mile surges run. Am now sitting at desk.

in reply to MsLegs

Phew - that’s dedication!

MsLegs profile image
MsLegs10 Miles in reply to

Just finished work now.😊

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to MsLegs


Lysia profile image
LysiaHalf Marathon

It’s going ok. I recently splashed the cash on a Garmin so thought I’d try the Garmin Coach feature. Interesting. So I have been running decent distances, put in my target time and that I run 11-15 miles per week (looked at my most recent weeks and it was about 15). Coach Greg came back with 10 min run and optional 10 min, both β€œEASY”. The suggested pace was so slow that if I jogged the warm up as suggested, I’d be going faster than the actual run. Anyway, I persevered, it was challenging to keep the pace down, but I have faith in Garmin Greg.

My running buddy (with whom I run once a week) took one look at the programme and immediately disregarded it by going for a 20 mile bike ride and a 3.8 mile run that evening. She dutifully crawled along with me on run number 2, but seemed most unimpressed.

I’ve now done run number 3, where I got to run for 40 whole minutes, and it seemed easier to maintain the slow pace. I get to up the pace and distance next week, and there are some strides in there as well, so I shall stick with it.

What I have noticed is my VO2max has gone up a point this week. So all these things I’ve read about training slower to improve fitness and speed may be right after all!

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to Lysia

Ooh, you went for a Garmin in the end! I remember you were asking about the Suunto Ambit3. I just got a running watch too, and it ended up being almost a toss up between a Garmin and the Suunto Spartan Trainer, but I read that the Suunto's strap quite often breaks - imagine if it fell off in the sea 😲 So Garmin it was! Happy Garmin to us 😊😊😊

Lysia profile image
LysiaHalf Marathon in reply to roseabi

Yup, I'd narrowed a couple of options down and then spoke to the guys at Runner's Need. They felt the Garmin was genuinely the better option. Apparently around 5-10 years ago Suunto had the edge, but are now tending towards the Fitbit rather than proper sports watch.

Hope you have many happy times with the Garmin πŸ‘πŸ½

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to Lysia

I'm already a little bit in love πŸ˜„

Lysia profile image
LysiaHalf Marathon in reply to roseabi


MrFox001 profile image
MrFox001Half Marathon

Hiya, Well my reverse plan is working i did my first HM on Sunday in 2hr 29. My previous best in training was 2hr 34 so well pleased. I had never run with other people before always run on my own, not that i'm unsocial well maybe just a bit. LOL. It's because i value some space and time on my own i keep telling myself,also a bit lacking in self confidence/worth. Running has given me some belief back again. Anyway it was surprisingly good fun. I followed someone for the first 4 Miles which got me a nice pace. All the marshals were brilliant and very encouraging as were people lining the street. I even enjoyed the hose pipe just before the "cheeky" hill at 11 miles. I was running with 2 much younger people who finished half an hour before me but came back out to cheer me on over the line. All in All a Brilliant experience. There's some ace photos of me smiling so it must have been fun!!! So now i can get back to training properly i have entered the Stratford on Avon Big10k in September and am toying with the Rugby HM in October then the Warwick HM spring next year. It's a Plan. I may get talked into others as well i'm easily led. LOL. Just got to stay fit and well. Fingers crossed for that. I have lost over 3 Stone in weight since i started running last November. And i have found my smile again. Oh i mustn't forget the Pilates Class i try to do work/life permitting every Wednesday that's helped me with core strength no end. Enjoy yourselves everyone and stay fit and well.

GoGo_JoJo profile image
GoGo_JoJoUltramarathon in reply to MrFox001

Finding your smile is a fantastic acheivement πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ˜

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to MrFox001

You are AMAZING!!!!!!!! xxxxxx

Deals1 profile image
Deals1Metric Marathon in reply to MrFox001

training properly?!?! this is sounds amazing as it is... well done so far

in reply to MrFox001

Wow, well done. I can only dream of a time that fast for my HM

Lavender1962 profile image
Lavender1962Half Marathon in reply to MrFox001

Wow! It sounds like you had a great half marathon race. Well done! Your time is great . And the smiling too. πŸ˜€ Your running and fitness journey is amazing! Good luck with your future plans.

uncle_wiggy profile image
uncle_wiggyHalf Marathon10 Miles

After pulling my hamstring in late May, I promised myself no hard runs in June. Started the month really steady and got stronger throughout the month, feeling great & completing 96k, getting my long run back up to 10k & then a really steady 12k on the last day of the month, so mega happy with that! 😊

Continuing into July with easy recovery runs (with my running buddy daughter, happiest runs of all! πŸƒ πŸƒπŸΌβ€β™€οΈ), & weekly long runs, I've just introduced a fartlek session, which takes me back to the early days of c25k, of being exhausted by the runs and breaks! But all much more fun nowadays! πŸ˜‚

Happy training everyone, for old times sake, we all really do got this! πŸ‘

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to uncle_wiggy

Well done for reining back, sounds like it's going really well!!! xxx

R4inbow profile image

Great to see how well everyone is doing so far!

My training started well, with the 10k two weeks ago. But since then I've had a cold and done lots with my horses, so really not done what I had planned. Feeling back to normal again now, so going to go for 10-11k on Sunday (if I tell people, then I have to do it), which will hopefully get me back on track. My plan did get me to the distance a little earlier, so being a week behind isn't too bad as long as I don't keep getting a week behind.

My biggest problem is the cross training days. While I can (usually) make time for the runs, cross training seems to be the first thing I give up on when I get too busy. I know this is silly, as I really need the strengthening for my back/knees so I don't hurt myself, but yet I still find I end up skipping it :/

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to R4inbow

I am always in awe of people who can manage horses and running xxx

I adapted this quick strength routine from the New York Times - it's all bodyweight so can be done at home, and it only takes 11 minutes for one circuit:


in reply to R4inbow

Isn’t riding cross training? Thanks to old injuries, I can’t do strength training etc, so cross training for me is swimming, yoga and my usual dog walks. It seems to be working 😊

misswobble profile image

Another HM/5k Race was buzzed to my inbox this morning by my niece who lives out on the east coast. I think she wants us to do the 5k together. Fine by me but the half marathon course looks lovely It’s where I do my annual marathon

For anyone fancying a HM by the sea it’s tape2tape Humber Coastal Half Marathon. You get a free 99 ice cream corner afterwards πŸ˜‹πŸ¦. 15th Sept

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to misswobble

I like the sound of it, but am otherwise engaged that day xxx

Deals1 profile image
Deals1Metric Marathon

love reading what everyone is upto... Im still working my way upto ten miles at the mo

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to Deals1


in reply to Deals1

Is that 15k?

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to


in reply to roseabi

Thanks 😊

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsHalf Marathon

September HM gal here! So far so good. The thing I love most about training for a half is that it has scared me into doing more activity around my running! So, strength training twice a week (one Pilates class and one at home all over strengthening routine), swimming once a week and walking on rest days. I do feel good for it, though must say I am finding running in the heat difficult. I mostly run before 7:30am, but even then, in London, it can be around 20 degrees, which is hot for me, as I run hot anyway! It truly increases my "perceived effort", even I slow it down!

Have managed 6 weeks following the plan religiously, but next week I may have to drop one of the short runs because of life stuff getting in the way – feel a bit panicky at the thought of missing one of the runs – eeek. Will it be okay?! It means just 2 runs next week – yikes.

Happy run you lovelies.

Sadie-runs xxx

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to Sadie-runs

Well done, and it's perfectly fine to miss a few runs - don't ever worry about it! xxx

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsHalf Marathon in reply to roseabi

Phew! That’s good to hear. 😁 I am such a worrier! xxx

in reply to Sadie-runs

I had to smile about it scaring you into doing more activity around your runs. That’s exactly what it’s done to me: swim twice a week and yoga every day; the other five days are runs. It does work

Though. Xxx

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsHalf Marathon in reply to

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ We are going to be super fit, Flick! xxx

in reply to Sadie-runs

We are! Though right now I’m super knackered πŸ˜‚β€οΈπŸƒβ€β™€οΈXxx

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsHalf Marathon in reply to

Me too. Which reminds me, time for my afternoon nap. πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸ˜˜ xxx

in reply to Sadie-runs

I sort of semi passed out on the sofa but didn’t really sleep. Bit more lively now πŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸ§˜β€β™€οΈπŸŠπŸ»β€β™€οΈ

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsHalf Marathon in reply to

(Kipchoge naps for 2 hours a day. Just sayin’) 😁

Couchpotato2 profile image

I’m not feeling so positive. Suddenly realised I’ll have to run more than 10km runs a week (doh!) and suddenly massive self doubt has installed itself. That and the fact that my last run (5km) felt hard.

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to Couchpotato2

Is it warm where you are at the moment? Even if not, sometimes runs feel hard unfortunately! Don't worry, increase your long run gradually and you'll be fine xxxxx

Couchpotato2 profile image
Couchpotato2Marathon in reply to roseabi

Yes it was when I did it. Catches me unaware each time. Anyway hopefully doing another 5km tomorrow at PR and will feel more motivated again. THANKS xx

in reply to Couchpotato2

I wouldn’t worry about the hard 5k- some runs are just like that, and sometimes it means the body is adjusting and going up a level

Couchpotato2 profile image
Couchpotato2Marathon in reply to

Ok, good to know. I'd just done my PB and then on the next run, clunk, all was hard. Maybe my body was still recovering from the peak climbing the day before. Thanks!

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsHalf Marathon in reply to Couchpotato2

Don’t let the hard runs get to you - they are no indication of how your next run is going to go! Trust me, I go through this regularly. πŸ˜‚ In fact, all runners have those bad runs, where it just all feels too hard. As for the long runs? Slowly putting one foot in front of the other, you can do that! And no negative thoughts, okay? When I feel negative I have a mantra - β€œI can do this, I AM doing this” - it becomes like a metronome in my head! At the moment, every run I do has a higher perceived effort, because it is so warm. Pfffffft! I hate running in the heat. xxx

Couchpotato2 profile image
Couchpotato2Marathon in reply to Sadie-runs

Yes I have that mantra too! I can do it which sometimes comes with I love hills (I don't really) but trying to condition myself. I think I"m just scared that I can't do the long runs anymore for some unknown reason... I usually like running slower for longer. One of the reasons I'm planning to go up to HM. Back to being patient with myself. Them gremlins are annoying!

Couchpotato2 profile image
Couchpotato2Marathon in reply to Couchpotato2

I like the 13.1 points. Not sure point 2 is valid though what with me having a fitbit, phone and trying to get the borrowed garmin to work. All the others, totally... Especially maybe 0.1

Colinsmith profile image
ColinsmithHalf Marathon

I’m just ticking over really, long run on a Monday usually 21km, and a parkrun on Saturday. I’d like to run midweek a little more often, but it never seems to pan out that way.

I went shoe shopping this week though, as I thought I should get a new pair nicely worn in in time for the GNR in September. I had gait analysis done again as I’ve had a slightly sore right Achilles for a little while now. Nothing too painful, just stiff in the mornings (stop sniggering at the back...) I seem to be kind of crossing my right leg over to the centre quite a lot when I land. I wish I had the time to join a running club and improve my technique. Anyway, some shiny new Brooks are on order, and at least I can try and be more aware of how I’m landing.

Langley-Loper profile image
Langley-LoperHalf Marathon

I'm dropping out of the group. My hopes for an October HM are over. It's complicated! But I'm still running and won't say never again.

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to Langley-Loper

Sorry to hear that, LL πŸ’— Hope all is OK xxx

HoagyM profile image
HoagyMHalf Marathon

Belatedly have now got my act together for the HM training - after not doing much running for a while (I know, my bad), I did a few 10k practise runs ahead of the Porthcawl 10k yesterday (which was fab) and over the weekend took the "AbiPlan" and tailored it:

- Reduced timescale - there's now only 14 weeks (including last week, with its 3 x 10k's) until the HM on 6th Oct

- I plan to run three times a week

- I have lots of golf already in the calendar (golf is my cross train, I play about three times a week, sometimes more) which running has to work around

- I have signed up for three further 10k races before the HM (with a rest day before each one), so have to work around those, and I have also thrown in some "speed 10k" runs in preparation for those races

- Hiking holiday in September means that week is a mix of hiking and running

- Like last time, I want to run the HM distance a couple of times before the race itself. Last one will be 10 days before the race and after that I'll be tapering

- Plus the colours are now a nice pastel shade ;)

I also added some columns on the right hand side to show each week the number of runs planned (usually 3), golf rounds (2-3), strength sessions (1-2), and rest days (0-1). This was useful to check I'd got the balance of each week right. Also the total km planned each week, so I could check it was still building up correctly, with the "take it easy weeks" to recover.

So this week I'll be on it - although with 5 (!) rounds of golf this week, it won't be until Saturday that I'll be able to do my first 10k+ run. Watch this space :)

SkiMonday profile image

OK, so, on Friday I said that I wasn’t going to add any extra distance on my hilly long run. So, Saturday morning, I did exactly what I said I wouldn’t do. I usually add a speed up or some extra distance at the end and I had no energy left to speed up so an extra k it was. Also, I just felt that I was up to it.

It does seem that every long run at the moment is slower than the last. Is that to be expected? Am I likely to speed up at some point? There again, the heat probably isn’t helping. Maby I should just get up earlier so I'm running when it's cooler.

paul1960 profile image

Just not enjoying the hm training need help

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to paul1960

What plan are you using? Post a link if there is one, and we can have a look.

What do think the problem is? What have you enjoyed about running in the past, that is missing from your training now?

I saw on your Bridge post that you say you don't feel motivated, so I'd start with having a think about why you signed up for the half marathon in the first place - it really helps to remember your original motivation for doing something.

EDIT: I have just seen your separate post, so will move the conversation over there...

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