ADDICTION!!! Is it possible to give away things that you are addicted to? In my case , it is my running watch - or even before I got that, my RUNKEEPER App on my phone. After I did C25k 5 years ago , I discovered a "Running for Fitness" programme in the famous Jack Daniels book. This had me doing specific types of training runs at specific paces and his computer webpage even suggested race paces for different race lengths - all working around a recent "race" result time. For the next several years , I never ran a single workout, longrun or "race" except at a predetermined pace . I have never run without a running watch from which I can see what my average pace is as I run and mull over it all after the run. Even now I am training for my first full marathon at age 72 and I do all my longruns at the exact pace that allows me to at least finish the event within the cutoff time. I am thinking that once I get this marathon attempt out of the way , I will start to run without a watch at all!! But even that reminds me of the cigarette addict who intends to give up smoking AFTER he finishes his current packet
Running watches - the curse of the De... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...
Running watches - the curse of the Devil??

Love checking my pace! My watch went off at mile 7 of my 10 miler race on Sunday - I nearly had a meltdown 🤣

I can’t see my watch on the move 🤓. Suits me 😃

I found the best thing for me to help curb my watch addiction and pace watching was running the trails that I do. My pace goes out the window and it is all about finishing. The interesting thing is that now, on a road run, I run based on feel and will peak at my watch at occasional intervals, but I don't obsess about it like I used to.....but if my Runkeeper won't save my run, that is another story! Complete meltdown! I can understand you need to be on top of your pace given your upcoming race, but I bet you may enjoy some free runs without any worry of pace at all...or it might be torture being unable to fix your addiction 😬

Haha I am the same way, cant help looking at my watch, I’ve tried, believe me. I am with @SaskAlliecat in that the trail runs seem to throw the pace out the window. My first trail on Saturday was all over the pace map and kept cutting out as I hiked up the hills. 😊

Funnily enough, l am yet to buy a watch. Not just a running watch, l mean any old watch. And as a former nicotine addict l can also say that l quit whilst l still had loads of tobacco around the place. I just binned it all, lol. In terms of running I’ve got an app that tells me how ‘fast’ l go every kilometre. I might get a watch so can tell if I’m pushing my heart but as for anything else I’m genuinely care free. My motto is ‘unless a pro, no need to analyse & stress.’