Marathon training has been going well but after my last 18 mile run I developed a small blister on my right big toe. I run in Brooks adrenaline gts with injinjie toe socks and have never had a blister until I hit 18 miles. I have run in these trainers for 6 months and are roomy in the toe box area, I have narrow feet! There are no other hot spots or other blisters at all. The blister was small as in the picture but each time I run it comes back. I have tried my newer version of my trainers and the same happens although slightly less big. What should I do? I know my trainers are getting worn so will switch to the newer pair. I have adrenaline gts 19's coming but they will need breaking in. How do I tape up the toe to prevent another blister on sundays long run?
Blister help!: Marathon training has... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...
Blister help!

It won’t help with the cause of the blister but soaking your feet in salty water will speed up healing and toughen the skin. It might be just that your feet aren’t used to pounding out 18 miles yet and the skin needs time to toughen up? The last time I got blisters on my toes was on a longish run when my feet got damp from rain. Whilst they heal I used some gel toe protectors which did the job for letting me carry on running.
I have gel blister plasters and some zinc oxide tape for my toe. The blister will have gone by morning but it returns quite quickly. I need the skin to toughen up asap as I have 18-22 mile runs for the next four weeks before my next break.

Leukotape is good, although if the blister is not fully healed you'd want something under the tape to protect your skin.
I was wondering if I could just tape or if it needed something on it first? The blister will be gone by morning but the skin is still delicate and prone to blistering again. I have now got blister plasters and tape from the pharmacy. Just need to work out how best to stick it onto my toe without it coming off mid run!

Much sympathy from a fellow blister sufferer!
I used compeed plasters while my (big) blisters healed. Over the top I used leukotape with the white stuff underneath - leukotape combi pack
Now they are healed I just use leukotape with the white stuff (although they still blistered on my last 22k run, but weren't as sore and have gone right back down), even on short runs as it is taking a long time for the new skin to harden up! Its a huge roll and would last you and a friend for life with a blister that size 😂 Good luck.
Fab thank you! My husband has a small stash in his drawer from his physio (now he tells me!!). Do you find it tries to peel off the skin during the run like plasters do or does it stick solid?
So long as I spend a few minutes rubbing it vigorously to make sure it has stuck properly, it has stayed in place for me (mine are on the side of my foot). Once I have run, the heat has usually glued it firmly in place! I try to take it straight off in the shower to keep the skin dry and aired else it stays damp and soft and no progress is made - it does take a while to toughen back up once you've had a blister tho. It may always be susceptible on long distances, but it should be less sore with the tape and the distances should be longer (I still blistered at 22km with tape and single skin socks, so back to twin skin and tape now). I suspect the K tape Bazza mentions would work in much the same way. Good luck.
Not what you want to hear, but came back from my 15k today with sore feet (still wrapped up in their Runderwear twin-skins). Gingerly peeled back the very well stuck leukotape to see the blisters are up again! Am sure they would have been much without the tape though
Caught the end of something on TV last night where a ballerina appeared to have successfully blocked the pain of her sore feet by thinking nice thoughts while she danced. This is my newest strategy (nice thoughts that is, not dancing).
I am trying the tape on my big toe today to see if it sticks well for tomorrow. So I just need one layer of tape over the area, the blister has gone away again?
I have one layer of the pink tape but a layer of the white stretchy tape under that. If your blister is gone, just pink tape is prob ok, but when u take it off be careful in case the latest run has brought it up again! Or maybe you could put an ordinary plaster first, then the pink leukotape on top.
Ok I will see how the pink tape comes off later, any issues and I will put a plaster on first. Thank you!

Aw man I can't believe you all recommended leukotape before me 😔
I tape my feet for any runs greater than 15k, I just preemptively put one bit of leukotape where I get the blisters (right foot, beneath the arch up to big toe) and it does the trick. Socks make no difference, shoes make no difference, it seems to just be a mechanical thing that happens after a certain distance for me! I often get a blister under one of my middle toenails too in half marathons, not yet sure how to resolve that. Maybe I can make a leukotape hat for my toe 🤔
I meant to credit you too ..... 🤔
😄 It's saved my feet so many times.
I will try taping for sundays run. Would I get away with a strip on the side of my toe without it coming off or would you recommend I wrap around and underneath the big toe?
If it's a good quality zinc oxide tape you shouldn't need to do any extra wrapping, it bonds to skin really well after a few minutes. The trick is to give yourself protection whilst not introducing new areas that might rub, so less is more in most respects I think. Might be a bit of trial and error, but I just slap my tape on flat and it doesn't unstick until I ask it to. And even then it sometimes doesn't want to come off 😂 I have to soak it off in the bath.
Ok fab, I will give it a go. The blister has gone again now!

Get yourself some ROCKTAPE -- usually used for taping up sore muscles etc. Stick a bit to the affected area - it sticks like glue!!! No rubbing of the skin there against anything then. You could maybe even try a bandaid - but would need a good quality sticky one to stay on. As my distances grow , I am starting to notice sore metatarsal pads ( underneath the feet) - first time ever You could maybe even try a bandaid - but would need a good quality sticky one to stay on
Thanks Bazza! I tried a band aid on a 10k run but it migrated in my sock. Something more industrial is needed! I also have sore ball of my left foot on a long run, another new thing for this kind of distance sadly. I guess it is to be expected 🤔

Thanks for that Baz. 👍
I am a slave to rotten blisters 🙈. I Vaseline beforehand but I still get them no matter what shoe or sock I tape them up and then get blistered adjacent toes
Ta for the tip about the Leuoktape. I shall try that 👍
I have strangely short toes, like they’re missing a section 🤨

Ouch. I get blisters from my early season walking/hikes and have found that thin skin-type breathable surgical tape works on toe blisters. It's not very sticky but it acts as a breathable skin. Stays in place if wound around toe a few times. 3M and Leukotape make it. Skin thin gauze type stuff.. Would not stick to a heel blister though but it's fine for toes.
Thank you Lordi, I can get some of this from work😉
Today was long run day, 18 miles planned. I chose my newer gts 18 trainers that have done 8 miles before. My usual toe socks and stuck some tape on my big toe. The run was very wet, I was soaked to the skin and my feet were wet. Thanks to the driver who went through a puddle soaking me from head to toe! I thought the wet feet was a recipe for blister heaven. However despite my feet resembling soggy prunes and the tape starting to lift, I suffered no blisters! I am amazed 😊 19 miles run and my feet are very happy!