Having trouble with uncomfortable pants. Decatholon don't have my size in Brighton must be all the half marathon runners on Sunday. Any suggestions? Don't want a photo with me adjusting
It all pants: Having trouble with... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...
It all pants

I have Runderwear for special occasions, but don't think the cost is really justified... 99% of the time I just use cheapo Lonsdale shorts shaped ones from Sports Direct. I think anything that is sensible shaped and ideally synthetic in the main areas should do. I am not really of the belief you need fancy special running pants, but that's just me! Everything so far seems to be held in place with a good compression trouser, so I've never yet had an issue with things chafing or moving about or comfort.

You know I've never really considered my underwear. I pick out my oldest thinnest pairs to run in, just in case of loomergencies and having to discard...probably too much info!
I wear M&S thin cotton briefs that cover my bottom well, no hi leg or thongy type cuts when running. Synthetic knickers sound a bit unhygienic to me but I know lots wear them.
If all else fails go commando!

Hi there, I go to tk max, and look for seamless New Balance and Reebok, I’ve managed to bag several pairs for a good price, they often do sets of 2 or 3 .....now I know they do them, I have a rummage every so often....😂.....I have got some runderwear (always reminds me of scooby doo!) .....ha ha!
Hope you find something, chafing after a long run is no fun....😩

I bought a really cheap 6 pack from Amazon ages ago, and still find them perfectly good. I only got them because I wanted some 'shorts' to preserve my modesty in my VERY short running shorts. Which I don't even wear any more 😄
I’ve got some ‘shorts’ ones, but don’t like the way the legs roll up and need adjusting if you need the loo and pulling your running shorts/capris/tights over them, although, I must say they are very comfy once in the right place.....

I appreciate I'm on the wrong side of the gender divide to offer you any advce on where/ what to purchase, but it is an issue that comes to every runner I think.
I never saw the point of special underwear for running until my first attempt at a 10 mile run. Then, sweet holy Jesus!! There is nothing quite like the pain of chafing thighs, and it stays with you for days too.... every damn time you move!

I use full briefs from Debenhams. They do some non Vpl job’s which are great Very nice lacy leg insert so they don’t look at all frumpy 3 for 2 but they’re not in the least expensive
i did splurge £23 on some Merino boxers from a camping place to keep my lower back and hips warm during my long winter marathon training runs They are gorgeous 😳. I did a post on these a few winters ago 😁
They didn’t move! I did my November marathons in em 🙂

Runderwear... and they have got sales on at the moment...Also... M and S do some great ordinary full brief pants, packs of five, which do not chafe at all.. no side seams