☕ Winter Speed Challenge: Onwards!!! - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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☕ Winter Speed Challenge: Onwards!!!

roseabi profile image
38 Replies



Hello you Lightning Lot!

How are you all feeling this week?

I am not that great myself, and need to take a break - but I hope to be back fighting next week!!!

But anyway, onwards we go to the second week of the challenge!

I saw some storming first runs come in last week, see them all on the spreadsheet:



My thoughts after my starting run were that I was keeping up my pace well, but that I needed to capitalise on it by pushing myself a little bit faster at the end - looking to work on the negative split. It's not easy, and I definitely remember looking at my watch A LOT in that last km. But it's WORTH IT, right? 😊

Take care of yourselves, warm up well, and enjoy your running!!!

roseabi xx

More info here:


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roseabi profile image
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38 Replies
David_G profile image
David_GMetric Marathon

Hi Roseabi, having run my first run for this challenge on Saturday and the London Winter 10K yesterday I'm having a break today. The plan now is to do my 5K for this week tomorrow evening then a run of 16K on Thursday evening. This is in line with my HM training so hopefully it will all go OK.

At least we seem to have lost the really cold weather now (OK, it's raining instead) but I prefer it when it's slightly warmer anyway.

Good luck everyone with week 2!

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to David_G

Good luck!

homlyme profile image

You take care of yourself roseabi hope you feel better soon 🍇🍇

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to homlyme

Thank you xxx

Macmac profile image

Sorry you are not speeding along this week roseabi - but I’m sure you’ll have even more speed for next week!! 😁. Please can I use the first 5k of my hm yesterday as my time for this week? So 4.47 m/km for this week please.

I averaged 4.53 m/km overall for the hm, with a few railway/main road bridges in the later stages (they were a nice surprise 😜) which was ahead of my target pace of 5m/km so very pleased with that.

Decker profile image
DeckerUltramarathon in reply to Macmac

Smokin' fast Macmac!

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to Macmac

Awesome - well done!!

And thank you xx

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to Macmac

Wow, that's amazing!

Maybe58 profile image

Hi Roseabi, hope you feel better soon. Here’s my offering for week 2 - 5K, 30mins, pace exactly 6min/k 👍

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to Maybe58

Thank you xx and Great work!!!

Decker profile image

Hope you are 100% soon Abi! I am so happy to be out of the lurgy myself. I ran my second 5k run for the challenge also my best ever 5k today @ 4:57/km or 24:48 for 5:01km - according to Garmin. No snow, +5 and all in. Not sure I will ever top that.

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to Decker

Wow!!!!! Well done xx

Windoze profile image
WindozeHalf Marathon in reply to Decker

Chuffin eck Decks...nice work. Looks like I need to hit the hills and speed sessions this week. (No competition here honest 🤣🤣🤣)

Decker profile image
DeckerUltramarathon in reply to Windoze

Haha, 😁I’ve been sick the last week so I missed the hills session. Not sure if that helped or not!

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply to Decker

Saw that 😃👍🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️💪. Well done 👍

Colinsmith profile image
ColinsmithHalf Marathon

Hope you’re feeling better soon roseabi.

My chosen distance for this challenge is so short I’ve got no excuse other than to go full pelt the whole way really! I do notice over a 5km at parkrun though, that a lot of people who seem to be running very comfortably ahead of me all the way round, don’t seem to bother with a sprint. 🤔 I don’t know whether they’re just more mature in their attitude than me (I know parkrun isn’t supposed to be a race) but I don’t know how they can see that finish line and not think ‘Sod it, I’ll put my foot down’. For me, it’s the fun bit - it’s nearly over and I’ve always got just a little left in the tank for a sprint over the last 200m or so.

Even the C25k podcast encourages pushing harder at the end of a run doesn’t it? Perhaps that’s where I’ve got it from....

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to Colinsmith

Thank you!!!

I'm enjoying seeing some shorter distances this time!

I sometimes don't sprint at the end of 5k because it makes me heave 😊 But working on that final kick is great endurance training, keep it up! xx

Sqkr profile image
SqkrHalf Marathon in reply to Colinsmith

I never sprint at the end for the same reasons as roseabi —no one needs to see me throwing up on the finish line! I learnt that lesson at my very first race... I try and run pretty tactically, so that I've nothing left at the end anyway and then at least I know that I've given it what I can, sprint or not!

Windoze profile image
WindozeHalf Marathon

Hmmm week 2 plan....working away for 2 days so gym in the hotel tonight....Thursday is running club speed session at the track so hitting that one hard and my 5k sat am I will not know the route but I'll give it a bash... 🤣🤣

misswobble profile image

Sorry I posted in the wrong place ☺️

I hope you feel better very soon 😃👍

Running again today but I have painful ribs. New hobby. Nuff said 😎

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to misswobble

Thanks, Wobble! You didn't post in the wrong place, i was just a bit slow with this new post!

Amazing what a new type of exercise can do 😊😊😊

Sqkr profile image
SqkrHalf Marathon

I am also taking a bit of a break this week due to external events (may yet sneak a speedy run in, but not sure when!), though I did cut all my hair off on sarurday—about two feet of the stuff—so anticipate being really quick next time I get my challenge run in, on account of being so much lighter than I was before 😂

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to Sqkr


Langley-Loper profile image
Langley-LoperHalf Marathon in reply to Sqkr

As long as you didn't cut your strength off too

Sqkr profile image
SqkrHalf Marathon in reply to Langley-Loper

I genuinely worry about that 😅

Langley-Loper profile image
Langley-LoperHalf Marathon

I know you will soon be back raring to go.

I completed my week 2 10km run last night. Average pace was 9:06 min:sec per mile (I work in old money) which converts to the more modern 5:39 min:sec per km or 339 s/km.

Onwards to week 3!

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to Langley-Loper

Awesome stuff!

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Hi Abi, hope you feel better soon😚...

This lunchtime I went out for my second 5k speed challenge and this time had the correct breakfast (porridge, not toasted teacake and jam like last week). Plus I did some dynamic stretches using a tree for support during my warm up which is new for me.

Started quite quickly and got into a rhythm, but wasn't sure I could/would suststain it to beat last weeks time.

By the third k was feeling happier and knew I would make the distance, but would it be fast?😕

YES👊 5.18k in 38:49 with a pace of 7.29

My fastest over that route and third ever fastest 5k !

The 5k time was 38:40mins but I will be happy for you to use the 7.29 pace.

Feeling pleased, the run on the treadmill last week helped too I think...and much nicer to be running outdoors!

Good luck everyone 😊xxx

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to Bluebirdrunner

Thanks BB! xx

And well done that's wonderful!!!!!

David_G profile image
David_GMetric Marathon

Hi Roseabi. I’ve done this week’s run. My pace was 7:06 so not what I would have wanted 😕 We all have a bad run from time to time so just putting it down to experience 🙂👍

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to David_G

Hi David! Yes we do, and you have plenty of time to try again, well done xxx

DebJogsOn profile image

Oh No- hope you're feeling back to full strength soon!

I've just had an amazing run and smashed my 5k PB! Pace was 6.27/km!!

I'm sure that's rubbish compared to most folk on here but is fantastic for me - just goes to show the power of setting out with a determination to be faster I guess (and of the motivation on here!).

Big thanks too to Bluebirdrunner for encouraging me to have a go.

Not sure if I'm going to improve too much more in the coming weeks though...off for a long hot bath!

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to DebJogsOn

Thank you Deb! xx

And omg you got a PB that's fabulous!!!!!

Bluebirdrunner profile image
Bluebirdrunner in reply to DebJogsOn

Thats brilliant Deb! Go you!

It does make you push yourself doesn't it...

You are so much faster than me...and I'm not rubbish... 😆😉😁

(Have you seen the post by Orangeguy on the Bridge the other day with the age grading table!)


DebJogsOn profile image
DebJogsOn in reply to Bluebirdrunner

You're definitely not rubbish! Yes I saw that table - it was interesting, though I don't really like the idea of getting some sort of pass because of my age 😂.

It's just I'm in awe of folk running a km in under 5 minutes 😱.

But a PB is a PB and this one's mine 😊

Windoze profile image
WindozeHalf Marathon in reply to DebJogsOn

Grats on your PB!!

marco83 profile image

Hi all!!! Some good efforts here :)

As I mentioned in the weekly chat I’m paying a bit for all the long distance ran in January and the strong 20 miles on Sunday, so I wasn’t sure about speeding this week

But this morning I was running 10.07 miles (to be precise ;) ) and decided to have a go with the usual idea of running 6 miles 10-20% slower than marathon pace (ran about 51’ for the 6 miles and a bit) and then last 4 miles at half marathon to 15K pace (6’50 /mile or about 4’15/4’20 per km).

My best run on this was 2/3 weeks ago , when I managed 27'30'' for the last 4 miles.

Today, I could not manage anything better than 28' (like the past week) for 4 miles. This is equivalent to last week pace of 4’21’’ per km.

However, this time I was much more tired and started slower (probably around 4’40 per km) the I managed to pick up the pace and in the last couple of miles and run the last couple of km very fast (probably faster than 4’per km).

Hopefully next week my body will be more used to the miles and I’ll manage something closer to Half marathon pace all the way around...

Have a good day!


roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to marco83

Yes, it's looking amazing so far!!!

Well done, you held your own under less than ideal circumstances - the only way is up!!

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