Weekly chat 17th Dec - 23rd December.... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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Weekly chat 17th Dec - 23rd December...Christmas Eve Eve! πŸŽ…πŸŽπŸŽ„

Sqkr profile image
SqkrHalf Marathon
β€’17 Replies

I tried for ages to find a festive running robin to continue the theme, but it turns out robins aren't really into running. So I've gone with this spherical wee fellow instead, which is very much how I fear I'll look myself once I've got through all the lebkuchen I've been stockpiling for the festive period.

Sometimes we don't feel like putting a whole post up but just want to share something small, so this is a great place for doing that during the week. Please join in the discussion 😊

If you're new or a lurker this is a great place to say a little hi without the pressure of a full post.

Have a great week, and enjoy those runs 😊

Ju-Ju, Sqkr, and roseabi


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Sqkr profile image
Half Marathon
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17 Replies
andystev profile image

I had to Google "lebkuchen". I love gingerbread! I fear you may have made me fat.

Sqkr profile image
SqkrHalf Marathon in reply to andystev

Ohhh then you must definitely give lebkuchen a go! The squidgy hearts with plum jam in the middle are my favourite, and happily are stocked in Lidl ☺️❀️ They're a real gateway treat though. Start on those and you'll be stuck into the pfeffernusse, vanillekipferl and nürnberger gingerbread in no time, and then there's no way back.

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKHalf Marathon in reply to Sqkr

Mmmm German Christmas foods 😍

C3PO profile image

I managed to fit in two runs last week as well.

Parkrun was a chilly -7 on Saturday. I got a sort of record that - and I know I wasn't the only one. Participation was half that of the week before, so I got my highest place ever, but also my slowest time ever. I suspect that wading through 10 cm of snow for the first 100 m slowed quite a few of us down.

I'm off to IOW on Friday for the holidays. It'll be nice to run somewhere warmer for a while, even if it's wet and windy!

Sqkr profile image
SqkrHalf Marathon in reply to C3PO

Oof -7! You'd have to run in that temperature or you'd freeze to the spot.

roseabi profile image

I (perhaps rashly) declared on Strava an intention to get to three pull ups by the end of the year. Have promptly gone down with a cold, which always affects my muscles and joints, so my pull ups have gone a bit feeble!

Hey ho (ho ho) 😊

My half marathon plan is going well - I seem to have discovered quite a turn of speed! Possibly it's mainly down to a desire to get back home to a hot shower as soon as possible, but I do think the longer spaces between runs is agreeing with me. Achilleses are almost better now, too! 😊😊😊

Happy running off the lebkuchen!! xx

Sqkr profile image
SqkrHalf Marathon in reply to roseabi

Inspired by your pull up exploits I keep on toying with the idea of a pull up bar, but I'm worried I might pull the doorframe down πŸ˜„ Might have to wait until I'm in my new place, hopefully it will be a bit less crooked...

Decker profile image

I also had to look up lebkutchen :) I dialled the mileage back a little this week from last as it felt a bit much and Did a Holiday run with our group on Saturday, and some (very slow) skating with my daughter yesterday to finish the week off. Also trying to avoid coming down with whatever Mrs Decker has picked up. I fear it is a matter if time before it picks us all off 🀒

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKHalf Marathon

Cracking on with the HM plan. Weekend weather has disrupted it somewhat and I did a shorter run rather than none. I’m off work for 13.5 days over Christmas and New Year so I will make that up.

I’ve cracked open my β€œChristmas shelf” onto a spare bit of worktop in my kitchen and I have my body weight in treats of various kinds that I’ve slowly acreted over the final third of the year. If previous years are anything to go by I’ll still be working my way through come Easter.

I’m a big fan of stollen but the enriched dough is so calorific that I’ve just gone for a small box of stollen bites. I only hope the proper loaves don’t get massively reduced when I’m in the shops over the next few weeks - I can resist anything except temptation. Witness me buying lebkuchen hearts (apricot filled, from Tesco) and frosted stars.

Anyway. I will run. And eat. And drink. And be Mary.

Sqkr profile image
SqkrHalf Marathon in reply to Jay66UK

I have a Christmas shelf too, and also a Christmas cupboard 🀣 awww man, stollen. The one with the marzipan in the middle is my absolute dream. And also nightmare. Dream because it's amazing, nightmare because I can eat so much of it in one sitting. Typical that my superhero power turns out not to be that I'm strong, or can turn invisible, noβ€”it's that I'm a bottomless cake pit.

But we are runners now! No longer are they guilty treats, they're FUEL.

Maybe58 profile image

I’m on the IC 😞 Strange niggly pain on outside of right hip. I have appt on Thursday with Sports Physio. I can run up the stairs with no problem but running starts the niggle. So I’m being sensible and resting. However I’ve a suspicion that putting off strength/cross training plays a part in it. Feeling slight panic as I can’t run, so mileage will slip. Also I’ll lose condition if I have to rest further, I’m on second week of rest already. I’m probably being silly as HM training does not have to start until 2nd week of January. All I’ll do is take a step back and use a gentler walk/run plan. Think I may have learned a valuable lesson re strength/cross training 😞

Whatsapp profile image
WhatsappHalf Marathon

Just about to embark on Week 3 of my HM plan. Did a nice slow 10k on Sunday morning which I really enjoyed. Got to get up a few early mornings in the week in order to squeeze those runs in before work, but the reward will be worth it I'm sure.

Lordi profile image

Last week was a bit of a disaster due to picking up blistered heels in a 5k parkrun! So only did a 5k run and a 23 km walk last week. Back to normal this week with a HM run today (Mon) and a couple of 5 km runs planned as well as a second HM planned on Thurs. Trying to get 3000-4000 calories in the bank to cover a bit Xmas overindulgence!

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to Lordi

Wow! that's such a lot of running..... no time for calorie consumption!

misswobble profile image

I’m trying to avoid the Christmas treats. I’ve hidden the mince pie stash for safe-keeping from OH πŸ™„. I looked at the tooth-achingly sweet icing sugar-drenched offerings in Lidl and passed by, averting my eyes πŸ‘€ πŸ˜ƒ

Not run since Wednesday ☹️ Cos of stuff getting in the way, but i’m Determined to reach my 1000 miles run This year, come hell or high water, must write the cards first though πŸ™„

Colinsmith profile image
ColinsmithHalf Marathon

I’m not following the HM plan, but am extending my distance back out, ready for my first β€˜proper’ HM in February. Had a few knee niggles but nothing serious. I was aiming for 15km today but went a bit too far on the out leg, so 17km in 1h30m. Quite tired by the end of the run, but I think I should be fine for Feb.

Apart from that it’s just parkrun every Saturday. I love running in the cold - we haven’t had a real frosty one yet here though. It definitely puts some people off, I finished 14th the other week and I’m usually around 40th! Or maybe the younger runners are all nursing hangovers. 😊

ju-ju- profile image

what a cute chubby Robin, its fabulous...

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