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Tbae profile image
TbaeMetric Marathon
17 Replies

Tomorrow I am back one week from graft gardening.

I have settled into daily running and gardening and with several family commitments over Oct - Dec., makes for a busy time.

However I can and will focus on my long term running goals and begin to put together a programme to identify, address and achieve them.

I always have to try and do a first pass analysis of the extent of the challenge and how it fits into a time frame.

As a new runner of course the list can be long.I try and identify the vital stuff as opposed to the lower priority.Some may use a critical path analysis or networking.But either way I try and get some appreciation of the task and also some get out contingencies and other options that may come into play.

I looked back at Strava records for the runs I did first part of July, 3rd - 17th , 6 runs total, 5k, 8.4k, 10.9, 15k,11.3k and 21.1k. I guess apart from loads of consolidation work and speed challenge participation and 10 the magic number,I could say that the 6 runs were a sort of HM readiness programme.

Following that I pursued 2 weeks of running each day and followed that with one week of running twice per day.Then came my gardening hamster wheel for 4 weeks and only one hour of proper exercise per week.

Now back one week of running everyday and completing 42k each week.

Got 8mins for a 5k to reduce and regain before next Speed Challenge if I can.Thats just to stand still.Who said figuring out this running malarkey is easy.Its not, but rewarding, yes.

So I am turning my attention again to distance.I have flipped and flopped and as a new runner looking for the answers that is my perception and that is my reality.

I have been looking 11 months ahead to the Anglesey Ring of Fire.Potentially I could knock off, 5xHM’s, 1xM, 5x Ultras before the next event.

As a senior and even if I could not qualify for entry , Ho hum, I live locally and can still prepare by walking first the complete coastal path, then running each of the 3 stages and then running 2 days of it. Of course running the 135 Miles.I do not need the bling to feel proud of that achievement.

Of course for me at my run all day pace it certainly does take a day, 10 hours +20 hours + 10.5hours. They are the cut off times.Which with good, navigation, fuelling and honest endeavour preparation and no hick ups it is doable.

I think the key perhaps of my preparation initially is continuous daily running but instead of one marathon distance a week, add another HM per week.So not 6k per day but 9km type of thing.

A past marathon friend once told me some things you do your brain always stores , in response to his question have you ever ran, no but I used to be on Ben Nevis 3 times per week,that is the equivalent of climbing Everest each 2 weeks.For me shuffling/ jogging /running with a good form is easier on the body than brisk walking.

Jeffing is very clever, excellent, I am a runner every step of the way or not at all. Strange as a modest mountaineer, only finding out late in life we were born to run, and of course we first had to walk, but now no walking when running brain says run.

I am an odd ball anyway who is more comfortable in his skin since finding this forum.

Still sticking to multi tasking learning but still figuring out how to get off the gardening hamster wheel and on to my feet and never stop running.

Absolutely a Cracker Jack.


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Tbae profile image
Metric Marathon
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17 Replies
mountaindreamer profile image
mountaindreamerHalf Marathon

I didn’t realise you were fairly near to us on Anglesey now Tbae ...had this idea you and the hedge were on a Scottish island somewhere! 😃❤️

Sounds like one hell of a challenge that you have in mind, but if anyone can workout how to do it then I’m sure that person is you! I’d offer to pop over and cut hedges while you train, but, ermmm...I think we’re busy! 😉😊❤️

Tbae profile image
TbaeMetric Marathon in reply to mountaindreamer

Yes been on holy island now for 30 years.

I think you are not too far.

Just got this feeling to do something.A bit like your Munro achievement.

At least everything is on my doorstep.

Even the route passes by my door almost.🙈🤔😂😂

Of course loads of detailed stuff, not sure if I could map read any longer and techie 🦕 on gps stuff. But hey ho, can get that fixed.Convinced I could regain the good day in the hills bit with some honest endeavour.🤔🙈

Take care of you both


mountaindreamer profile image
mountaindreamerHalf Marathon in reply to Tbae

We were over rock climbing at Holyhead Mountain just 2 weekends ago! 😊❤️

Not sure you’d really need to map read much for the Anglesey coastal path? I’ve got a pretty detailed book that describes it all in words (Welsh and English - from the tourist information folk, I think) and it gives a lot of description, with map segments for each section. If you do practise runs with the official book, and follow the pretty good signage, then hopefully you’d not need to worry too much about navigation.

Tbae profile image
TbaeMetric Marathon in reply to mountaindreamer

Wonderful for you climbing.Must be some extreme routes there.

I am at Trearddur Bay, hence the user name.So minutes from your lovely climbs.

Yes the Ring of Fire info is very thorough with links for all the supporting info.

I was going to do as you suggest.

Walk it and familiarise myself and then run each stage and do a 2 stages.With the maps and CP. Probably even test run a torch and evening episode Frid /Sat evening , leave nothing to chance.🤔👏👏

Trouble is at my run all day pace, still not much room for error to make the cut off point.

The lack of sleep I think I could cope with , I would be so pumped up anyway.Preparation is key but it is got to be a balance for me also.Slow pace , long hours , realistic training and no need to be too precise knocking off all the distances.

Strangely when I get to a point of dialling it in , its done.🤔😂😂

Mad as a March hare.🙈😂😂💥🏃‍♀️💥

mountaindreamer profile image
mountaindreamerHalf Marathon in reply to Tbae

Ah...Tbae suddenly makes sense now! I love Trearddur bay - such a beautiful place. 😍 Sounds like you've got everything well-planned. I’m sure you’ll workout a way to do it. 😃❤️🏃‍♂️💥

Tbae profile image
TbaeMetric Marathon in reply to mountaindreamer

Actually in Welsh it should be Bae Trearddur, so Baet., username.🤔🙈.

BTW that’s Crib Goch ARÊTE.👍

Thanks MD.,I am going to chip away at increasing daily and weekly mileages and build up sensibly and knock off some HM’s.

My slow pace makes it about how to increase periods of running time considering some sort of slow constant pace.

I can just be patient and see how I build upto 10hours, 20 hours and 10.5 hours and of course all the associated bells and whistles that is needed to sustain that running duration.

Love the dreamer bit in your username and of course woman of steel and all your Munro’s can understand that also.

I may now be dreaming, but what is the worst that can happen , one day I wake up.🙈😂😂

Love to knock off this 135 Miles at 75.Cofused, by that time 76🙈😂

What is not to like.🙈

Just crackers.😂


mountaindreamer profile image
mountaindreamerHalf Marathon in reply to Tbae

Sounds like an incredible plan. Great aim for 75! 😃🏃‍♂️❤️

My photo was taken on the summit of Pen y ole Wen, but it was a pretty clear day, so I think you’re right and the view goes beyond Y Garn and the Glyders and is from high enough up to be looking across to the Snowdon ridges.

Lordi profile image
LordiMarathon in reply to Tbae

Crib goch - Nearly got blown off there once crossing in a bit of a surprise squall. I don't mind admitting I was keeping 3 points of contact on a few of the hairy sections and clinging on for dear life!

Tbae profile image
TbaeMetric Marathon in reply to Lordi

Yes that route is for the very experienced even on a very calm day.I would require a guide to make that traverse.

Cannot imagine how the dragons back entries cope and the top level persons run across that.

Just incredible.


AlMorr profile image
AlMorrHalf Marathon

Hi Tbae, read your post with awe, a magnificent attitude you have, thinking of running ultramarathons, well, well. You say you climbed Ben Nevis three times a week when you were living near Fort William, certainly all that climbing has probably helped you with your new found past time of running. All those runs you did in July would help you with your new ambitions of running HM, full marathons and even ultramarathons, well done, glad that your gardening work is over and you can get back to the running. There is an ultramarathon up the West Highland Way every June around mid-summer from Milngavie to Fort William, I understand that it begins just after midnight so the runners have to have torches to find their way for the first 4 hours or so as daylight comes around 3.45am at that time of the year, worth thinking about if you are considering an ultramarathon after your Anglesey Ring of Fire event, Milngavie to Fort William up the West Highland Way is 95 miles/152.8 Kilometres.

Wonder what I have been up to recently, well I am repeating some of the C25K runs after a break of 6 weeks due to a sore hip which is completely better now. 4 weeks ago I bought a brand new Smartphone, up to date with all the new apps you can get now, still got the old retro phone with all the music on it. Just hope all your training goes well with all the runs you are planning to do in the future including the 5 ultramarathons before that Anglesey Ring of Fire event.



Tbae profile image
TbaeMetric Marathon in reply to AlMorr

Hi Alan ,

Glad to hear your hip is better and you are getting to grips with your new techie gear.

The garden has still got its hooks in me for 5hours a day and another maybe 28 days.Preparing to replant next year.Dumping existing unsightly shrubs.

Yes know the West Highland way very well. Passes through Kinlochleven on the penultimate day if you have tackled it South to North.My birthplace.

Yes I spent 6 months at the Toc H Loch Eildhe Centre outward school

as a temporary instructor 50 years ago and hill walked the Carn Mohr Dearg ARÊTE onto Ben Nevis for 6 months. Spring to Autumn with groups of teenagers doing the three week course hillwalking/ mountaineering / sailing and canoeing.

Also climbed Ben Nevis with a colleague instructor, ropes and crampons one Boxing Day.

The idea of the 5 ultra marthons is the 3 stage Ring of Fire.I plan to walk them, then run them singly, and do a double day, so that is the 5.

Would plan to do one marathon, one that is close, Chester, Anglesey, Snowdonia, but it depends the time of the year and the cut off times and the entry qualifications.

I can simply run round Penrhos Woodland Coastal Park , 14x 3k for 7 hours whenever I am ready.

Same with HM 7x3k any time I choose, once a month, or whatever for 3.5 hours. Just the same as I did for my only HM so far.

All needs to be simple for me.

No drama.Can only see how far I can get with preparation and it will always be there in 2020, even if I am not.🙈😂😂

You take care of you.


Lordi profile image

Tbae - Oh no what have I started with all this talk of The Ring of Fire! Excellent plan! I think walking the whole route first is a great idea and will be very useful for planning/sussing-out the tricky bits etc. You are very lucky to live right on the doorstep there on Holy Island.

Tbae profile image
TbaeMetric Marathon in reply to Lordi

Oh yes Lordi,that is mainly the interest because it’s right here.

Yes you have reignited a fire OK that’s been burning for sometime now.🔥🔥😂.

Your walk yesterday gives encouragement to do anyone thinking or planning a marathon particularly relating to cut off times/concerns in general.

I did take a little time to examine past results and notice of the 150 limit on entries, the event has never reached that, perhaps 120, and of that and I assume both 1 day + 3 day, perhaps on the day 90 ish and a very substantial drop out.

Did not calculate %’s but easy to see for every year the low number of completions.Best finishers in the low 20 hours, and of course of more interest to me the just within the 40.5 hours.Noticed one entrant recorded a 43 hours something, so must have had different rules that year.

As you will know it is high % trail and it will be interesting to walk round, but none of it compares to Crib Goch eg. and Holyhead mountain is tame, not the last day elevation in the last hours, bit, but for an experienced mountaineer like you would present no problems.

Hey ho Lordi, it’s a very long shift for me at my all day shuffle pace, 10 mins/km but without hick ups the cut offs are achievable.🙈🤔, whether it ever happens is something else.

One shuffling step at a time and one day at a time.

I certainly like the idea that I can test, record and pit myself against this challenge in my time and on my terms. Not to ignore, the absolute beauty of this 135 mile Coastal route and the history lesson therein also.

I read some of your journey and posts starting from most recent and working toward your C25k beginnings.

Just Brillant.Love this forum and how it manages to accommodate all our unique needs and differences.Not one size fits all and of course sometimes it does or can but it’s our journey and our choice.

Running the golden thread that binds the forum together and for me now the life’s blood of my soul.

Take good care of you Lordi and keep bringing it and inspiring this forum.


ju-ju- profile image

Lovely post, and I am very excited for your goals and quite fancy this myself.... in terms of your weekly mileage don’t forget the reset week every 4 weeks to give your body some recovery... I will watch your progress with great interest...

Tbae profile image
TbaeMetric Marathon in reply to ju-ju-

Yes Julia you would certainly be more than capable of this challenge.

Lordi put the link up.

I think I have my simple training and familiarisation strategy.Of course it being on the doorstep makes it easier to just see how realistic it is going to be.

There are 16 CP’s for the 3day x 135 Miles total.

Going to divide it up to either 16 or more bits.

Drive to a check point, locate it GPS 🙈, photograph, etc., walk back to the previous CP and assess the terrain and them I run back to the car.That will confirm the terrain and actual running time to see if I can meet realistically for me the cut off times of 10 hours, 20 hours and 10.5hours.

After completing this stuff over 2-5 months and winter time should be in a good position to review and maybe have 6 months to address seriously other stuff.🤔

Would love to see you take this on.It is annually so if not 2019🤔 plenty more opportunities.


ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Marathon in reply to Tbae

What a fab plan, I had a look at the link Lordi put up and next would be 2020??

Tbae profile image
TbaeMetric Marathon in reply to ju-ju-

A fit for your schedule or do you mean the next Ring of Fire.🤔

The Dragon’s Back , 5day event, is every second year and is normally springtime.The next one is 2019.👍

But the Ring of Fire is annually and normally End of August/ beginning of Sept.👍👏👏

Lordi’ s friend was considering both , wonder if he knows they coincide this year.🙈🤔 Both 2019.🤔

Take care of you.


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