Oysterman Tri 2018, a bit of report. - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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Oysterman Tri 2018, a bit of report.

benwill profile image
28 Replies

The Oysterman tri is a sprint tri near Whitstable in Kent famed for its oysters. To start with its a 500 meter out and back sea swim, 20km bike ride and then a 5km run to finish it off.

Coming into this I was worried about the sea swim as I heard the return leg is a lot harder due to the tide and had only 25 minutes to complete it. The day before I had a mild panic about my goggles, they were my spare pair which I didn't really like. So a mild panic trying to find some Aqua Sphere Kayenne goggles, lucky i found a shop that stocked them and it was'nt so far from Whitstable, this was great news so manged to get some new goggles (and a new tri bag! oops) and register for event the next day.

Sunday morning nice 5am start (why to triathlons always start so early!) i still in mild panic about the sea swim. I got my first look at sea course, it didn't look so bad high up on the cliff! I set my stuff up racked my bike etc.

then it was off for the briefing, all was well lucky only 2 waves and quite close together so no hanging around. as we all made our way into the sea the water was nice and warm and we all swam out to the start line and all of a sudden the Klaxon went off! and we were off.

It was down to the second buoy and then back again and on to the beach. Going down it was quite good, I thought this is quite easy! Sure there was the normal kicking of each other, the pushing, the foot in the mouth, all good stuff. Go to the turn boy and it was a bit hectic and few more feet in the mouth and jostling (i am sure i must have kicked a few too) But OMG the return leg went on for ages and ages. I kept looking up and I am sure the halfway buoy was not getting any closer, i dragged it out and go to the turn buoy to head for the beach. Up and out of the water and I always feel a bit dizzy. Swim did in 22minutes 20 seconds.

T1 was a bit of a faff as hadn't practised this but managed to get my wetsuit half off on the run-up to the transition area and just scrambled with my legs. T1 time 3minutes 48seconds (not great)

Bike was great! the course was flat and fast, I got low into an aero position and gave it all I got and overtook plenty of people. It was out into the countryside not that i really notice it as was giving it full beans and the roads are not great with potholes etc. But the roads were quite as it was early Sunday morning, I only got held up by 30 seconds or so by a small lorry coming down a small street as I came back into town. I manged to do that in 40minutes 27 seconds which is maybe the quickest 20km on a bike I have ever done. (dam that lorry)

T2 was an easy change of shoes and turn the race number around. (1min 42secs)

Run is the same course as Whitstable parkrun which i had once before, i was a bit breathless after the ride maybe I took it a bit too hard. But wanted to try and get as close at 25 minutes as I could. I set off with a good pace but breathing and HR was too high and knew i wouldnt be able to sustain it. I slowed down and tried to get it all back under control but i felt tired by this point. But it was a nice run along the seafront around a bit of a park bit and back again. With the last 500 meters to go there was a large uphill section back up, it was hard work but managed it and even tried a little sprint at the end. Run 27minutes 19 seconds and overall time of 1hr 35 minutes.

So it was to collect my oyster shaped medal have a drink of water and find an icecream :)

I was a great race and really enjoyed it.

The postives :

I didnt die in the sea

i actually enjoyed the swin

the bike felt awesome

the run was better than my prevous tri's

Bad :

speed up my transition times.

dont be so nervous.


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benwill profile image
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28 Replies
Sandraj39 profile image
Sandraj39Half Marathon

Blimey! Massive well done to you!👏😀 I love watching Triathalon on tv but unfortunately am a real wuss when it comes to swimming, so I will definately stick to running! Glad you enjoyed it, great medal and it sounds as though this one may not be the last? 🙂

benwill profile image
benwillMarathon in reply to Sandraj39

Swimming is the worst part for me, but I am alot better then I was. I have been going to coached sessions all year with my running club (they have tri section too) which has helped me a lot. So anyone can do it!

it won't be my last, but it is getting close to the end of the season but i might try and find one.

Sqkr profile image
SqkrHalf Marathon

I love that medal 😀 What a cracking event, I'm in awe of anyone that manages to do the whole pit stop transition thing. Glad to hear you celebrated with ice cream when you finished too, well deserved! 🍦

benwill profile image
benwillMarathon in reply to Sqkr

yes very good event and only 300 people so were nice and small. Transitions are not really a problem I just need to practice it a few times. The medal is great !

Anniemurph profile image
AnniemurphHalf Marathon

Respect! It doesn't sound to me as though you have anything to be nervous of in the future! Great report, great medal - well done!

benwill profile image
benwillMarathon in reply to Anniemurph

It has given me great confidence in the future!

roseabi profile image

Brilliant, well done!!! Awesome bike, I soooo need to work on that, I'll be after you for advice 😊 You should deffo give the Brighton triathlon a go, I think my wave started at 11!

benwill profile image
benwillMarathon in reply to roseabi

Yes, i was very happy with my bike bit and the run wasn't bad too the last one I did a few years ago was terrible. I might try Brighton or Eastbourne tri next year, i think with the sea swims the timing is depending on the slack water time (not going in or out).

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to benwill

The sea was very good last year, apart from a strongish east-west current. I suspect they time the event for good sea conditions, except they can't predict the wind, unfortunately!

benwill profile image
benwillMarathon in reply to roseabi

so you going to do a half ironman next year :) i am thinking about it.

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to benwill

I am thinking about it too 😁

Although not next year, but after that we'll see...

Whatsapp profile image
WhatsappHalf Marathon

Great post. I am considering trying a Triathlon, though I need to work on my swimming. Not sure I like the thought of foot-in-mouth though.

benwill profile image
benwillMarathon in reply to Whatsapp

i am with you about the swimming, my swimming still needs to be improved its such a technic based part. I look at other swimmers and they seem so effortless. The kicking and stuff isn't to bad its all part of the fun, no really!

misswobble profile image

Great stuff! Hats off to your for doing this tri lark. It seems such a carry on. I wouldn’t know whether I was on my arse or elbow 😁 Being bashed about in the sea too 😳No way man!

It might be dead shallow then to say I love that medal! 💪👍😃🏃‍♂️🏅🏊‍♂️🚵‍♂️

benwill profile image
benwillMarathon in reply to misswobble

i can understand what your saying, especially packing stuff, you got 3 times more kit!

and nothing shallow to say you love that bling, i really like it too

DiveMonkey profile image

Wow! I don't think I will be able to get that speed on the bike! Really well done on you time and great bling!

I have entered my first triathlon on the 9 Sep! Really nervous!!

Any advice would be welcome! Its very similar distance except the swim is 600m and its in a dam that is likely to be around 15 degrees C on the day... Going to freeze!!

benwill profile image
benwillMarathon in reply to DiveMonkey

The bike is my best section i need to make up all the time on my poor swimming :)

you be fine I would suggest getting some open water swimming before you do it then you will be less nervous about the swim section and 15c wont be that cold when you got a wetsuit on. I find it always helps to get your face in the water as soon as you can. Also, try to go to one side of the main group then you won't get caught up in all the pushing and kicking. We had practised this at my tri club in a pool so was bit more use to it then going in fresh.

I would also practice taking off your wetsuit in a hurry they are not the easiest of things.

DiveMonkey profile image
DiveMonkeyMarathon in reply to benwill

Open water swimming is limited here but I managed to practice in a 50m outdoor pool yesterday at 15 degrees, took about 100m before I stopped getting a brain freeze every time my face went into the water!

I am actually more worried about the bike, I will be using my MTB so won't be very fast...

Depending if I enjoy the tri, I will start looking to getting better kit... For now my main focus it running, doing my first full marathon two weeks after the tri :)

benwill profile image
benwillMarathon in reply to DiveMonkey

Nothing wrong with doing it on your MTB, I did my first tri on my MTB (i have done 3, but first two was ages ago). So you be fine and there will be others who are doing that. I would try and pump up the tyres so they are quite firm.

Seems like September is a month of doing new things!

DiveMonkey profile image
DiveMonkeyMarathon in reply to benwill

I just hope I don't look like a complete moron with my surfing wetsuit and MTB compared to everyone else...

Yup September is a big month for me :) Also submitting my Masters thesis and its my birthday the day after the marathon...

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to DiveMonkey

I wore a surfing wetsuit for my first tri last year. It's a shortie, so I did have a couple of people ask me if I was worried about being cold! It was a lot easier to get out of though 😊

Madge50 profile image

Well done Ben, great report, like the salute.....looks cannily like the bacon butty brigade salute....they’re from down that way aren’t they? I need to get one of their t-shirts, Run , stop, eat bacon...(look them up...😂 probably one of the best running clubs in the world....they do have international members...) apologies if you’re a veggie.....I’m like Sandraj39 , love watching tri, but the swimming....,no can do...🏊‍♀️......I’m too good at sinking....😂.....


benwill profile image
benwillMarathon in reply to Madge50

oh yes the BBB who do you think gave me this lovely present to run with for my birthday healthunlocked.com/marathon...

swimming isn't as hard just need some practice!

some people even do breaststoke!

Madge50 profile image
Madge50Marathon in reply to benwill

We met some BBB members at Swansea parkrun of all places, the aerial display team is awesome, especially the ‘fry past’ ....😂, and why wouldn’t you run with a bit of furniture? ..... I do need to find out how to get a t-shirt though.....


benwill profile image
benwillMarathon in reply to Madge50

We do get about I was showing off my BBB shirt at Cardiff a couple of weeks ago. Our running display team has appeared at an international competition (International custard pie championships). If you connect on their facebook page they ask once a month or so if anyone wants to buy one. They have to have a minimum order.

Decker profile image

Wow, big respect and congratulations on a great Tri! Nice bling too.

ancientrunner profile image
ancientrunnerHalf Marathon

Well do ne - nice bit of bling there. Glad you didn't die in the sea, I'd have been hopeless. .

AnnieW55 profile image

Loved your report and the bling is amazing, one of the best I’ve seen. It won’t tempt me though, not with swimming in feet off the ground depth. I’m a wuss in the water unless I’ve got scuba gear on and I bet that’s not all We’d 😀

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