As some of you may have guessed from my avatar, I am the proud daddy of a lovely golden retriever called Reggie (mandatory photo attached - from when he was a puppy - just for the cuteness overload).
Golden retrievers have sensitive hips, because of their size, so we have been really careful with him, not really letting him run much or climb stairs while he was a puppy - bar the odd slow interval session with me on my Couch25K (he really loved the sessions in the snow!)
Now that Reggie is 14 months old (oh my how time flies!) I would love to run with him, even maybe do some canicross events. Trouble is that Reggie is not really used to running any distance (he will happily sprint around with other dogs or me, but puffs out after a little while...). I think I need to do some sort of couch to 5 K with him to build up his stamina.
Web research found this programme: poochto5k.com/wp-content/up... and I was wondering if anyone has followed it, or have otherwise worked with their dog to get them running.
I know most dogs are up for a run and usually faster/stronger than their owners - but did anyone had to work with their dog to build up their stamina?
It needs to be noted that I am very slow and there is no question that Reggie can outrun me, if he trains a bit it will be hard to keep up!
Looking forward to your input and photos of your dogs