Am I taking a step too far...? - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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Am I taking a step too far...?

Oldfloss profile image
96 Replies

Not sure whether this is a sensible thing to be T.S Eliot said....?

I thought, even though I said I had no desire to run further than 10 K or so... I may try and head towards a Half Marathon? Those of you who know me... is this a ridiculous idea ?

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Oldfloss profile image
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96 Replies
Neverrunbefore64 profile image

I'm registered to do HM in September, I only started C25K last October. Did my first ever 5K parkrun yesterday, so fingers crossed I'll do it. I have a training plan which I'm sort of sticking to. If I can YOU definitely can.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Neverrunbefore64

Go you... I am almost decided:)

mfamilias profile image
mfamiliasHalf Marathon

If you don't try, you'll never know, as my dad says. And if you've believed in Father Christmas for all your childhood, surely you can believe in yourself? Go for it, girl.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to mfamilias

... and I still believe in Father Christmas Mfam' :) Sooo what choice is there:)

mfamilias profile image
mfamiliasHalf Marathon in reply to Oldfloss

That's my girl :)

Bluebirdrunner profile image

I think you may be onto something Floss...

After all, who would have thought 10k was an option a while back?

I will be cheering you on and wish you lots of luck and success.. Enjoy the challenge 😊xxx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Bluebirdrunner

Hey... do you think I am nutty... only just about back up to 10 K and thinking of this? I know you will be honest with me:) x

It just fancy something new...I was going for faster running, but I do think now I may be built for distance and not speed..and probably too old for speed anyway :)

Bluebirdrunner profile image
Bluebirdrunner in reply to Oldfloss

I think you would do it, take plenty of time building your distance, you will need to be out running for long periods...need a good long route... will you follow a training plan?

Plenty of advice from the runners on this forum, they have done it!

Long distance running is going to improve your speed anyway, so nothing to lose.

If you find it takes the shine off your running, you can always stop.

I think you want to have a go....😊xx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Bluebirdrunner

I do.... I do want to try.. and there is no other way for me but steadily..I am in no rush and if the joy is outweighed by anything else... then I shall find another adventure...:)

Mr OF is very supportive and he will let me know if I am getting at all stressed or overwhelmed.. he knows me as well as I know myself:) He said today, when I casually let this idea drop, over lunch... "..if I said I had been waiting for this, would you be at all surprised:)

I shall do a long run at the end of the week and by then hopefully, someone will have advised me of a plan...if I have not found one, and I may be able to begin! x

Bluebirdrunner profile image
Bluebirdrunner in reply to Oldfloss

Good decision...we will all be supporting you.

Its a very big adventure!😊xxx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Bluebirdrunner

Life is... and I have downloaded a PLAN!!! :) It starts... I don't suppose.... you might be.... tempted... ? Steady and slow?

Gabby08 profile image
Gabby08Half Marathon

Not ridiculous at all! A very wise woman once told me that all I needed to do was take it slow and steady - and she was right. In fact, that same wise woman was also responsible for my HM mantra - “light as air, kiss the ground, light as air, kiss the ground”. I wonder who that wise woman could possibly have been...😉

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Gabby08

Thank you... you are lovely x

Whatsapp profile image
WhatsappHalf Marathon

Take T.S Eliots advice. I never regret trying. However, I regret plenty of opportunities, where I didn't.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Whatsapp

You are right.. I have always given things at least one good shot:)

Decker profile image

Go for it Floss. You can do it - slow and steady. As mfamilias says, you will never know you can unless you try it out! 👊💪

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Decker

Hey will, of course be s,low and steady... and i am back up to 10K again after the IC... so i figured, maybe just dip my toe in the water..:I

Decker profile image
DeckerUltramarathon in reply to Oldfloss

That's the spirit Floss! It's just another milestone.

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsHalf Marathon

Mmmm a delicious new challenge! You can do it Floss, I know you can. I am about to start ju-ju’s 10k plan and cannot imagine ever running 10k - but am going to try otherwise I will never know...slow and steady, we can do this. 😘

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Sadie-runs

I am as Bilbo said, ready for a new adventure...

Miller2 profile image

If anyone can do it, you can! X

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Miller2

Thanks you x

JaySeeSkinny profile image
JaySeeSkinnyHalf Marathon

Go for it, Oldfloss . You obviously have an itch that needs to be scratched! The only problem with half marathons and the training involved is finding the time. If you stick to the 10% rule, or take it even more slowly I claim that a HM is doable for anyone whose legs work. After all most of us could walk 21k, even if we were tired afterwards. You can run 10k, you can walk 21k, combine the 2 with a bit of training and off you go!

I found anything up to 16k quite OK. The real effort comes after that. But with the right mental attitude and the right training I have no doubt that you will reach your goal!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to JaySeeSkinny

Thanks you... I figured...just start a plan and take it steadily, enjoy the process and if I do get to the HM point, then do it slowly... :) I think I will just have to take my time... :)

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatHalf Marathon in reply to Oldfloss

I totally agree with JaySeeSkinny . I found the workup to 16k completely doable, but then life got very chaotic to try and fit the time in beyond that at this point in my life. I think you should go for it, take it slowly and enjoy the journey. I REALLY enjoyed the long runs and can't wait to get back to them, but am going to focus on a faster 10k this summer for my fall trail race. The beauty of my plan sub 60 10k plan, is the longest run is 16k... yay! So another vote for "yes! You can totally do it!!!"

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to SaskAlliecat

I shall be slow and steady :) Really..but I am feeling excited now... I just need a plan!!!

I think you will really crack that Sub 60.... :) x

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatHalf Marathon in reply to Oldfloss

Thanks Floss. I’m pretty sure I won’t crack 60 minutes on race day, there is some serious elevation change in it, but hopefully will in my training 🤞. I’m very excited for your training. It would be great if they posted a 10-HM plan on here.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to SaskAlliecat

I like that... elevation change :) I wish there was a plan on here.... trouble is, when you are new to something, it is tricky to find the right one... I have looked at Women's Running and Strava so far!

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatHalf Marathon in reply to Oldfloss

I’d love to see what plan you find when you do. Could you post a link? I never found a great plan and was piece mealing a few different plans. I may’ve been more successful with a better set plan (and a different, less busy time of year for me!)

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to SaskAlliecat

I am printing off the Women's Running Beginners Twelve Week Half Marathon Plan... I followed their 10K plan. the second time I did one...and found it very manageable for me...although I loved Ju's 10K plan the next two time... so I am going to have a good read. I shall be taking a lot longer than the twelve weeks though...

SaskAlliecat profile image
SaskAlliecatHalf Marathon in reply to Oldfloss

It has a vertical gain of 400 metres/1300 feet 😳. I’m hoping to run most of it but the first hill at the beginning is hard to hike let alone run so that’ll likely be a walk. My goal this year is to not be light headed and feel like passing out at the top 😵 like I was with the 5k last year.

ju-ju- profile image

Yay.... you can do it.... maybe we should have a HM plan on here. You got to 5, you got to 10, there is absolutely no way you shouldn’t be able to get to 21..... the art of the possible....

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to ju-ju-

Thanks Ju... that is what I figure.. I just keep on plodding and see what evolves... my next question would be, where to find a plan !!!

Babsicles profile image
BabsiclesHalf Marathon

I’m giving it a go at my pace - go for it

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Babsicles

Thanks.. still in the shall i shan't I..but I need a new adventure :)

boptillyoudrop49 profile image

I know you can do it floss. I would just embark on it, not overthink it too much and see how you go; but if the joy went out of running at some point, I'd reconsider. What is your regular running schedule like these days?

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to boptillyoudrop49

Hey you!!! How are you :)

I feel the same.. this would be a, see what evolves scenario, just like 10K was... I run three times a week, a short, a long and a longer run Sundays, usually.. at least an hour...Mr OF is supportive, and like you has said, as long as you just enjoy... but that will be me anyway...if it stops being fun, I will rethink.

Frank-ntj profile image

Well Floss what can I say, when you started did you ever think 10k was possible? With a steady build up I'm sure you'll thoroughly enjoy it! There's always a walk break if need be but I've every confidence in my running buddy, you go for it! 😉

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Frank-ntj

Thank you Frank... I thought maybe a tad too old to be thinking of this then I thought.. what the heck! I shall just take it steady.. as you say , I said I would never run 10K...x

AnnieW55 profile image
AnnieW55 in reply to Oldfloss

Did predictive text take over? "a tad too old". 😂

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to AnnieW55

It did..just a slip.... :)

Sandraj39 profile image
Sandraj39Half Marathon

Just to add my voice to the masses - yes of course you should and of course you can!! Slow and steady....🏃🏽‍♀️😀

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Sandraj39

No other way for me is there? It will be an exciting venture... but then C25K was too :) Thanks you x

MichaelH070862 profile image

Why not go for it you have the ability you just have to believe in it and I am sure you will do it okay.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to MichaelH070862

How great to hear from you...:) I hope things are progressing well, for you ... and thank you. I am always telling others to have confidence.. time to have a go now :)

MichaelH070862 profile image
MichaelH070862 in reply to Oldfloss

I am doing okay will be starting phase 2 hopefully next week which is for 6 months but you only have to take 5 tablets for a week so you are tablet free for 3 weeks but the tablets are a lot stronger. Oh also did 5k last week took 52 minutes which is only double what I was running so will be interesting to see how quick I am when I am allowed to run.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to MichaelH070862

This is good news. Curlygurly2 told me she had met you :) I think your 5K was fantastic... and you may be surprised when you head out to run again...It will be good to have your posts again... I, like many of us, miss your calm, reassuring and very early !!! posts :) x

MichaelH070862 profile image
MichaelH070862 in reply to Oldfloss

Thank you I will do as I am told once I start.

AnnieW55 profile image

You've asked the question so you've obviously been thinking about it. The answer is the one you want - a resounding yes. You have the knowledge, you know the routine, believe in yourself, find a plan you feel comfortable with and take it steadily to help keep you off the IC. Oh, and don't be surprised to eventually start 'wondering' about the next step 😄

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to AnnieW55

Oh heck... I think you are right... I wanted folk not to laugh, and say YES!!! It is finding the right plan now!!!! Thanks x

AnnieW55 profile image
AnnieW55 in reply to Oldfloss

We'd only be laughing in the sense that another one's been got! Welcome to the club you thought you'd never join.

Oh. And I don't think anyone was ever going to say no. Neither did you, did you?

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to AnnieW55

Not sure.... I still have not done a Park Run.. because of all the other folk there.., and now... I am thinking of something bigger...but..I did think, well, I will be right at the back... so it will be okay!! :)

AnnieW55 profile image
AnnieW55 in reply to Oldfloss

I've only done one, a few years ago. The only time I run with others is during an event - and even then I'm on my own. An event is a different creature entirely, interaction during an event is different and not mandatory.

Tbae profile image
TbaeMetric Marathon

Hi Floss,

As you know I am a novice runner and do not know you that well.🤔

But I do admire you as a Mentor, Administrator and contributor to this forum.👍

Reading your post and replies, I offer the following,

I do not think the T S Eliot is totally appropriate to you,🤔 drop the too and certainly as a mountaineer and climber you have already gone far.🤔

You mention you are no longer built for speed, but your endurance and stamina is unlimited or is your biggest asset .🤔This being the case you know you can run that distance.🤔

I would guess being the meticulous and attention to detail person you are, that you would be totally thorough in your preparation.🤔

So I would encourage you to quantify the commitment to this and to yourself in total hours required.🤔

I have no doubt you could cover 21k, no doubts at all.👍🌟

Personally I can only empathise with the stamina and endurance part but the thought of the total hours of commitment due to the reality of pace long gone is considerable.🤔

No one will ever extinguish your dreams, I think you , if you had to, could run a half marathon with a shortened build up programme, providing it is not your ambition to keep doing them.🤔

Sorry if I have missed the running point🤔 but overall this challenge would not be anymore challenging than a good day in the mountains.🤔The build up preparation is something else.

For sure, either way, you have everyone’s support and admiration.🌟👏👏💫🏃‍♀️💫

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Tbae

The support is what will carry me through...this is just the beginning :) Being retired helps:)

Tbae profile image
TbaeMetric Marathon in reply to Oldfloss


dubnde profile image

Of course it is ridiculous. That is why you are just the right person to do it.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to dubnde

Thanks... I think :) x

mrrun profile image

Look, I'm nearly there. I repeat. I am nearly there.

Today I hamstered around the outer Hyde Park perimeter in my trademark basketball gear trying to figure out how on earth was it possible to get to where I am.

Go for it! Slow and easy, as per your own school of Slow And Easy Method For Doubters and Believers!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to mrrun

Thanks you... I am really good at taking my own advice:)

Langley-Loper profile image
Langley-LoperHalf Marathon

So, a few weeks ago I posted the same dilemma and also received a resounding yes. I think we both knew before we posted we wanted to do it. So I will add my yes to the rest!

And you have the support of Mr OF. I am doing it without the support of Mr L-L. This makes a HUGE difference.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Langley-Loper

It does..he is my biggest fan.... :) Along with small runner in training... :) Thank you... the plan is printed off... :)

aliboo70 profile image
aliboo70Half Marathon

Its an excellent idea Floss, and you can definitely do it! :) any idea which one?? :)

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to aliboo70

Ha ha!!!

Thanks Ali.... I have no idea... are there any that are completely flat :)

I have got a plan that I think is doable... I am going to take it slowly and just enjoy it... I know I can do it... but I know it may take a while!!!

skysue16 profile image
skysue16Half Marathon in reply to Oldfloss

Well don't try the Isle of Skye HM - bit hilly!! ;)

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to skysue16

I am Hilly :) I think not Sue... if I am to do this, I need something, not undulating :)

aliboo70 profile image
aliboo70Half Marathon in reply to Oldfloss

Come to Gosport in November that's a flat one! It was my 1st one xxx do it every year now. Not too big and very friendly and you can see the sea!! Xxx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to aliboo70

Now... November sounds a good distance away, a bit cooler then, and would give me time fora really slow and steady learning curve :) And I love the sea:)

aliboo70 profile image
aliboo70Half Marathon in reply to Oldfloss

You get a lovely goody bag that is cloth and full of goodies and homemade cake and a nice medal!! And you get to pass all the other runners and cheer each other on. It would be fun!!! 😆🏃🏃🏃✔

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to aliboo70

It sounds very, very exciting!!!

aliboo70 profile image
aliboo70Half Marathon in reply to Oldfloss


Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to aliboo70

Now Ali... this looks really good....The course sounds ideal..... absolutely and not feeling overcrowded!!! But it would take some organising, along way from me....... hmmm...very tempting :)

aliboo70 profile image
aliboo70Half Marathon in reply to Oldfloss

Worth a think!!! Weekend away?? It can be very blowy but it's character building!!😊 xxx

lardofale profile image
lardofaleHalf Marathon

Hey young lady! Go for it I say 👍 I did my first hm yesterday only 10 months after taking up running with C25K. You and Tim gave such great advice and support over that journey, it gave me the confidence to try other challenges with 10K etc.

The feeling that you get when you cross the finishing line is unbelievable, go for it gal!! 😉 xx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to lardofale

Thank you... that is really helpful!! I am so thrilled for you... very, very well done:)


Looking forward to reading your Race report too:)

tfcmagpie profile image

I am now in a Jogging Club (Burnham Joggers) and joined in January as I had reached 10K with the help of Ju-Ju but wanted to keep the KM's up each week and the KG off. Struggling with the KG (hovers around 85Kg down from 124.7Kg in July 17), it has worked for me so far from the running point of view. I now compete in 10K races and even a 10 mile run in the Maidenhead Easter 10. However I have warned people to shoot me if they even hear or see me talking about or considering a HM or Full Marathon. Yesterday many club members did Brighton and next week many more are doing London, I tell them they are all mad. They run twice during the week with me and then again for many miles on the Sunday at Marathon Pace. Not for me at all, you give the HM a go though you will smash it!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to tfcmagpie

Thanks for the reply...You have done so well since starting C25K.... :)

As with most of my running progress, this has just evolved, a natural , next step; and as with all of my running, also, it will be done slowly and steadily.

For me, it is all about enjoyment, and this may not be for me..but I am going to begin the plan and see what happens... :)

tfcmagpie profile image
tfcmagpie in reply to Oldfloss

I shall wait to see how you get on. Life is full of challenges and one does not ever know what is round the corner, we just deal with it.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to tfcmagpie

That is what makes it exciting... :)

misswobble profile image

No, I think it’s just an inevitability of being a curious human being. We have to know if we can, and there’s only one way to find out.

We train ourselves. It’s just like C25k and Bridge to 10k.

💪👍🏃‍♀️ She who dares wins!

It’s fun! Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeha 😃

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to misswobble

Yeayyyyyy! Thank you... I am going to give it a go and I am excited !!!!

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply to Oldfloss

Me too 🏃‍♀️👍😃

HeleneCorsa profile image

I have no doubt in your ability to do this, especially if you follow the sage advice of a certain Oldfloss whom you may have encountered on here...

After all, you are sensible and will know if at any point it's no longer what you want to be doing. I think you'll smash it :)

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to HeleneCorsa

It will indeed be slow and steady, but I am fairly excited now.. done some reading around and checked different things out... my biggest problem I feel may be eating enough as the runs get longer! Thank you x

HeleneCorsa profile image
HeleneCorsa in reply to Oldfloss

That's a pretty good problem to have - I am sure you can find an enjoyable way to increase your calorie intake! :)

rolysmate profile image
rolysmateHalf Marathon

oh my, oh my, oh my, Yes Flossy if it's in your head then you should give it a go as it will niggle away at you and you'll always wonder.

If you take up the training and at some point think "no, not for me" then at least you'll know and I'm sure you'll enjoy the running.

Oh and a little like you I think speed is a thing of my past lol xxx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to rolysmate

I have the plan ready to go:)x

Millsie-J profile image

You can do it Floss 🏃🏼‍♀️🏃🏼‍♀️🏃🏼‍♀️🏃🏼‍♀️🏃🏼‍♀️

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to Millsie-J

Fingers crossed:) Fingers crossed:)

wallruns profile image

Go for it. What have you got to lose?

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to wallruns

Errr.... well.... :)

skysue16 profile image
skysue16Half Marathon

How exciting!! Will be following your progress with great interest. Best of luck and enjoy, you will be fantastic :)

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministrator in reply to skysue16

I think it will be very entertaining for everyone to watch my antics... :) I have to learn to eat more too :)

secksy34 profile image

if your thinking about it you want it , if you want it then go get it xxx you will be great slow n steady ( just for a bit longer) x 😁

Oldfloss profile image

I can do that :) I think ... :)

benwill profile image

Na don't do it! if you have to run over 5 miles then get a bus or take the car!

Of course, you should give it a go, why not give it a go, what do you have to lose. but your mind is made up and everyone says to do it, so just go and do it. But whatever you do, never ever think about doing a full marathon.

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